Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 454 - [Bonus ] 442

Chapter 454 - [Bonus ] 442: Alex's Death?

Alex coughed blood; it hurts a lot; never he would have expected such a day to come where he would injure an enemy using his body. It was only by experiencing his own bullet he knew how dangerous it was. If it weren't for Silveria killing some of the phantom bullet effects, he would have been injured more than that.

〖This girl became stronger, be aware that she hadn't used even half of-〗

A big explosion cut off Silveria's words. 


The river violently shook as if a terrible monster was about to jump out of it; however, what came out was a slender looking woman; however, surrounding this woman was a dangerous aura that turned everything around her quiet, even the falling water after Priscilla jumped out from the water seemed to fall back, almost afraid of enraging the queen slowly.

Sharp fangs grew inside her mouth; her eyes turned brighter, crimson gothic robe appeared around Priscilla's body; it clung tightly onto her body, giving her a certain charm. Like the absolute ruler, she lifted her head and muttered, it was only two words, yet an ominous feeling assaulted Alex as he heard those two words.

[Bloody Moon]josei

〖No good immediately escape far from her.〗

Silveria's warning came out late; before Alex could Accel, a bloody moon appeared above them, immediately a creepy feeling assaulted Alex's body; he noticed that he couldn't move as if countless hands were holding him down, a bloody scent assaulted his nostril making him want to vomit. 

[Hellsing] Alex said, with the activation of his domain, the effect of the Bloody Moon in the sky decreased; however, Alex's completely changed when as if to ridicule him, Priscilla added, 

[Blood Arts: Forbidden Art: Bloody Mary!] 


The bloody moon in the sky became more bloody, blood started falling, and soon a bloody rain started. Every time a raindrop touched his body, his body would feel heavy. It became impossible for him to move; not only did the rain increase his body weight it also had a Corrosive effect; even Loki, the SS grade artifact, started to show signs of cracking, the damage received surpassed the speed of auto repair, so the armor started to lose its effectiveness.

Suddenly, Alex lost sight of Priscilla; not even the mighty Divine Sense could locate the vampire duchess; the only thing Alex heard was Silveria's voice. 

〖Master behind you!〗

Before Alex could turn, he felt a pricking sensation on his neck; his eyes widened. 

'Bloody Hell.' He almost shouted; having his blood sucked by his enemy during a fight couldn't be more humiliating. 

''Umh! Sweet as I thought, I shall drain you of your blood.'' Priscilla's sultry voice reached Alex's ears; it gave him goosebumps; he knew that this vampire wanted to do and he couldn't ever allow this twisted desire of her to come true, he was not some walking blood bag, but how could you fight an enemy you can't see nor detect? The answer was simple; it's simply by surpassing your limit. 

Priscilla, in her Ethereal form, slowly moved toward Alex; she was licking her lips, his blood tasted the sweetest, never she had tasted something this good, it was almost addictive, no, she couldn't stop herself not until she drank everything only leaving a bag of bones. 

Meanwhile, Alex switched off his domain; he used Time Acceleration on himself to slightly increase his speed, at first; it didn't work as he wished; therefore, he specifically targeted one area, his brain; his brain's cells worked faster, giving him a temporary perfect control over his body, also his senses increased, the full potential of his Eye of Truth was unlocked, his left eye turned crimson he was able to see another world. In this world composed of mana and element, an ugly crimson thing was moving toward him; instantly, Alex knew what this ugly thing in this beautiful world was: Priscilla in her Ethereal form. 


Faster than his shadow itself, Alex's hand moved as he fired in the direction of Priscilla. 

Once again, the vampire duchess was surprised, never she would have thought that ability that made her famous, fired gave her today status, even praised by Lucifer himself would be ineffective against this boy, for the first time, Priscilla finally understood why Lucifer and the person behind him seemed wary of this young boy, he must not let to live or else he would become a huge threat.

[Blood Arts: Blood Shield] 

A transparent crimson shield appeared before Priscilla to give some time to cancel her Ethereal form and finish the boy; however, just as the bullet was about to touch the shield, they simply curved, disappearing into the mist. As it was the first time experiencing this, Priscilla was shocked, but she quickly regained her calm and was about to raise her hand when Alex, whose brain was on overdrive, muttered.

[Shadow Shift]


The Vampire duchess was forced to switch places with Alex. Alex, who appeared where the vampire duchess was, immediately pointed his gun toward her even without looking.

[Crimson Bullet]

Crimson light burst out from the silver gun and roared like an enraged beast before pouncing on Priscilla; everything happened too fast; not even the strongest Vampire had seen this coming; however, Priscilla showed why she got the Duchess title. Just before the crimson bullet struck her, she executed several skills simultaneously. 

[Blood Arts: Forbidden Art: Sacrificial Shield] 

Her face paled. 

[Night Lord] 

Scree! Scree! 

Bloody doors in the form of a shield with huge fangs appeared to stop the crimson bullet momentarily. However, it was soon destroyed; the crimson bullet continued its course but only struck a few bats before exploding. 


A crimson light engulfed radius two kilometers of the river; it was unknown if it was because Alex's brain was overdrive which gave the crimson bullet more destructiveness or what, but some part of the river was evaporated, the thick fog covering the river increased before disappearing then a figure started to fall from the sky. 

It was Alex with a bloody hole where his heart used to be; his face was pale, it was filled with disbelief, he couldn't believe what happened as darkness engulfed him. 


Alex's body crashed into what was left of the river and slowly sank into the deep water. After Alex's disappearance, a small black bat appeared and transformed into Priscilla; it was a miniature version of the original duchess; this small Priscilla had a pale face. Half of her body was gone (the left side); it looked like her fragile existence might vanish at any moment.

''I need to hurry back and treat myself!" She said before retreating, there was no joy on her face, she won, she killed her enemy, but the price was huge.

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