Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 154 - 152

Chapter 154 - 152: Avalon, The Floating Capital

The next day Alex and others continued their journey. It was nearing evening when they approached the capital.

As the carriage rumbled forward, the towering city walls gradually grew closer and closer. The walls were truly gigantic, over 30 meters tall.

The extravagant exterior of the Magic carriage swiftly caught the attention of the crowd lining up before the city gates. 

"What a beautiful carriage! Where did this noble come from?" 

"Must be from a distinguished noble house."

 The crowd discussed amongst themselves.

 On the other hand, the soldiers guarding the city gates knew just what to look out for.

 "Look isn't it the Flame Prince Conrad?" 

"Indeed it's him. I heard he went on a long-term mission. I guess he's back." 

"The Flame Prince? Hurry up and open the side gates!" 

The guards on duty quickly informed their commander of the arrival of the Flame Prince, and the commander immediately ordered for the opening of the side gates.

At the same time, the crowd before the city gate also opened up a path and stood deferentially to the sides as they watched the carriage race by. Conrad watched all of this with an impassive face, Alex and Gracier marveled at the sight of the gigantic walls as they passed by. 

Once they entered they stopped near a big building. Alex and Gracier watched everything with interest, the capital was truly enormous with paved roads everywhere, with a lot of big and tall buildings.

''Marvelous,'' Gracier said. Alex couldn't help but nod. 

However, Conrad only smiled before saying. 

''We are currently in the outer capital.'' 

''Outer? If this is the outer capital then where is the real capital?" Alex asked confused, Gracier was also confused as well. 

Pointing his finger upward Conrad announced.

''Look up.'' josei

Both Alex and Gracier did as they were told and then, 


They exclaimed loudly, the passerby stopped and looked at them and smiled when they understood why they exclaimed. 

Alex and Gracier were shocked speechless by the sight of a giant floating island in the sky. This island was truly enormous. This floating was covered by giant doom. 

''That is the floating capital of the Drexia empire, Avalon. Let's go.'' 

Conrad said before storing the carriage back into his space ring, he then entered the big building in front of them, Alex and Gracier followed him still overwhelmed by the sight of the giant floating island.

〖Not bad but still lacking compared to us.〗

Silveria said Alex was not in the mood to ask her what she meant. 

After talking with someone at the counter, Conrad and the two accompanied by an attendant entered one of the rooms. 

There was a big magic circle drawn on the floor of the room. 

Even without asking Alex knew that it was a teleportation magic circle. 

Urged by the attendant, the three stepped into the teleportation circle, the attendant activated something, the teleportation circle shined and when the light died down, Alex, Conrad, and Gracier had disappeared. 

They reappeared in another room with an identical teleportation circle. 

Once outside of the big building Alex and Gracier marveled at the sight of Avalon, the capital of the Drexia empire, humanity's strongest empire. 

The capital was truly beautiful with high-rise buildings. 

Alex could see that the Drexia Imperial Palace was built at the center of the capital and he noticed how majestic and grand it looked even from afar because of its massive height that seemed to even touch the skies.

''Do you like what you see?" Conrad asked with a smile. 

''I like it. Beautiful.'' Alex said. 

''Indeed.'' Gracier also affirmed. 

Letting out a small chuckle, Conrad said, ''Let's go.'' 

''Where are we going?" Alex asked as the two followed Conrad. 

''The Adventurer Guil,.'' he said. 

He then added, ''You need to update your guild card. It's necessary now that you've switched location.'' 

''I see. If I'm not wrong the Adventurer Guild here's the headquarter?'' Alex asked.


Meanwhile, as the two were talking, Gracier was looking around like a country bumpkin. It was her first seeing so much tall buildings, it was as if the buildings were competing with each other to see which one would be the tallest. Alex was not too surprised as he had seen more marvelous sight than this, be it's Beijing, Hong Kong, or Dubai, they are unrivaled compared to Avalon, well, Avalon is a floating island, Earth hadn't come up with this kind of technology, maybe they will because humans are exceptional creatures after all.

As they advanced, Alex could see hundreds of bakeries, pubs, and entertainment areas that offered a plethora of culinary choices. Those who felt hungry for something else can enjoy dance, one of the many parks, or one of the many other recreational venues.

''Not bad,'' he said. 

Soon they appeared in front of the Adventurer Guild headquarter, it was a majestic building of Seven floors, each of them was shockingly tall and wide. All the floors together made it seem as if the building pierced the clouds. 

''Indeed the headquarter of the Adventurer Guild, truly prosperous,'' Alex said while observing the building in front of him. He could see the people looking at the building in reverence. 

''Let's go.'' Conrad urged the siblings. 

Alex and Gracier followed and entered through the automatic doors, they were greeted by the usual sight of Adventurers chatting, some were selecting requests. 

However, all noises stopped when they saw the three, no when saw Conrad. 

''The Flame Prince is back.'' 

It was unknown who said this but commotion started just after, the adventurers started whispering. 

''Indeed it's him. I thought he went on a long-term mission?" Adventurer A asked. 

''Fool, he must have finished it is why he is here.'' Adventurer B responded. 

''I'm more interested in the two lasses, why the two are wearing an eye patch? Forget it. The man is so handsome that I want to slap him. Handsome men should go and explode.'' Adventurer C said in frustration, this one was jealous. 

The nearby adventurers chuckled as they could understand the man's feelings.

''Me I'm more interested in the little girl with the red hair. Truly beautiful, a flower in the process of blossoming. I shall try my luck.'' Adventurer D said while licking his upper lip like some kind of pervert. 

Suddenly, Alex glared at him, for a moment the man felt like he had been thrown into hell, his back was drenched in sweat. 

Having noticed the man unusual behavior, some of the adventurers asked him what going on, but his only answer was, 

''Do not mess with those two, especially the man he is dangerous.'' 

Even though they were confused, they choose to not probe as the man was not a weakling, this man is Rank 6 yet he was afraid of an unknown young man with an eye patch, which meant the young man was not simple as he appeared to be.

Conrad brought Alex and Gracier toward one of the receptionists, it was a beautiful Elf lady, strangely she looks like Leena, for a moment Alex mistook her for Leena, however it was not her. 

''Welcome to the Adventurer Guild, how may I help you?" The Elf receptionist asked. 

''Please update their cards,'' Conrad said. 

Alex and Gracier hand over their guild cards. 

While updating the cards, the Elf receptionist mumbled to herself, 'So, it is him? I can't even appraise him, the girl level is 45, it's all I can see. This young man is not simple at all. Guess I should relay the message.' 

The reason the Elf receptionist wasn't able to fully read Gracier was that Ignia had blocked it, even powerful Ranker will only see her level nothing more. 

Unaware of that the Elf receptionist had tried to probe them, Alex and Gracier were observing the first floor, looking at the adventurers who were chatting and laughing, the busy receptionists. Suddenly they heard Conrad's voice.

He had turned to face the them, ''Well, my job is done. See you.'' 

''Thank you.'' Alex thanked him on their behalf.

Smiling Conrad turned to glance at the Elf receptionist one last time before departing. 

Just after he left, the Elf receptionist had finished updating their guild cards. 

''It's finished.'' 

Alex observed the updated card, nothing had changed, except for the location, previously it was written Eria's city, however now it's Avalon. 

''Is there anything we must know?" Alex raised a question just after taking back his guild card.

''Because you two are currently D Rank Adventurer, to take requests you will head toward the second floor. The request from D to C Rank can be taken on the second floor. B Rank request on the third floor, A to AA on the fourth floor. S Rank on the fifth floor. That is all you need to know.'' the Elf receptionist explained. 

''I see. Any recommendations for a good Inn?"

Now that he learned which floor they should go to in case they want to take requests, Alex asked, they were exhausted.

However, instead of suggesting them a good Inn, the Elf receptionist said something unexpected.

''Excuse me, we will talk about lodging later, the Guild master would like to see you two.'' 

''Guild master? Why?" Confused Alex asked, Gracier titled her to the side likely confused.

It doesn't make any sense, they just arrived, they had not done anything that would warrant the guild master's attention unless the guild master knows them or heard about them. 

Shrugging her shoulders the Elf receptionist left her counter and appeared in front of them. 

''Let's go. As for why the guild master wants to see you I don't know.'' 

Somehow Alex did not believe her, nevertheless, he decided to follow her, Gracier followed the two thinking about something.

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