Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 451 - 439

Chapter 451 - 439: Eternal Nightmare 2

''Roarrr!" Lilith roared to escape from the first hell; then, the scene shifted to one where Lucifer blamed her for everything.

''It's your fault, everything is your fault, if only you weren't born, I would be the star, the brightest constellation under the heaven. However, you were born; you outshine me, turning me into the shadow as you shined brighter, everyone praised you, I was jealous, and I became what I am today. Everything was because of you. Yes, everything, everything!!!!!!" 

Like a broken robot, Lucifer in front of Lilith kept muttering; however, Lilith snorted, immediately the scene changed to the one of Sebastian, Lilith saw him fight against Zero, but the gentle Sebastian turned into a cursing demon that kept shouting Lilith's name, saying she was the cause of everything. Even though Lilith knew it was the Eternal Nightmare hell's spirit speaking, it wasn't less hurtful, several she almost gave up but managed to resist at the last moment. 

In one of these scenes, Lilith saw an emotionless Lilith slaughter Sebastian's family members after she promised to take care of them; she was smiling as she butchered them. 

''Ugh!'' The real Lilith kneeled and put a hand on her mouth not to puke, her eyes were blood red and veins bulged all over her body, she was almost at her limit, it was then she remembered what Sebastian always used to tell her, the words she had heard so many times that she could never forget. 

''Never forget where you want to go, never forget your deepest desire as it would never be blurred as long you know what you want, your desire would never be forgotten. And what do you desire the most?'' 

''Revenge for my family!" Lilith affirmed as her purple eyes shined; she regained a bit of clarity amidst the terrific storm of nightmares. 

''Angel's descent.'' Lilith chanted; she decided to use her trump card finally. 

Her mental world shine,d and a holy angel with twelve pairs of wings appeared; immediately, the dark energy trying to corrupt her mind started to dissipate slowly. 

The presence of this beautiful angel was like the descent of the strongest archangel Michael, the twelve pairs of wings moved simultaneously; it was like the barn for evil, every dark energy trying to gnaw on Lilith's mental world disappeared immediately, this was Lilith's trump card, it was because she had awakened Angel's Descent that she dared to be so bold to let herself to be sent to the First Layers: at the deepest part of the Eternal Nightmare hell.josei

If only Lucifer knew that her sister had awakened one of seven ultimate abilities of the first Fallen Angel, he would have never let her come down here. At that moment, Lilith had awakened two of the seven abilities: Angel Descent and Silent World. 

The holy light coming from the Fallen Angel, everything time she moved her wings cleansed any evil; it was how Lilith overcame the Eternal Nightmare's hell spirit.

Lilith's mental world had been cleansed from any evil, any parasite; it was then the Demon's princess smiled; her smile was extremely evil yet breathtaking at the same; one couldn't help but get smitten by this smile.


It was like an absolute order, and from the deepest part of Lilith's body, dark energy came out, Angel's avatar had disappeared, replaced by something extremely evil, something that not even its full features could be seen, only terrible darkness could be seen.

Lilith didn't tell Alex and Sakuya that her goal went past the simple capture. Not only could she easily escape, but there was another goal she was after, which was to acquire a certain ability; it was only possible because she awoke this special ability. Not everything you should tell your companions, keeping few things for yourself it's the best.

Following Lilith's order, the terrible evil light moved. It closed to the Eternal Nightmare's light; the latter acted like a scared rabbit and immediately retreated, but how could the evil's light let go of such a delicious meal? It immediately pounced on the Eternal Nightmare's spirit and devoured it.


The Eternal Nightmare's spirit was swallowed, making the First hell momentarily tremble before everything went back to normal as if nothing had happened. 

Like a queen, Lilith sat; in front of her was a notification window that stated.

[New ability acquired: Eternal Nightmare] 

Lilith smiled like her efforts were worth all the trouble she went through.

''Time to start the second phase of the plan.'' 

After successfully acquiring the Eternal Nightmare's ability, Lilith decided it was time to move on to the second plan; the others must be ready for the second phase. 


Lilith's body collided against the ground producing a thud sound; this alerted the nearby guard, who had no idea of what happened; immediately, the guard walked toward Lilith's cell to check the situation. 

Then head guard of this level saw something unbelievable, Lilith lying on the ground twitching, blood flowing from her eyes and ears.

''Fuck!" The heads guards cussed before moving forward; he first checked that the sealing mana was still around Lilith's wrist before checking the anti first hell stone around his wrist as he unlocked Lilith's cell door and walked in; it was a terrible error of judgment, he wouldn't have done that. 

The moment the head guards walked in, Lilith, who was suffering on the ground, abruptly stood up and caught the guard by the neck; it was like being caught by an iron claw; the head guards couldn't move, his eyes widened.


''Eternal Nightmare!'' 

The most terrible ability of the First hell attacked the head guards, he instantly paled. What is the most deepest fear of a prison guard? It's not becoming the prison himself, especially this man who had once experienced the feeling of being a prisoner. However, he was imprisoned in the seventh layer, it was a period of his life he never wished to experience again, and yet now he became the prisoner of his fears, he was sent into the highest level of Hell.

The head guards started trembling, blood came out from his seven orifices, and his body stopped moving; he was dead. Lilith showed no emotion as she flicked her fingers, and lighting appeared and covered the man's body; he was instantly reduced to cinder and disappeared in the wind. Lilith disguised as the dead heard guards and left the prison cell; her destination was the outside world; she hoped the others were already ready.

Unknown to her, Alex was about to face a terrible enemy, something neither of them had anticipated.

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