Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 42 - 40.5

Chapter 42 - 40.5: Side Story: My Name Is Leena

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~Leena Pov

My name is Leena and I'm a receptionist at the Guild branch of the Adventurer guild located in Eria town, a medium-sized town. It's a lively town. I started working here it's been five years already.

During these five years, I have seen my fair share of Adventurers, some rise to prominence, while some die during mission. In the latter case, it's sad. However, all Adventurer know what being an adventurer entails. You could die at any given moment, it may happen today or the day after. The risk is high, so is the reward. If there was a dungeon nearby, I think more Adventurers would have died.

Even before coming here, I started as Adventurer as well. Thinking about those days I can't help but smile. Now I became a receptionist for my personal interest, even coming into this town had been intentional. There is something I need to confirm so I chose this town after leaving the capital.

My days as receptionist went on, a lot of Adventurers hit on me several times but none of them managed to catch my eyes. Nor I'm planning to start a relationship to begin with, so all their attempts failed, even so, they continued and because of this I earned a Nickname "The Goddess" because they deem me as such that why I did not accept any of their confessions, how could mere mortals think that he may win a goddess's Heart? He can't, to make matters worse the Goddess herself was unwilling. Hence, the nickname. Well, it was not like I care about it.

Days passed and today I was thinking that it would be like usual however he came.

"Hello, I'm Alexander Touch, I would like to register as Adventurer may I?" said the black-haired young man. He was not handsome nor he's ugly, just in middle, the most beautiful thing on his person if I may say would be his eyes, his beautiful green eyes that screamed Life.

At that moment I knew he was the one I was waiting for, not in the romantic way mind you.

Smiling I started explaining things to this young man named Alex.

Days passed after Alex became Adventurer and started taking quest, he was a bit reckless taking quest, even when I warned him he didn't listen and said it will be okay. I couldn't only smile while inwardly thinking 'Please do not get yourself killed.'

Strangely, every time Alex managed to astonished me, completing quest after quest. His levels slowly rising until the day they brought him back. I was so surprised and so panicked that my heart almost stopped beating when I saw the unconscious Alex.

"Medor, thanks for bringing him here. He's an acquaintance. So, can you bring him to the second floor, there is my room there? I'll let him rest over until he wakes up. I can't bring him back to his Inn still unconscious." I pleaded Medor. The latter nodded his head before proceeding towards my room on the second floor.

On my way to the second floor, I was stopped by Karen another receptionist I formed. She's the lively time, she's more like the little star among us receptionist, though.

"Leena, are sure it's wise to let him sleep in your room, what if he assault you?" Karen asked seriously.


Flicking her forehead, Karen cried holding her head and started acting as if her head was about to explode due me flicking her forehead. Something I was sure I did lightly, rolling my eyes at Karen's antics I said, "Stop joking, he can't do anything even he wanted, something I doubt he will ever do. I'm more concerned about how his Adventurer life will change if those suckers know about him sleeping in my room."

Karen's eyes widened slightly before she looked the transported Alex with eyes filled with pity. Pity because Leena's fan would kill to have the chance he got. Some jealous may target him.

Smiling I left Karen lost in her little world as I proceeded toward my room on the second floor.

After entering my room, I helped Medor install him on the bed. Having finished he left leaving me and Alex alone in the room.

Observing him, I saw that from time to time Alex's body would twitch, he seemed to be having a nightmare. His shirt was drenched in sweat, same with his forehead.

Sighing I approached him and with my left hand I touched his forehead,


Immediately I cried, his forehead was indeed hot like boiled water. I heaved another sigh before proceeding to undress his upper body, with a towel and water I brought from my space ring I started cleaning his upper body and head. It was to help him alleviate his body temperature.

"Hehehe, it's funny if you think about it. Me doing this kind of thing, what kind of face they will make if one of them saw the current me. Sigh! It's all prophecy and if I going to be sacrificed for the greater good, then that's what it gotta be.'' I mumbled to myself before shaking my head.

After half an hour, I stopped because, Alex's body temperature. Looking at his bare upper body I couldn't help but praise his physical, his muscles were well defined, packed with energy. He had what men prided themselves to call Six-packs, they were not perfect yet but I think they are good enough.

Shaking my head to discard any thoughts of touching, tracing my fingers on them, I left the room to take a breather.

Half of an hour later when I came back, Alex had already woke up and he was talking to someone.

When I looked at him strangely Alex coughed before answering the question I asked him about previously.

''Thank you Leena I'm fine.''

With a smile, I replied "That's reassuring then.''

Suddenly, I noticed something that wasn't on his arm before so I asked. Naturally, Alex will not tell the truth, he lied saying that he had that cross-shaped tattoo on his left hand before. I did not pursue the matter because everyone has a secret.

Few days passed quickly after the incident, Alex had restarted taking Quest again. Sigh! I hope he will be more prudent.

It happened when I was thinking that, Alex came back with an injury, I said injury but it was just a slight cut on the cheek nothing serious. After healing him, he asked me to use the private room.

Once inside the private room located on the second floor, Alex brought a few things that gave me the scare of my life. This reckless boy had killed thirty goblins and even a rare species goblin something only D Rank Adventurer could face. He even brought back two Adventurers corpses, when I saw the corpses I couldn't help but sigh. It's sad, those two just reunited recently, to think both would lose their life shortly after. That's Adventurer's life for you.

After lecturing him for a while I let Alex go after informing him that the Guild master wants to see, that pervert would like to see him tomorrow. Said Guild master who was present in the room, he just hides his presence, only I know, something I wasn't sure if it was true because from Alex's body I had the feeling of being observed. I may have imagined things.

The next day Alex came with another surprise, he was with a red-haired young girl whose age would be between fourteen or fifteen at best.

When I saw the girl, something within my blood resonated and I knew without a doubt that this girl and I were somehow related. So, immediately I swear an oath, taking her as my little, something that astonished the girl and Alex. Even if she seemed to see Alex as her Big brother something I don't mind. Becoming her big sister ties me to Alex, something I welcome with open arms.

Later I learned what happened to her in Chris'room. I couldn't help but become furious, so furious that I started emitting a little bit of killing intent. I quickly stopped it not to hurt Alex. After finishing talking with Chris, Alex left.

Once alone Chris and I talked, I knew that Alex was Otherworlders, one of the eight who came into our world recently. What kind of Gift he possesses is a mystery. Well, I'm not in a hurry to know, I'll know soon enough.

After leaving Chris' room I went to the first floor to chat with Cier, It was the nickname I gave my little sister Gracier. Chatting with her for a while, Alex proposed to leave, and even though I was against it, I let her go after securing a promise to go out with her.

As I said earlier my name is Leena, I came to this town for a purpose, finally, after five years I was able to encounter him, he even brought me a surprise. Someone, I wouldn't have encountered if those bastards had taken her with them. I'm truly blessed to have him, he saved her.

Time to take care of some trash.

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