Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 239 - 237

Chapter 239 - 237: The Final 2

Alex and Artemia kept moving around while exchanging moves at high speed.

Clangs! Clangs! Clangs! 

They were able to perfectly parry the other's attack no matter what angles it was sent from. 

Suddenly Alex let go of one of his knives surprising Artemia. Her movement faltered, using this chance Alex accel-ed to reappear behind her, his knife aimed at her back, however, halfway through it was stopped by a blue barrier. 

It was now the turn of Alex to be surprised. Artemia did not wait for a second before sending her next attack. Without turning around, she sent her left leg to strike Alex's head while her right leg was still on the ground. It was an acrobatics feat that left one's mouth agape.

Being caught off guard as he hadn't thought that Artemia's body was this soft, Alex was pushed back. 

Before he could stabilize his body, Artemia followed with another attack. 


The glaive coming toward his head was pushed back Silveria's bullet. Alex jumped back, putting some distance between them. 


Like a missile, Alex shot forward sending dozens of slashes toward Artemia. The latter moved her glaives at incredible speed. 

Once again they vanished from the audience's sight. 

Clangs! Clangs! Clangs !!!! 

Most of the audience was not able to follow, they only saw sparks flew in the air. 

Of course, for those able to see what was happening, they could only click their tongue in marvel. Both speeds had doubled. Their bodies seemed to be in perfect synchro with their thoughts, the way they attacked, the way they dodged using the minimal movement was surprising, one slight mishap could cause a heavy injury.

Some people in the spectator's area couldn't help but shiver when they thought about how helpless they would be should they face any of those two. Those two are truly monsters.

Finally, after one final blow, the two of them stopped moving and began seizing each other again. 

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Their breaths were ragged and because they wore each an armor, their upper body was fine, their injuries were on their hands, it was only some light cuts.

The result of this exchange could be said to have resulted in a draw. 

'Even though I had expected her to be this fast. It still surprises me. Well, truth be told I'm frustrated. I thought speed was my specialty, that I was the fastest. Guess I was wrong.' 

 Even though he complained, he had to admit that he was loving this fight. This was different from all of his others fight, it could be said that he meets his match.

'Hahaha~I am really transforming into a battle maniac.' Alex couldn't help but mumble this. 

Artemia, on the other hand, put on her most dazzling smile, she couldn't help but feel giddy with anticipation. It has been a long time since she didn't feel her blood boil in such a way. Her match against Maria ended up too quickly. It is not that Maria is weak, no, far from that she could be considered strong, extremely strong, however, not strong enough for Artemia to fight to her heart content. 

However, Alex in front of her was different. He could give her the thrill she seeks. 

''I shall show you my greatest speed.'' She announced. 

Alex's eyes narrowed when he heard her words. 

From her words, she was going to use the greatest power she had at her disposal.

Blue lightning dancing around her body as if to worship her. Then she uttered,

[God's Speed] 

Zila~ Boom! 

Even though he saw her coming, he couldn't dodge as she was beyond the word fast. 


The entire arena trembled as Alex was propulsed like a rocket into the air. 

Boom! Bang! Boom!! 

In the span of seconds, Alex was sent flying again and again. It was truly God's Speed, Alex hadn't experienced anything like this. He was able to see her coming, however, before his body could move he would receive an attack.

This continued for another minute or two before Alex roared and he activated his domain. josei

Artemia was sent flying, she quickly stabilized her body after taking ten steps back. She was almost half-kneeling.


Artemia gasped in amazement. As she felt the effects of Alex's domain, it was mixed with an intent, sovereign's intent. 

Fighting back against the need to kneel, she stood back with difficulty, her breath ragged. Even keeping her Godspeed seemed way harder than normal. She didn't dare to look at Alex in the eye for fear of being caught under an illusion. 

Unlike others, she possesses special eyes as well, it is like foresight, however, she didn't have control over it. She saw a future where she was under Alex's eye, under an illusion. 


Before she couldn't move her glaives, she was sent flying by an invisible bullet, she almost coughed blood.

Alex appeared above her, trying to finish her with a splitting kick, however, he jumped when he saw a small water spear with a bolt of lightning dancing around it shot from Artemia's hand, if he was late by a millisecond he would have been impaled. 

''Heavy Rainfall.'' 

Even before standing Artemia activated her domain, the sky rumbled, a small dark cloud appeared above the arena, above Alex to be exact, then it started raining. 

Everything happened too fast, Alex had no time moving before the rain started. At the start he was not concerned about a little bit of rain, however, he soon found out that something was amiss, it started to feel heavy as if some weights had been put on him. It was then he understood the property of Artemia's domain. It can make her enemy slower. 

Artemia shot toward him using the rain and the feeling of weight to constantly attack him. 

He couldn't dodge all her attacks as his movements had become sluggish. 

Biting his lower lip, Alex decided to use one of his trump cards, the one Artemia wasn't expecting. She knew he could cancel her domain, it was what she wants. To make Alex use up all his MP. 


Instead of using Erase as Artemia was expecting, Alex made use of another special bullet: Dispel. 

(Dispel Bullet: Can temporarily reduce the target's attack power. The duration will depend on the target's level.

Cost: 700 MP.)

This bullet reduced the pressure Alex was feeling, he was now able to move his body to some extent. Artemia was caught off guard by this bullet.

Leaning towards the side, Artemia's glaive passed by, catching her wrist Alex executed a heavy throw. 



Artemia's domain stopped as her back collided against the ground. She quickly rolled on the ground, before standing up. 


Five normal bullets were shot at her. 

Blue lightning coursed through her veins accelerating her movements, she moved her two glaives.

Bullets were cleaved into two parts before arriving before her.

While slicing Alex's bullet, Artemia jumps back and at the same time, she pointed her finger at Alex. 

''Water dragon.'' 


A mighty roar was heard, a seven meters long water dragon came to life and pounce on him. 

[Ice Bullet.]

The water dragon who just came to life became frozen in the next instant after Alex's magic bullet penetrated its body. 

Suddenly, Alex's six senses gave him an intense warning. His expression changed and he accel-ed without hesitation.

Even so, some of the sharp water blades that shot out from the little bit of water left behind by Artemia's domain were able to injure him, numbing his body as a little bit of lightning was mixed in. 

[Shadow Shift] 

Alex was forced to use this ability to switch places with Artemia whose next attack was ready. 


Artemia was prepared, the moment Alex used Shadow Shift, she automatically created a water shield in front of her body to defend against his attack as she knew she would use this opportunity to attack her. 

However, while it was true that she managed to defend against the first attack, the second one couldn't be avoided as she hadn't anticipated it.

Like a missile, she was shot forward passing by Alex who was grinning, albeit with a pale face. 

Just as he passed him, she heard a tired voice.

''It's my win.'' 

〖Ice Bullet〗

While being frozen into an ice sculpture, Artemia couldn't help but smile. Smart as she is, she was able to understand what happened after a little bit of thinking. 

Alex shot two bullets, one attacked her from the front while the other from the back. She was completely caught off guard. 

While she was stronger, Alex showed that he was smarter. He knew she must have prepared a lot of countermeasures against him, therefore he also prepared some new possibility to deal with her, not only her, against those who saw him use Shadow Shift. 

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Half kneeling Alex's breaths were ragged. He was completely exhausted. This fight was not simple as it appeared. Well, he won in the end. 

There was a heavy silence before Chris cleared his throat and announced, 

''The final winner is Alexander Kael Touch.''

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