Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 447 - 435

Chapter 447 - 435: Riley O'Meera The Guide

Alex calmly took a sip of the Devil's Whisper; it tasted like a mix between Vodka and Spirit alcohol; it burnt Alex's tongue; he almost stopped drinking, but he didn't; he slowly enjoyed his drink while waiting for Riley to approach.

Since the start, Alex never moved his head; unlike other men, he had already seen what true beauty was, Maria, Luna, Sakuya, Lilith, Kuina, Freya, Elseria, Silveria, the crimson-haired lady. Alex believes that he has already seen the most beautiful creations God ever created. So, Riley might be beautiful, but he didn't think she could compete or be more beautiful than the names mentioned above. Besides, a succubus is known for using Seduction (Charm) magic, and Riley seemed to possess high-level seduction magic because most men have turned into dogs in heat the moment she appeared. 

The bartender was impressed by Alex's strong will; not everyone could escape from his master's seduction magic. 

Riley sauntered; her high heels clicked rhythmically until she sat beside Alex and glanced at Alex; every gesture she made was imbued with magic to draw males' inner demons. 


Even her voice was sultry; it was imbued with magic. Finally, Alex made eye contact with one of the Z'torr underground kings; he needed only this woman's strength to safely pass from the outer zone in the inner zone of the Asura empire. Most people would think that Riley was only a succubus that tried to suck the male's essence to survive. Still, it was not the case; she possessed another title besides her Eternal sucker title; it's the guide; only highly few people know about this; Lilith was one of them; it was why Alex came here.

''Welcome, let's go straight to the point. I want to pass.'' 

Without breaking the eye's contact with Riley, Alex declared, he solely focused his gaze on her eyes; everything else was irrelevant. Alex did this not because he was afraid of succumbing to Riley's charm because he knew he couldn't be charmed thanks to his high intelligence and MP, most notably due to his Eye of Truth.

Riley's eyes widened, and she became upset; it was her first time facing such a situation; never a hornless demon had to succeed not getting charmed under her magic, so she was intrigued. 

''I wonder what you're talking about.'' Riley decided to play with this red-haired young demon, there was a certain air of mysteriousness surrounding this man, and she wanted to unveil it. 

''Cut the crap. I want to pass through the underground river Styrix.'' Alex declared without breaking eye contact with Riley, he added another two Imperial crimson dragon coins, and Riley gulped. Not often did you see so many Imperial crimson dragon coins; it was the highest form of currency in the demon's continent, only extremely higher-ranked demon-possessed one. 

Rumor has it that possessing five one these coins would enable you to rank up, rank up your demon's lineage, so no wonder Riley would gulp seeing two of these coins. 

Alex's confidence and manners brought back an unwanted memory; it was a lovely girl who was injured and proposed to pay her with two Imperial crimson dragon coins to escape her pursuers, and Riley accepted, she knew the girl's identity but chose to act as if she didn't know, customers are all the same the moment they pay sufficiently, she would do business with them, it is her motto. josei

However, the demon's continent wasn't what it used to be; most importantly, it became dangerous recently with the emperor acting all paranoid, blocking most of the entries toward the inner zone. 

''Who are you?" Riley asked and used all her strength; mana filled her body to awaken her ultimate charm men's demise fully. 

Pink light coming from Riley's body covered Alex's body, trying to infiltrate Alex's mind; unfortunately, it failed.

''Never try what you just did, or else it won't end well for you,'' Alex warned and released a terrific amount of killing intent that no ordinary hornless demon should possess; Riley gulped. Still, her pride as one of the Z'torr underground kings wouldn't allow her to take a loss, so she did what every king who had her authority questioned would do.

''Mindless Puppets!" 

Riley declared before vanishing, the poor men who had lost all rationality and stayed after Riley's appearance were affected by her ultimate charm magic. As the name suggested, they turned into mindless puppets whose sole purpose was to serve their master. 



Like zombies who had lost their humanity, the remaining men in the bar attacked Alex from all sides. 

Alex chuckled; he knew that Riley and the bartender were somewhere watching everything that happened. 

The first to attack was the same man that ridiculed Alex earlier, the bul demon. His body height increased, his muscles bulged before transforming into metallic-like shine; it was the characteristic of royal bloodline Bull demon, Metallic bull demon charge. 

''Houf! Houf!"

The five meters tall bull demon inhaled before running toward Alex like a bull that saw and a red flag. 

Astonishingly Alex stopped the mad metal bull charge with one hand before raising his second hand and strike; dark mist covered Alex's hand before his hand descended and unleashed the last judgment. 

Bang! Crack! Boom! 

As Alex's first smacked the bull demon on the head, a cracking sound was heard, followed by the metallic bull demon bursting into a bloody mist.

Alex, covered in crimson blood, smiled before moving; he arrived before another male demon; this one had a snake-like tail. He caught him by the neck and lifted him before cracking his neck into the opposite side; a sickening sound was heard; Alex tossed the cold corpse aside and moved on to another one. 

Soon, the bar was littered with corpses; most had their necks snapped into odd glances, their eyes showed ecstasy instead of pain until the end they never regained their consciousness, and Alex didn't regret killing twenty men so ruthlessly, the demon's continent was like this, you kill or either be killed, it's most ruthless than the other continents. 

After killing the last men, the last puppet, Alex turned his gaze into a certain direction and coldly announced. 

''Are you convinced now, or do you wish for another confirmation?"

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