Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 459 - 446

Chapter 459 - 446: Zero And Incursio


Deep in the night, somewhere in Athens stood the mysterious little girl, the same girl that beat Lilith with just one attack. Behind her was a man with a crooked back.

''Incursio, why did you let the princess go? It would be best if you had captured her. I-" 

The girl called Incursio stopped staring at the night sky and glanced at the man beside him; the latter unconsciously stopped talking as if afraid; there was something dangerous in those white eyes. 

''You know I dislike when people have the answer and still ask. If you don't know how to make a conversation better, shut up.'' 

The man with a crocked back stepped back; he was sweating. As numbers himself, he knew he couldn't afford to anger this girl; she had the First number meaning she comes after Zero, yet her status was exceptional; she was the first to get a name, even before Zero. Rumor has it that she was more potent than Zero, that she was the Lord's daughter; however, nobody dared to ask because you wouldn't get the chance to finish such a question.

''Now, now it's just a question. Answering won't cost you anything.'' A playful voice echoed in the two ears, the man with a crocked back rejoiced; someone who can deal with this monster had come. 

''Tch! Zero, you have come.'' Incursio didn't hide her displeasure; it was like the newcomer was a plague she didn't wish to see. 

A white-haired man with a handsome face appeared beside Incursio and stared at her for a moment; seeing she still refused to look at him, Zero chuckled and answered the question in her stead.

''She stopped because the Lords have found a method for selected people to enter, she is one of them, Cain as well and you included.'' 

The man with a crocked back nodded; he was aware of the reason for his presence, just that he wanted to know why Incursio didn't drag Lilith with her as he believes that she was capable of taking care of the demon princess. Zero finally answered this question by saying, 

''Won't it be fun to catch her once she succeeds in sneaking into the dungeon? She would have thought that she was safe. Umm! I can't wait to see her face covered in despair, how sweet it is going to be.'' Zero spoke with an intoxicated expression. 

The man with the crocked back gulped before disappearing; he had heard from others that better escape when Zero started to behave like this. 

Zero chuckled as he found his junior behavior cute; Incursio snorted. 

''You deliberately made that kind of expression because of the rumors; you knew he would escape, so you played him instead of simply telling him to scram. You're sick.'' 

''Thanks for the compliment Incursio but weren't you the one that just said that you hate when someone knows the answer but-" 

Incursio cut off Zero and said, ''It's was not the same thing you sicko.'' 

''Ah! You're not cute at all.'' 

He immediately changed his expression when he noticed that Incursio was about to burst out; if he let her do it, he could say goodbye to the freedom he had just regained; therefore, he switched to another subject. 

''You must have heard it; one of the dukes almost lost. She was seriously injured; from her words, she fought the Eighth, Alexander. Although she killed him, she paid a heavy price for it.''

''You must be a fool if you think that that man died just because some lowly species say so.'' Incursio didn't believe in Alex's death; if he could die so quickly, the Lords wouldn't be so wary of him. That kind of existence possesses a strong fate and couldn't be easily killed, some kind of halo protecting them.

Zero smiled; indeed, he also didn't believe in Alex presumed death; the reason for his presence here was to check if it was true and retrieve the body if it was the case or kidnap the injured Alex. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any corpse; Alex was nowhere to be found, almost as if he had vanished. Zero still noticed a trace of battle, the heated mana and blood scent leading deep into the Stryrix River, but that was all.

''Well, it's more exciting this way. I want to fight him once. I want to become one with him.'' Zero declared with the same intoxicated expression; however, this time, it was more heated. 

Incursio immediately stepped back from the sick man; she felt disgusted. Still, she couldn't hide the curiosity bumbling deep within her; she wished to fight Alex as well and trample on him, turning him into her dog; just by imagining this, Incursio's lips curved, and she unconsciously released of pressure, the air around her vibrated for a moment stopping. 

Zero smiled and looked at his sister, the latter would never acknowledge him as one because of pride, but the two have the same genetic code.

''Incursio, better be careful once inside; this dungeon is said to be unusual. Your strength will be reduced. Stop being prideful and use all you can use. Even bugs have their value when fully used.'' Zero warned his sister as he knew how prideful she was; she would want to do everything alone, it was true she was exceptional for her age, but where she was about to go, if she chose to act alone with reduced strength, she might suffer greatly. 

Unexpectedly, Incursio didn't go against her brother this time; she snorted but still nodded her head.

''I understand. Tell me who from those bugs- I meant the Demon's side would follow?" 

''Only one, the Vampire Duchess Priscilla. Only four bracelets were produced. You, Cain, Third, and Priscilla.'' Zero said and handed over four dark bracelets to Incursio; she took and examined it before frowning. 

''How many souls were used to make this?'' 


''Not too many, I guess the quality was poor.'' 

''Indeed, I- See you soon.'' Incursio wanted to say something but finally stopped; she disappeared afterward, almost as if running away. 

''How cute,'' Zero said before frowning; he looked in the Holy Crux empire.

'Those damn fanatics have started to move.' Zero mumbled before sighing. 

''There is a change of plan..'' His body vanished, and he left the demon's continent.

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