Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 234 - 232

Chapter 234 - 232: Ready For Tomorrow

Only if Alex and Silveria knew that at the moment somewhere, extremely far were a group of people shrouded by a mysterious light, making it impossible to see their features.

When they heard Alex's hypothesis, they all chuckled finding Alex amusing.

While the words he said held some truth, they still found it amusing. 

''Let's hope he will be different than the others.'' 

Someone among them said it was hard to identify this person's gender. 

The others did not answer the voice's ow only nodded as if to say 'We hope so.'


Back to Alex's side. 

Seeing that Silveria seemed to be thinking about what he said Alex chuckled at how serious she appears.

''Well. Do not take what I said seriously. I'm just speculating. Only the concerned party will say if it's true or not. Just know that there is nothing perfect in this world.'' Alex announced.

Breaking free from her formulating thoughts, Silveria nodded in understanding.

''Time to check the second seal.'' Alex declared and checked his death's eye.

『[Death eye: A special eye with numerous abilities. 

1st lock: Fear: You will be able to induce fear into your enemies just by looking at them in the eyes. Makes them relive their deepest fear.

Create an illusion and makes your enemies experience hell.

Cost: 500 MP.

Note: Does not work on enemies two Ranks higher.

2nd Lock:

  ✒ Foresight: Able to predict some of your opponent's actions. 

Cost 20 MP per second.

  ✒  Premonition: Ability to predict the future to some extent. 


3rd Lock: Sealed 』

''Wow! I finally understood why I was able to calmly deal with Ceros' attacks after I stood up back then. However, there is something I'm curious about.'' Alex said after looking at his death's eye. 

''Well, I'm listening,'' Silveria responded. She had more or less guessed what Alex would ask. 

''I have noticed that when I combine my death's eye with my domain, my opponent's speed seems to reduce. I want to know if this ability is related to my right eye. The ability to control time.'' 

As expected Alex's question confirmed her guess. 

''I will not answer this question you will have to find out on your own. Better experience it yourself.'' Silveria said. 

Alex was not surprised by her answer as he had expected such an outcome, however, Silveria's last word can be interpreted as an answer. 

''Let's go back but first I'm must allocate my BP,'' Alex said while allocating his BP on his 

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7]

Level 66

Experience Value (XP): 0/18900

Magic Power: 5070/5070

Magic: None

Attack: 1550

Defense: 1450

Agility: 1580 (+20 BP) ✒ 1600

Intelligence: 1450

Luck: 1230

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5] [Synthesize Level 3] [Shadow Shift Level 1]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer]』

''I can't wait to explore the dungeon. I wonder how much stronger I will be once I left the dungeon.'' Alex murmured before he was brought to the Illusionary Battlefield.

Silveria did not immediately follow him. She stood hovering in for a moment before letting out a chuckle. Looking in a certain direction she snapped her fingers and a cloud of black smoke was caught. This black smoke was hiding in the ground, Alex didn't even notice that there was something under him.

''Well, what should I do about you my dear Ceros?" Silveria wondered while looking at the struggling black smoke. 

If Alex was here, he would be shocked speechless as the one he thought he killed was somehow alive. Well, technically it was not the case, the current Ceros is different from the real one as he none of the memories of the truth Ceros. He was like a newborn, before dying Ceros had split his soul into two, one was destroyed while the other, the new one went into hiding. 

Unfortunately, Silveria had seen through Ceros's scheme, therefore she waited to take care of this hidden threat. 

With another flick, Silveria crushed the black shadow, forever erasing him from this world. 

Smiling as if she was just done something trivial, Silveria disappeared.


Back in the real world, Alex woke up to find out that it was already evening. 

After freshening up, Alex stepped into the hall for dinner as he was feeling rather hungry, few hours may have passed outside, however, for him, days have passed.

Just as he stepped into the dining room Alex saw Luna placing foods on the table. It seemed that she knew he would be waking up soon, therefore with Gracier's help she cooked something for him. 

A gentle smile found his way on Alex's lips when he saw the girls.

''Evening girls. How was your day?" He asked.

''Evening Lex.'' 

''Evening brother.'' 

''Please take sit. Let's not talk about us for now. You must be hungry just eat.'' Luna forced him to sit and eat. 

Alex nodded his head before taking a sit between the two girls. 

After his first spoon, he couldn't help but gobble everything as the meal was too delicious. 

''Delicious. I will not say thank you as we are already a family. There is no need for a thank you between us.'' Alex said while wiping his mouth. 

Luna and Gracier smiled pleased that their efforts had paid. 

After dinner and a light dessert, the tree played for a while, a card game. Alex won most of the matches. Silveria who had joined them midway couldn't help but comment.

''You should allow women to win," She stayed silent for a moment before adding "That's a gentleman thing to do."

Alex looked at her and replied, "The gentleman thing is to treat them as equal challengers and enjoy the game, instead of patronizing them."

"He is so different from the rest! Always treating everyone equally with respect!" 

Gracier thought with admiration. 

After spending another hour with the girls Alex retreated to his room after whispering something into Luna's ears.

Later, she joined him to spend some time with him. It was then he learned what happened to the girls. He vowed to make the culprit pay but for now, he must think about tomorrow's match, Leon will not be an easy opponent. 

Thinking about his friend, Alex couldn't help but smile. ''I hope you will not disappoint me.'' 

He then closed his eyes to sleep.


At the same time elsewhere, a figure could be seen fighting against a giant monster shrouded in black inside a forest illuminated by blue crystals on the ceiling.

Everything was happening at speed impossible to describe, with an exploding dash the giant monster instantaneously reached Leon. Despite this, he smiled and said, "You are fast indeed but I can see you."

Turning around in a flash, he fiercely smashed the hammer in his hand onto the ground.


A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud. Simultaneously, black flames swirling with golden lightning rippled outwards as shockwaves.josei

The giant monster staggered back, its eyes reflecting the incredible sight of Leon's towering body. 

Leon was rushing through the mushroom cloud, splitting the mushroom cloud apart. His speed wasn't less than that of the monster. 

In a flash, he was already before the monster. He smashed his hammer on the monster's head, however, instead of feeling the sensation of crushing ahead, Leon felt nothing. He had hit empty air, only an afterimage. 

The monster appeared behind him, grinning Leon let go of his hammer, his fists became covered in flame. 

Bang! Bang!

He punched the hell out of the stunned monster who was not expecting such a move. 

Bang! Boom! 

Joining his two hands together, Leon smacked the head of the giant's monster onto the ground. 

A big crater was created and the monster lay there unmoving, his head had been crushed by Leon's flame hand hammer. 

Heaving a sigh Leon felt extremely tired but happy nonetheless as he had achieved his goal. He had level once bringing his level at the same level as Alex. 

''Your highness you must return. Her majesty is furious that you came back so soon.'' 

A butler appeared in the forest where Leon was fighting against a monster. He kneeled and reported.

''Tch! The old man is annoying as always. Tell him that I'm already going back as I have achieved my goal. I must give my friend a good fight if not I would be letting him down. He must be trying his best knowing him and as his good friend I must do the same.'' Leon said while putting on a shirt because he was topless, his previous shirt got destroyed in his fight. 

Before the butler could say anything Leon added before vanishing. 

''And do not come asking me if he is worth it. He worth everything things I did. He is the friend whom I have selected after all.''

The butler couldn't help but sigh unaware that the ruler of the Lionheart empire, his emperor was watching everything from the shadow. He laughed when he heard his son's words. 

''Son you have matured. I'm proud of you. Do as your heart dictate you to do.'' He said before turning around and left. 

He couldn't help but become curious about the man his son values so much. He even thought for a moment that maybe he should slip away and go watch tomorrow's match. However, in the end, he decided against it as that blue head might think that he was planning something.

'Hah! It's rather bothersome to be emperor. I wish I can be free like a bird, go where I want, do what I want.' The Emperor lamented.

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