Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 248 - 243

Chapter 248 - 243: Unespected Encounters 2

Alex waited for Lilith to calm down before continuing her story.

Indeed after few minutes, she had calmed down. 

''Nobody expected such tragedy to occur. While my brother was a little bit rebellious, it wasn't serious.'' Lilith said.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle while thinking, 'As thought, never give your child that name or else you will be signing your death warrant.' 

Unaware of Alex's thoughts, Lilith continued as if she could read Alex's mind. 

''Normally after having committed such tragedy my brother should have been detained, worst killed, however, this didn't happen as somehow he became stronger than anyone. Nobody could beat him and you can't then how can you detain him? While he could have been apprehended if all Dukes worked together heavy praise would have been paid if they did it. It was how strong my brother has become.'' Lilith explained, confusion written all over her face as if she couldn't understand how her brother could become so strong out of blue. 

''Nobody noticed that something was amiss? That your brother may not be your brother anymore after his sudden gain of strength?" Alex couldn't help but raise these questions.

Lilith heaved a long sigh, ''We did but the result was that he was still himself, nobody was controlling him.'' 

Alex wasn't convinced that nobody was amiss, nobody gain strength out of blue like that without any conditions attached to it, even though he made a deal with the devil, someone must have noticed something. 

Wait, maybe killing his family was part of the condition? Alex couldn't help but think this. 

Once again as if she could read his mind, Lilith answered. 

''We thought like that too, however, when I questioned him do you know what he said?"

She asked with a smile that wasn't a smile. 

Alex shook his head. Lilith's smile disappeared to be replaced by hatred. 

''He said, 'They couldn't understand my goal what I want to accomplish so I eliminated them. It's simple as that.'' 

Alex's heart turned cold, how can he simply eliminated his family just because they didn't agree with his viewpoint? He must be sick, sick beyond cure. 

''That wasn't all, he said 'I hope you will understand.' Too overwhelmed by what I just heard I blanked out and when I woke up I found myself chained inside a cell, in the darkest and most ruthless prison on the demon continent. I couldn't believe it, I cried until they were no more tears. I thought I was in a dream, no I hoped that it was a dream, that I would wake up to find my family back, my cold yet gentle brother. However, the reality was cruel as you can guess, no matter how many nights passed the cold truth was still there. I spent five years in captivity, while I did not receive the worst treatment it was still not good. Imagine ten years old kid spending five years in captivity? Her personality would undergo a certain change. It was what happened, the me you saw at adventurer guild is just a facade. The current me is the real me.'' 

Alex couldn't help but feel pity for this girl, pity for what she went through. 

〖What a pitiful little girl.〗Lilith who had woke up at some time said. 

Alex nodded his head, however, he did not think that Eleonora's persona was fake, she couldn't be more real, it could be said that personality was Lilith's wish, the past her mixed with the future her, what she wants to be. 

''You are alive.'' He said. 

Lilith's eyes widened. Alex continued. 

''Doesn't matter which personality you use, It yours you are free to do as you wish. Nobody is forcing something upon you. Even if there is smash it and live your life, live for yourself. Do what you want, be anything you want to be. You are free, you are not in a cell any longer. No need to restrain yourself. Live a life those who left will be proud of. Do not live because of some mission, live and do what you want because it's really what you want, what you desire.'' 

Each Alex's word struck Lilith like a bolt of lightning, her heart trembled violently and a single tear escaped from her eyes. 

Sebastian who was hiding looked at Alex with admiration. Silveria simply smiled. 

''Heh! It seems that something entered my eyes for me to shed a tear.'' Lilith said half-jokingly half embarrassed. 

Scratching his head Alex said couldn't mutter,

''It seems so.'' 

Lilith smiled when she heard Alex's answer, a genuine smile, Sebastian couldn't help but look at Alex again. Because Alex had his head down he wasn't able to see such a beautiful smile. 

Silveria who had seen it couldn't help think that it was a waste for Alex to miss such an opportunity, maybe he would have been smitten and maybe he would try to add Lilith to his Harem. 

If Alex knew what this shameless divine weapon was thinking he would have spanked her bottoms until they were red swollen while he would say 'What do you take me for? I'm not that easily swayed and I'm not a Cassanova.' 

Lilith stopped smiling, her expression had reverted to her cold one, however, compared to the past it was less cold and a little bit more friendly. 

''Thank you.'' She said. 

Alex waved his hands to say that there was no need. It was just him saying whatever came to his mind. 

What he didn't know what that his words struck chords in Lilith's sealed heart. She had been living for the sake of others, until now it was a life of expiation as she was the sole survivor (she didn't consider her brother a part of her family any longer), she must accomplish her father's goal, peace between demon race and the rest, even her revenge was part of expiation.

The only time she felt like she had lived a little bit for herself would be when she was using Eleonora's persona when she encounters Alex.

So, Alex's words open her eyes, his words told her that she must live for herself, not for someone else not for something, it must be a wish not an imposed one, it must be what she truly desired, what she truly wished and one thing is sure, she wished for the destruction of the man known as Lucifer Kain Asmodeus. 

''I want him dead,'' Lilith said. 

Alex's lips curved up, and he said,

''I do too. This makes us allies then.'' 

For the second time, Lilith smiled, however, unlike her previous gentle smile this one looked more wicked, more sinister. josei

''You must know that thing is strong, really strong, so strong that it frightening,'' Lilith warned. 

''I see, as I thought it was not your brother any longer,'' Alex said he had expected Lucifer to not be himself any longer. 

'Maybe the one in control has some relationship with that enemy Silveria told me about?' Alex couldn't help but wonder this. 

However, now wasn't the time to dwell on such a subject, he needs more information, to prepare against such an enemy.

Unaware of what going through Alex's mind at the moment, Lilith nodded her head and proceed to explain.

''After numerous investigations, I concluded that my brother was being used. I do not know if he was aware of this, though. It was the person using him that gave him strength. At first, some people thought that his sudden gain of strength was related to our lineage. You know unlike other demons we are not from this world, we are related to the Angel race, though we are considering as demons here the more correct answer should be Fallen, Angel.'' 

''As thought,'' Alex mumbled, he had thought Fallen Angel fit more to Lilith's race than demon when he first laid his eyes upon her beautiful black wings. 

''What did you say?" Lilith asked him as she hadn't heard his words. 

''No, nothing. Do continue what you were saying.'' Alex said not repeating what he had said. 

Understanding that Alex doesn't want to talk about it, Lilith continued with her explanation. 

''Our lineage has a special ability, only those special have it, my brother has this ability, my father, mother and some of my siblings have it. I have as well, however, for an unknown reason it seems that mine was mixing I don't know what happened so do not ask.'' 

Alex couldn't only sigh and continued to listen to Lilith's explanation. 

''Once awakened we will become powerful, we will gain few ranks. We keep it as insurance for unforeseen situations. While it was true that he had used that ability, that alone couldn't have made him so strong, there was another power mixed with it, something sinister. I have noticed it during his visits when I was held captive. After my great escape two years passed, he must have gotten stronger again. I don't know if he is already at the Demigod stage or even above.'' 

To Lilith's words, Alex sucked in a breath of fresh air. 'He is indeed one of the last Boss.' he couldn't help but mutter this. 

Then he became lost in thoughts and after some bit of thinking, he said.

''I don't think he is past the Demigod stage or else he would be dominating the world right now. Well, I don't know if the one controlling him has a way of bypassing the restriction put on Mysthia's world. I doubt it.'' 

''I also think the same.'' Lilith seemed to share the same feeling as him. Silveria didn't say anything, however, her silence was a tacit agreement that Lucifer had not advanced beyond Demigod level.

''Well, at least he is stronger than a normal Saint. We need strength as to how we are now we would be courting our death if we were to make a move. We need strength, it's important thus it must be said many times.'' Lilith said. 

Alex nodded. She continued. 

''And we need a plan. I have a way to make him suffer, I know something he wants and he has not acquired yet. We can snatch it.'' Lilith said with a beautiful smile.

Alex's eyes shined like a pair of beautiful gems in the darkness. 

''Oh?! I'm all ears. Let's start the operation 'Fuck You'.'' 

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