Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 222 - 220

Chapter 222 - 220: Another Ambush

While Alex was trying to conquer the Endless Forest, outside in the real world Luna and Gracier were leaving the Blue Haven Villa to go to Maria's villa.

En route Gracier kept looking at Luna strangely until the latter couldn't take it anymore, therefore she asked. 

''What's the matter?'' 

''Big sister Luna why are you shining today? What I meant you look more beautiful, your skin became more flawless. What's your secret? What happened last night for you to change so much?" josei

Luna put on a troubled expression not knowing what to say. It's not like she could say it's because I had a wonderful night with your brother. 

Smiling helplessly Luna said, ''Don't worry you will understand one day, yes one day.'' 

Upon hearing her response, Gracier cocked her head in confusion.

''What does that mean? Can you be more accurate?" 

Luna couldn't help but blush thinking it would have been great if Alex was here. He may know a way to deal with Gracier.

Just as Luna was hesitating about how to respond, she saw their villa appear in the distance. She breathed a sigh of relief and switched the subject. 

''Look we have arrived.'' 

Even though she wanted to continue questioning Luna, Gracier knew that now wasn't the time. 

Unlike Alex's villa, the girl's villa wasn't gigantic, however, in them of beauty, it doesn't lose too much. 

After bypassing the guards, Luna and Gracier entered the villa. Maria and Sakuya were in the training ground, so the girls went directly there. 

When the two arrived at the training ground they saw Maria and Sakuya fighting using Shinai. They stopped the moment Luna and Gracier entered. 

While wiping away their sweat using a towel given to them by one of the butlers, Maria and Sakuya approached the duo.

''Morning Lû.'' 

Maria greeted her childhood friend with a warm smile. Even though she appears calm on the outside, inside it wasn't the case she was surprised to see Luna glow. This could mean only one thing, she did that thing.

''Morning Xia. I knew you two would be training as usual.'' Luna replied with a smile in turn. 

Sakuya didn't say anything for a moment, she observed Luna, she even went around the latter to sniff her. 

''What are you doing Sakuya? Have you become a dog?" Luna was amused.

Sakuya ignored Luna's question and continued doing what she started. 

Suddenly, she burst into laughter, Sakuya laughed hard, still laughing she said.

''Our little Lû has become a woman. Wow! Alex is quick. As expected of the man I choose.'' 

Both Luna and Maria rolled their eyes when they heard Sakuya's words. 

However, there was someone interested in Sakuya's words, 'has become a woman' to be more exact.

''Morning Onee-san,'' Gracier said.

The moment Sakuya heard the word onee-san she froze before turning to face Gracier with her most dazzling smile.

''What's the matter Gracier-chan?" 

''What becomes a woman mean?" Gracier asked with an innocent smile.

Like Luna, Sakuya was lost for words, however, being what she is she decided to explain things to her sister. It's the big sister's responsibility to explain things to her little sister.

Like a good teacher Sakuya opened her mouth to explain, ''When you heard someone became a woman, it means that-"


Sakuya was cut short, she couldn't finish her explanation because Luna appeared right before her and sent a punch straight to her face. 

If not for Sakuya fast reaction, she would have suffered. When she noticed Luna appear before her, she hastily created a wind shield in front of her trying to negate Luna's punch. She thought that she could stop her, however, reality taught her otherwise, it wasn't a normal punch.

''Do not corrupt such pure girl or else" Luna said while cracking her knuckles.

''Tch!" Sakuya clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Gracier was dumbfounded by the current situation. 'It is one thing if you don't want to explain things to me, however, why are you stopping someone who wanted to?' Gracier asked herself perplexed.

''You two stop it.'' Maria started walking forward to suddenly froze in place. 

Because Luna had used her left hand to punch Sakuya, the ring on her left hand became visible. 

Maria's eyes widened, her expression turned sour, however, she quickly changed it. 

''Congratulation Lû.'' she said feeling happy for her friend. The previous emotion had disappeared, she knew it was jealousy.

Luna blushed hearing Maria's words, it was at that moment Sakuya noticed the ring Luna was wearing. Like Maria she was surprised before she started to smile, she didn't forget to congratulate Luna while thinking she will be the next. 

After exchanging few jokes. Luna explained to the girls what happened last night. Hearing that Alex and she got ambushed by black-clothed men, the girls decided to head out. Their destination was the Adventurer Guild. They decided to take a simple quest to complete. They must gain strength to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Once inside the guild, they selected an orc subjugation quest. Seeing four beautiful girls, whispers started flying here and there.

Ignoring them the girls left the guild toward the orc's subjugation location. 

It was a forest located northwest of the outer capital. 

Along the way, the girls killed few goblins. The orc's village was located in the depth of the forest. 

However, just before arriving, Maria stopped because the forest had become too quiet around this area. 

''Sakuya,.'' Maria called out.

''I know,'' Sakuya responded. She held her hand out. A white mist came out from her and was dispersed into the air.

Shortly after Sakuya who closed her eyes opened them and declared, 

''Twelves enemies divided into three groups.''

Gracier's body tensed when she heard that. 

''Don't worry, nothing will happen with us three here,'' Luna said trying to comfort Gracier. 

This seemed to have worked because Gracier became calm after hearing Luna's words. 

In another location, the twelve gray robbed men lying in ambush were not aware that they have been spotted. 

The leader of this group was wondering why did their vice guild master ask them to wait for this group here. 

Suddenly, the leader felt a chill down his spine, so unconsciously he spun around, his soul almost left his body. 

Maria should be standing fifty meters away appeared in front of them. Holding two crystal daggers emitting one-chilling energy she danced. The leader was quick on his feet as he jumped back, however, his comrades weren't lucky. 

In the blink of an eye, numerous daggers slashes were sent, blood splattered from the bodies of the four gray robbed men like fountains spraying into midair. Their streams of blood coalesced into the shape of blood ice blades that swooped down and slashed at them. Before they let out a shriek, they were pierced in the chest by the bloody ice and flew into before getting nailed against the trees.

After Maria was done with the four, she spun to look at the leader. 


Facing the smiling Maria, the leader's decision was swift, he decided to flee for his life. 

'What a joke. I'm slightly stronger than the other. Seeing how quickly they have been dispatched I stand no chance. Screw the mission, my life is more important. Who knows what the vice guild master is thinking. He may have sent us to be butchered.' 

While thinking that the leader fled, leaving his subordinates behind. 

Maria was flabbergasted when she saw the leader running away. Her eyes became cold, she created an ice spear, and before throwing it. 

Poof! Boom! 

It was instakill, the leader didn't have the time to dodge before being pierced and blasted into smithereens as the ice spear exploded.

In another location, Luna dashed straight into the group of gray robbed men like a streaking meteor, crashing onto her victims.


Before one of the unfortunate men figured out the situation, it was plowed into a corpse underneath Luna's feet. In this thunderous explosion, the surroundings couldn't help but rumble, where cracks spread across the ground. The mighty impact proliferated in powerful airwaves, striking and blasting away the others that couldn't evade in time. In an instant, the area around Luna was cleanly swept. Apart from the spiderweb-like fissures underneath her feet, there was nothing else left. 

If one looks at Luna currently, one could see her glowing in holy light. It was her new special ability. She doesn't how but somehow she gained a new ability. This ability strengthen her muscles temporarily, giving her superhuman strength for a short period.

Before the poor men thrown away could retaliate they were crushed by Luna's mighty punches. 

''How barbaric,'' Sakuya commented before moving. 

In flash, she disappeared and when she reappeared she was already in the middle of the last group. 

This group was surprised, however, they tried to counterattack, unfortunately, Sakuya's katana was faster. 

When she moved dozens of slashes were sent, heads flew into the air, blood spurted from the headless bodies like a fountain. Sakuya had already left, no blood landed on her. She reappeared where she was and sheathed her Katana.

The fifteen men were eliminated in flash. This surprised the one behind this mission. 

Hiding in another location was a man dressed in dark gray robbed, it was this man that used an illusion to deceive the fifteen men pretending to be the vice guild master because like the vice guild master he had golden hair and golden eyes.

''Wow! They are sure interesting. I want them. Especially that blue-eyed hot babe.'' muttered the man with a lecherous expression, when suddenly his expression changed.

Coming toward him was a flame arrow. It was fired by Gracier who was sensed his position.

Knowing that now wasn't the time, the fake vice guild master decided to leave, however, before leaving he glanced at Gracier, more accurately, her eyes, her left eye.

''I want it,'' he said before disappearing.

Back to the girl's side.

''How was it? Did you manage to-" 

Before Maria could finish her question, Gracier shook her head.

''I see. How unfortunate. We didn't find anything before we could investigate the gray robbed men's bodies they burst into flame. Hah! How troublesome, let's go back.'' Maria said, the others nodded, they were not in the mood to continue today's quest any longer.

Unaware of what happened outside, Alex was struggling in the Inner Zone.

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