Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 176 - 174

Chapter 176 - 174: Inviting Luna

〖Indeed, she is〗

Silveria's words resounded like a clap of thunder in Alex's ears.

Smiling bitterly he asked, 'Can you tell me her exact Level?' 

Having felt her master's emotional state when he learned that Artemia was stronger than him, Silveria couldn't help ca huckle. It should be noted that Artemia is currently 18 years old, one year older than Alex and others. 

〖Level 71〗she announced. 

'Sigh! She's almost Rank 8. She can be considered to at the peak of Rank 7. I need to work harder. There is always someone stronger than you no matter what you'll do. Even so, I'll be the one to stand at the apex.' Alex declared. 

〖Oh? So, you want to take the Supreme Being's place?〗Silveria playfully teased her master. 

'I will do it.' Alex declared proudly. 

Silveria was dumbfounded by Alex's words for a moment before she burst into laughter, she laughed hard. 

〖I'm looking forward to it to that day.〗she said before adding, 

〖We need to start training hard as soon as possible.〗

'I know.' Alex responded. 

Unbeknownst to them, the moment Alex declared he will stand at the top and even takes the Supreme being's place, in a distant place, in a place so beautiful that no word could be used to describe it, a man whose face was shrouded by a mist could be seen sitting on a purple throne, this man let out a chuckle when he heard Alex's declaration. 

''You want to take my place? Sure if you can take the responsibility that comes along with it, I do not mind. You're sure an interesting creation.'' he then shifted his gaze from Alex to look into a certain space, a sealed space.

The man couldn't help but sigh, he is omnipotent, yet at the same time, he's not. How contradictory. 

''I wonder what this one will accomplish.'' he wondered.


~Back to Alex's Location.

Class continued for another two hours. Today's class was about end. 

Suddenly, Alex raised his hand as he had a question, a question which was bothering him since some time ago. 

After he received Chris's authorization, he stood up and raised his question, 

''I want to know if you former gods who had disappeared were true gods?" 

Silence descended upon the classroom, Artemia's eyes widened for a moment before she let out a small giggle, she made sure that nobody noticed this. 

Chris sighed, he seemed he hadn't expected this kind of question, still he decided to use this chance to clarify some of the misunderstandings most students have.

''Do you all know that he currently in the middle realm? That there's the higher realm, meaning higher world than this one?" He asked. 

Everyone nodded their heads, it was a truth that all of them know, however as for how to go into the higher realm it's unknown. 

''Good, then do you believe that God Realm here is strongest on the other side?'' Chris asked. 

The students did not answer, however, this could be taken as an answer. There will Higher realms than God Realm in the Higher worlds. What is considered strongest here can be the weakest on the other side, so there's no way God Realm, it was to say, the previous gods are true gods.

''Because we have been cut apart from the rest of the other realms we don't know the limit, how strong people on the other side are. Some people speculated that our world was from the Higher plane, it's to say Higher realm. How can a world existing in the higher plane fall back to the Middle plane? The answer to this question remained unknown. Well, it's only a speculation. Ah! My bad I'm going off-topic already. To answer your question Alex, I'll say it's no. They are not true gods. To be called God, you need to advance into Level 200. Even though we don't know anything from the other side, we know for sure that, Level 200 is not the limit, it's said that Level can reach 999, as for what is beyond that, we do not know. Considering the Realms beyond our God Realm we do not know. You may find out if one you manage to set foot in the Higher plane, something I doubt will ever happen. So, our Gods can be called Fake Gods as well, only by being on the other side that we will come to learn about the real realms.'' 

Chris explained, his explanation cleared a lot of doubts most of the students had, and at the same, it opened their eyes that this was just the beginning, this was the true stage, the true stage is on the Higher plane.

Unfortunately, it impossible for any of them to ascend to the higher plane (Realm), nobody has managed to do it since thousand years ago. 

''Thank you teacher for the explanation,'' Alex said before sitting back. 

Immediately he asked Silveria a question, josei

'Is there any to ascend to the higher plane?'

〖There is no way, it's what I would have liked but that would be a lie. There is a method, let's talk about it later but I'll give you a little hint, you already know about it.〗Silveria said not giving any more details.

'I already know it? Could be?' Alex thought about it for a moment before finally understood. This method must be related to Artemia and Elseria's goal. 

'Huh! I need to become stronger.' he murmured.

Everything comes down to strength, he was still weak. If he's powerful enough he will know the secret of the world, nobody will entrust something to someone weak. 

Finally, today's lesson ended, however, the others still had another class to attend, Magic Class. And because of Alex's ineptitude to use magic, he couldn't attend this class hence after the end of Chris's class he chose to go home.

''See you tomorrow, Leo.'' Alex and patted Leon's shoulders. 

''See you tomorrow, bro,'' Leon said while still thinking how unbelievable it was for Alex to be unable to use magic. At first, he did not believe Alex's words because the latter possesses a monstrous amount of Magical Power, his MP surpassed everyone in this room, yeah everyone, it even surpassed Chris. But Alex assured him that he was not lying, Gracier confirmed this claim as well, even Maria and her friends confirmed Alex's words. 

'I'm impatient to know what your Gift is.' Leon muttered while looking at the leaving Alex's back. 

After chatting with Gracier, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya, Alex decided to leave. 

Most of the students were surprised, (those who doesn't know that Alex couldn't use magic) when they learned that Alex won't participate in the Magic class. Damien became vigilant when he learned this because he was only interested in Luna, nothing else mattered to him, he did not know that Alex could not use magic, he was wondering why he possesses such a monstrous amount of MP then.

'Maybe it is related to his Gift? Well, it doesn't matter. I just hope he won't get too close to my goddess more than he should. She's mine.'

Damien said while glaring at Alex. He had already designated Alex as his enemy because he could feel that was something between the two, some kind of connection. Blinded by jealousy he started to see Alex as an enemy, some he must get rid of, he had already forgotten about the Pope's order to tried to befriend Alex. At this point, there was no way he was going to remember that order, to him getting Luna was a must, not because they needed her in their empire but because of his interest. 

Therefore when he saw his object of interest, he soon to be a woman looking at someone else other than him, it pisses him off so much that he ground his teeth. Because he couldn't act he can only glare at Alex, his eyes filled with hatred.

On the other side, Alex who was leaving the classroom suddenly stopped and looked back as he felt a sudden hostility. This hostility was coming from Damien, Alex immediately knew the reason for his hostility, it must be related to Luna. 

Grinning evilly Alex spun back and went towards Maria and others, he stopped in front of Luna and announced. It was something he planned to do tomorrow but he decided to do it today. He was not planning to secretly court this girl, so why hesitate to make it known publicly.

''Luna, I want to invite you on a date the day after tomorrow.'' 

Silence. Absolute silence. 

The students who were preparing to go to the Magic class stopped and looked at Alex, they were surprised by Alex's words. Ferris, Eris, and Kuina's eyes were wide open. Leon was grinning, giving Alex a thumbs up. Maria and Sakuya were smiling, while Gracier was nodding her head as if to say 'How bold as expected of my brother.'

Artemia and Lilith had already left, if there were present, their reaction would be interesting. Leonardo did not say anything, however internally he was boiling mumbling how dare he. 

There was something who was more infuriated than he was, Damien, his face at the moment was pale, he was trembling, if looks could kill, Alex may have died a thousand times already. 

Everybody waited for Luna's reply, the latter was surprised by Alex's sudden word. Even if she knew Maria's condition, and was aware of the fact that Alex may approach her in the incoming days, she was still caught off guard. 

Luna remembered her best friend's words, 'I've already done what I can, the rest is up to you. Stop hesitating. What if he doesn't remember you? You just have to make him remember. So, no more hesitation.'

'Yeah, no more hesitation.' Luna gave herself an illusionary slap. 

Locking eyes with the man she knew since the past, the man who had forgotten about her, Luna put on her most beautiful smile and said. 

''Why not? I shall gladly accept. Please take care of me.''

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