Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 215 - 213

Chapter 215 - 213: Assassination Attempt 1: A Deadly Luna

Alex with Luna on his shoulders was walking back to their villa when suddenly, he accel-ed, disappearing from where he was to reappear twenty meters away. The expression on his face was serious, even the smile on Luna's face had disappeared.

A black blade landed where the was, the ground melted, this indicated that there was a corrosive poison on the blade.

Luna had already left Alex's shoulders and was standing beside him while vigilantly looking around. She was so furious that she started emitting killing intent, someone dares to disturb her peaceful moment with her man. They must have a death wish, she could roughly sense few assassins lurking in the dark. 

When she glanced at Alex, she saw him relaxed, there was no hint of fear on his fear, on the contrary, it seemed like what he had been waiting for has come.

Looking into the dark alley Alex said with a long sigh, 

''I have expected something like this the moment I used my power. Someone must be afraid that I may become a threat, so better deal with me.''

Luna's eyes widened, even though she thought something like this would happen she had not thought it would be this soon.

Alex's killing intent soared, he knew that people are protecting him and his sister in the dark, it was because of that only the weaklings appeared here. Being targeted like this piss him more than anything. 

''However, did you think it will be easy?" 

Just after he said those words he disappeared, unbeknownst to the assassins hiding thinking he couldn't spot them, he was already aware of their position thank his divine sense. 

Alex appeared behind one of the assassins, startling the latter to death. 

''What? H-" 

He didn't even finish talking before his head left his body and danced in the air. Blood spurted from the headless body like a fountain. 

Alex had already disappeared from there, so no blood landed on him. The remaining assassins quickly moved, three launched their deadly blades at him. 

Those blades were too fast, kicking the ground Alex did a backflip dodging the blades, once in the air his head towards the ground he extended both his hands, two silver guns appeared in them. 

Spinning he fired, bullets tore through the air at sonic speed piercing two unlucky assassins. Life slowly left their eyes, until the end they were still unable to understand how Alex's reaction could be this fast, it was like he had perfect control over his body and his Gift, he even located them. They may be weak compared to the others, however, never would they have thought of dying so quickly in front of the target at the same level as them.

Fear assaulted the remaining assassins, not even a minute had passed and they have all lost three men. Two of them charged toward Luna who was standing there blankly as if not understanding what was happening. 

'This one is just a pretty flower. We will capture her to threaten that boy to obediently accept his death. Once we are done, the Supreme being will praise us and reward us handsomely.' Thought the two assassins. 

They were too focused on their fantasy to notice Luna secretly smirking, while Alex ignored them and concentrated all his attention on the last assassins. Unlike others whose levels were not different from his, this one is stronger, he should be around Level 74, meaning a Rank 8.

Both were vigilantly staring at each other.

Meanwhile, just as the two assassins neared Luna, she quickly summoned her staff and hold it fearfully. She was even trembling.

One of the assassins smirked seeing this, holding her blade in a reverse grip he sent a deadly strike toward the trembling girl. The other moved to want to take Luna from behind.

However, Luna who was trembling suddenly grinned startling the assassin in front of him, she even let go of her staff. 


Muttered the assassin before a fist covered in water glove connected to his nose, breaking it, like a ragdoll he was sent flying. Even though the second assassin was surprised by this unexpected situation, he decided to continue.

Luna lowered her body until almost touched the ground, the second assassin blade passed over her head. 

Surprised by this unexpected move, the assassin was almost caught off guard, he quickly crossed his arms to block Luna's kick. 

She sent a kick toward the assassin pushing him back before flipping her body up using her hands. 


Because of what she was wearing, her underwear became visible as she jumped into the air. Even though he was locked in a silent war with the leader of this group of the assassin, Alex still has enough time to spare to watch what happening on his fiancée side. Seeing that her underwear became visible, he fired as a warning toward the man, 'Don't you dare to even peek.' It is what his shot meant.

Silveria couldn't help but chuckle because of Alex's unexpected jealousy. 

Luna summoned her staff and used it to block the first assassin blade, somehow he had recovered. Using her free hand she shot a light beam at the assassin. 

The light beam was too fast and came from a tricky angle, hence the assassin couldn't avoid it, it pierced his left thigh stopping his movement. 

Sensing the second assassin's incoming attack, Luna rotated her staff, she used the head staff (it's a little bit curved) to drag the second assassin toward the incoming attack. 

She sidestepped enough to let the second assassin pass her body. Everything happened too fast, both assassins didn't expect such a move as such their reactions got delayed. The first assassin shifted his blade into the opposite side to not injure his colleague, he tried shifting his body, however, it was already too late, both assassins collided headfirst.

They got momentarily dazed because of the concussion their brains received. 

And how could Luna let go of a such perfect chance to finish them off? He quickly pointed her finger at them and commanded, 

''Destroy my enemies. Water Spear.'' 

A five meters long spear made of water appeared and was hurled at the two assassins who haven't recovered yet. 

The leader of this group of assassins wanted to move to save his men, however, he couldn't move as Alex's locked him in place with his killing intent. He couldn't only watch helplessly as his men were going to die.

At the last moment, the first assassin used his colleague's body as a meat shield to avoid certain death. Even so, he was blasted back as the water spear exploded after piercing through the second assassin's body. The body exploded covering the injured assassin in gore and blood, he lay on the ground puking blood. 

Sensing Luna slowly approach him, he knew his death has come. Glaring at the angelic-looking woman who played the rabbit to lure them into a trap, the assassin cursed. 

''You will die an horrible death you bitch.'' 

Luna wasn't offended but such a rude words, smiling she said, 

''Remember to tell King Yama that it's a bitch that killed you.'' 

She then brought down, her staff, she aimed it toward the assassin's head, however,

suddenly she stopped. 


Suddenly, a sound of mad laughter could be heard, it came from the assassin laying on the ground. 

''Haha, cough- cough. Die you bitch, it's what you get for you underestimating your enemy.''

The said assassin waiting for Luna's body to fall on the ground. 

However, no matter how much he waited nothing happened. It was then he noticed that something was amiss.

His leader sighed while Alex chuckled, it seems that the assassin had underestimated Luna too much. The moment he fired that poisonous needle at Luna because he thought that she would have let her guard down as she was bringing her staff down, a white barrier appeared in front of Luna blocking the poisonous needle. 

Too sure of his sneak attack, the assassin failed to notice this. 

Luna may not have much experience fighting against humans here but back on Earth, she had suffered numerous assassination attempts to know how deadly assassins can be (due to her father's job, Maria's father's hand man. Maria's father is a Cartel's boss).

Even when you thought you have their back against the hall after a deadly strike, it is at that moment an assassin would be the most dangerous. So, she had never let her guard down because the assassin was at death's door.

Sighing heavily Luna said, ''I thought I would send you off with a kick death, however, now I have changed my mind.'' 

At the end of her words, she flicked her fingers, the assassin turned pale in fright as even he couldn't perfectly see, he was able to see numerous small water spears pointed downward the moment Luna flicked her fingers. josei

Another flicked brought more than thirty small water spears rained down on the poor assassin. Not even a bone was left behind after Luna's small spears disappeared.

Both Alex and the leader of the assassin feel a chill running down their spine, especially the leader as she couldn't believe such an angelic girl to be this ruthless, she was even smiling. He knew ttoday'smission was a failure, maybe not as the others are still fighting. Who knows a miracle may happen.

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