Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 152 - 150

Chapter 152 - 150: Xerox


In a tent settled near the magic carriage, the sleeping Alex suddenly shot awake and gasped desperately for air while clutching his blanket tightly.

His head hurts and was already drenched in a layer of sweat, and his eyes looked unfocused and frantic. It looked as if he had just been jolted awake from a nightmare.

''What was that? Another glimpse of the past of the previous user? That's too scary, The big monster that is. To think he can kill it. No wonder Silveria thinks highly of him. I need to work harder, it doesn't matter, even if he was really strong, I'll become stronger than him and accomplish feat he couldn't.'' Alex declared, his eyes were filled with determination.

Having seen the man's strength, no a glimpse, his will was not crushed. On the contrary, his fighting spirit had been ignited, he currently had one wish which is to surpass that man, to stand at the top. 

Unaware that currently, in another dimension Silveria's Big sister lips curved upward when she heard Alex's declaration.

Alex went outside, summoning a chair from his item box, he used to sit.

Suddenly as if he remembered something, Alex decided to check his status, however, he felt like something was not right. 

'Sil, Sil are you sleeping? Silveria?' 

No matter how many times he called her there was no response, he had already scanned the carriage and saw that Silveria wasn't with Gracier. This meant that she was out. As for what purpose it was unknown.

''Let's wait for her. She must've her reason for going out. In the meantime, I'll check my status to see what kind of gift I have received from the previous owner the guns.'' Alex decided before mumbling status. His status window appeared right before his eyes. He was at his status stared with his mouth agape,

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 64

Experience Value (XP): 800/19900

Magic Power: 3000 (+ (+10) +2000) ✒ 5010

Magic: None

Attack: 1000 (+10) ✒ 1010

Defense: 880 (+10) ✒ 890

Agility: 975 (+10) ✒ 985

Intelligence: 880 (+10) ✒ 890

Luck: 680 (+10) ✒ 690

BP: 20

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level 5 (+10 SP) ✒ Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] (New) [Xerox] (New)

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

''Holy moly. What a wonderful gift. An increase of 2000 MP plus a new special ability. As for Hellsing, I bet it is related to my domain. Gotta check it let. Also, it seems that my level has increased after killing 5 enemies (3 Rank 5, 2 Rank 6, and one Rank 7)"

Just as Alex was about to read the description of his newly acquired abilities, someone appeared behind him, looking at his status before gasping in astonishment. 

''What? When did your MP increase by 2000 MP? You even acquired two new special abilities. Wait that ability Xerox isn't it-" 

''The previous Master ability? It's what you want to ask am I right?" Alex cut Silveria off and asked, he knew that it was her, hence he didn't put his guard up. 

Silveria unconsciously nodded her head. 

''Indeed. It's his ability. I saw him in my dream earlier. As a partying gift he bestowed me this skill and an increase of MP.'' Alex explained.

''I see. No wonder.'' Silveria said however one could notice that she looks saddened while talking. 

Alex was not insensible enough to not know why, even if he had some questions he was planning to ask earlier, he decided to postpone it for later. 

To enliven the mood he switched to another subject. 

''I wonder what this ability is about.'' 

Hearing Alex's words, Silveria chuckled.

''Why not check the description first?'' she suggested.

Alex nodded his head before checking the description of Xerox's ability. 

[Xerox: As the name suggests it is an ability to duplicate one's weapon.

Note: Only works on Silveria.

Cost: 1000 MP for 24 hours, can't use any Unique abilities.]

''Waouh! What a nice ability. With this, I'll have two identical Silveria. Shame I can't use Silveria's unique abilities with it.'' Alex thought before lamenting over the fact that he could not use Silveria's unique abilities.

Silveria couldn't help roll her eyes at him.

'You gain that awesome ability yet you are still unsatisfied, how greedy can you be?' Silveria wondered. 

Paying no heed to Silveria, Alex immediately muttered. 


Instantly an identical Silveria appeared in his hand, he fired few bullets to test out. 

Bang! Bang!!!

It worked perfectly fine, he then switched to shooting some special bullets: Phantom Bullet, Vanishing bullet, and other types of special bullets worked as well. It's a pity that Silveria's special abilities couldn't be used.

Alex thought about something, then Silveria disappeared to reappear as a gun inside his right hand, using the two guns simultaneously, Alex felt like he looks cool and dashing at the moment. josei

Shaking his head to focus on the important stuff, Alex canceled Xerox, Silveria's copy disappeared while Silveria materialized into human form. Standing on his left, she asked. 

''Weren't you curious about Hellsing?"

''I am.'' 

Then why are you not checking it? Silveria wondered with her gaze. 

Chuckling at how impatient Silveria seemed, Alex decided to check Hellsing, the domain he had recently acquired.

{Hellsing: Semi domain where you have absolute control over your Gift.

Special Ability: Suppression, opponent speed halved.

Current domain range: 20 meters.

Make your enemies see Hell. Let's your bullets sing for you.

Cost: 100 MP per second.}

'Holy son of Satan. No wonder.' 

Alex who was nodding his head the further he read Hellsing's description suddenly stopped and cursed when he saw the cost of using his domain which was not even complete. 

''Tch! What a grandiose name for a half domain-" 


Silveria did not manage to finish her words before a crip sounds resounded, Alex had slapped her butt. 

Thankfully she had erected a barrier around them just after she came if not, it would have been embarrassing if Conrad were to come over. Silveria glared at her master. 

''Sorry, I think I saw a mosquito earlier who was about to harm you, so unconsciously my hand moved. Ah! To think that I'm so worried about you that even my hand moved on its own. As expected of me.'' 

Silveria looked at Alex whose shamelessness grew as his level goes up not knowing what to do. 

Alex's face, as he speaks, was so serious that you'd doubt he was lying. However, inwardly he was embarrassed, as he said his hand unconsciously moved to spank Silveria after hearing her words. 

'Wait? Does this mean that I'm attracted by her squishy rear? What I'm even thinking?'

While Alex was berating himself Silveria looked at him with a smile that could make anyone shudder. 

'100 years is not late for a maiden to take her revenge.' 

Alex felt a sudden chill, so unconsciously he looks at his surrounding, however, he didn't find anything, only a Silveria with an impassive face.

Coughing he decided to ask something more important to break the awkward atmosphere surrounding the two.

''Silveria where did you go? Where did you come from?" 

Facing Alex's question, Silveria created a chair and sat in front of him, like this the rascal wouldn't take advantage of anymore. It happened earlier because I was on his left. Silveria thought while outwardly maintain perfect control of her face.

''I went to have a chat with a friend earlier.'' 


It went without saying that Alex didn't believe her, as he was about to get angry, Silveria let out a chuckle before recounting what happened, she didn't hide anything. 

''I see. So something like that happened. I was too careless. Conrad aside, how could I be so careless. Nobody will protect you better than yourself.'' Alex said while promising himself to be more prudent from now on, not neglecting anything.

''Don't be hard on yourself. You just need to be prudent from now on. An unknown organization with an unknown goal is interested in you, this spells nothing good. We must carefully deal with them and do not forget that there is also that Second Princess. She'll make a move once you appeared.'' Silveria warned. 

''Sigh! I know. Being too handsome is a sin.'' 

''Can't you be serious for once?" Silveria asked exasperated by her master's lack of seriousness. 

Alex chuckled before his expression turned serious startling Silveria. 

''Don't worry, I believe that the second Princess will try to get me into her faction.'' 

''Oh? What do you make think so?" Silveria asked amused. 

Rolling his eyes Alex explained, ''Isn't it the natural thing to do? Someone you deemed trash rose from scratch to genius level in the span of two months. Will, you not want him into your faction considering you are after talented individuals to help you get the throne and further develop the empire later on?" 

Facing Alex's question, Silveria saw herself unconsciously nodding her head. Indeed it's true, she would try to recruit Alex into her faction even though their first meeting was bad, this could be fixed, Silveria had the feeling that Katherina will try everything to get Alex into her faction, the current Alex was not bad as Leonardo, no he was better than Leonardo, Silveria could attest this. 

Seeing Silveria lost in thoughts, Alex smiled before saying. 

''Naturally, it went without saying that I'll never accept. Politics is huge no. Only troubles await me if I were to take part in the throne struggle. It will be good if the faction you choose wins but in the case, their loss you're doomed. Even if somehow you end up being recruited by the winner you would be nothing other than a dog without a real position. I've headache just be thinking about it.''

Silveria nodded after listening to Alex's analysis, however, there was still a problem. 

''If you reject every-" 

''Naturally, there are still some problems, however, with Leena's backing, they will think twice before making a move. Even if I'm unaware of her real status it mustn't be weak considering that she is a friend of the principal of the Imperial Magic Academy.'' Alex cut Silveria off and said. 

Silveria nodded her head.

''Silveria, I need your help?" Alex said this with a serious expression on his face. 

Silveria gulped before asking, ''What I need to do?" 

Alex smiled, ''It's simple I want you to appear, I meant to accompany us in the case there is some sort of gathering, like banquet for example. As I said earlier, better count on yourself, Leena may be our ally but I must have another kind of countermeasures in case the shield known as Leena becomes ineffective.'' 

Silveria couldn't help but smile, her current smile was different from her previous ones.

For a moment Alex found himself bewitched by this smile, he quickly shook his head to not fall for this damn black belly divine weapon.

Meanwhile, Silveria was elated, how could she not understand what was Alex hinting at? He wants to use her as a deterrent against his enemies, an elusive powerful master coupled with a powerful backer would make anyone think twice before making a move against him.

''However, there is only one problem with this plan. Is that-" 

''Don't worry, only that boy Leonardo, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya will know my real identity. Ah! There's also Leena but no need to worry, same thing with Maria, Luna, and Sakuya as they are not your enemy. As for Leonardo no need to worry, that fellow will not know because his divine weapon won't say anything, I know his character, Arthur is too prideful. He will only tell this kind of secret only after totally acknowledging Leonardo, something I doubt it's happened.'' Silveria cut Alex off and explained. 

''I see. So that fellow divine weapon spirit is called Arthur? How interesting. Well, from your words no need to fear this backup plan failing. It's only a temporary solution until I become stronger. Ah! I'm tired I'm going back to sleep.'' Alex said before entering his tent, he had come out earlier. 

Silveria let out a chuckle before leaving.

'Those who think master is fool will regret it.'


A/N: By the way, Xerox means duplicate, copy...

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