Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 468 - 455

Chapter 468 - 455: Bad Luck 1

Alex could be seen running toward a monster twenty-five times his height; it was a funny scene.

Just as the two were about to clash, Alex jumped to his left and immediately unleashed one of his strongest skills.

[Crimson Bullet] 

Crimson light burst out from the silver gun tore through the air arrived before the Bone wolf right wind leg. However, just as the crimson bullet was about to touch that leg, a sudden wall made of bones rose from the ground formed a perfect bones wall shield that took the damage and reflected it. 


''Shit!" josei

Alex swore as he was almost caught in his attack; he Accel-ed to reappear thirty meters away, his eyes turned wide for a moment as he noticed thirty small bones shot toward him, then he smirked and moved his right arm, bullets tore through the air like a Gatling gun. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!! 

In the span of twenty seconds, thirty bullets were fired and broke the incoming bone arrows. Without looking back, Alex fired a Phantom bullet at his back; the invisible bullet exploded as it collided with a bone spear big as a man's waist, which shot out from the ground. The explosion sent Alex flying in the air, twisting his body with such perfect accuracy that it passed above the Bone wolf who was running toward him; he immediately unleashed a Phantom bullet toward its head. 


Without surprise, the invisible bullet did almost no damage to the monster's head. Alex landed on the other side and rolled on the ground; due to his strength still being limited because of the dungeon's restriction, he couldn't fly, and most of his skills couldn't exhibit their full strength. 

Alex didn't get the opportunity to use his Eye of Truth on the monster as it had already initiated its next attack.


The giant body combined with the monster unbelievable speed generated a tremendous amount of wind ad it created a humongous shockwave that sent ripple in Alex direction, a small tornado composed entirely of bones that would, without the slightest doubt, shred his body apart advanced into his direction at breakneck speed, at the same time Alex could feel that from his back many bone arrows were shot, in the front there was a bone tornado. At the back were bones arrows; the two were coming at astonishing speed, no matter what Alex seemed checkmated, at least it was what the Bone wolf thought; its blue soul coldly glared at Alex and was waiting for him to be torn to piece. 

However, just as the two attacks were apart to reach Alex, his figure disappeared to be replaced by a shocked Bone Wolf, soon swallowed by its attacks. 


An explosion occurred, and the graveyard shook; Alex had just used Shadow Shift, sweated as he used more Mana because of how big the monster was. 

Suddenly, there was another explosion, but this time it was followed by a terrible roar that made the graveyard shook, Alex staggered, almost falling, and under his astonished eyes, all bones inside the graveyard flew in the air before going to where the Bone wolf was, those bones entered its body quickly expanding its height, turning its body shiny and silver in color, the final result was a fifteen meters tall Bone wolf standing before Alex with red eyes. 

''Awoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The bone wolf howled and disappeared; its speed rivaled that of Priscilla; in a second, it was already before Alex and swung its bone claw. 

Although greatly shocked, Alex still reacted faster; he simultaneously combined Time Acceleration (used it on himself) and Drifter to avoid the claw; he was fast but not fast as the claw, the claw tried to tear through his chest as he was sent spiraling into the sky, however, thanks to Loki, his armor most of the damage have been killed yet he still broke two ribs. 

Alex suppressed the groan which was about to escape from his mouth and immediately moved his left arm; a water bullet, one of his last special bullets, was fired and immediately bloomed into the form of a water shield that stopped the incoming tail. 

Boom! Splash! 

Alex's body was splashed with water as he rolled on the ground to succeed in dodging another attack coming at his head. 

'Fuck! This thing is even faster, Priscilla, and its level is weaker.' Alex swore inwardly, he managed to barely see the monster's level, and he almost lost his head, Level 105. 

Suddenly, the Bone wolf howled again, but this time, its howling was accompanied by a dark light covering its body; the body started shrinking, 45 meters, 40 meters. 

Alex knew he must not let this monster complete its transformation as it would become harder to deal with with a small body. He immediately used his left eye, his green light momentarily turned crimson, and he used to search for a possible weakness in the monster's body. Soon he found a red crystal embedded in the middle of the monster's stomach; the only access to it would be by passing under the monster's belly. Alex's brain worked faster; the Bone wolf had now a height of 38 meters; Alex threw a silver knife under the monster's belly, and as expected with its limited intelligence, the monster chose to ignore it; Alex grinned, he shadow shifted his knife which had just passed the belly, it was exactly where he wished it to be. 

[Crimson Bullet]

Alex roared, and the crimson bullet left the silver gun, and then something totally out of Alex's expectation happened; the situation was so ridiculous that Alex doubted his eyes; somehow, the bone wolf's back appeared in the air and was struck by the crimson bullet, the shockwave sent the monster's body flying high into the air with its legs raised high.

The situation was so ridiculous that Alex laughed; However, he didn't understand what happened in that short period for the monster to turn its body over; he was the one to miss out on any opportunity, he shadow shifted with a broken bone fragment in the air, the Bone wolf was shocked to see him appeared again before the monster could do anything Alex unleashed an Aurora bullet which struck the monster's belly creating enough gap for a Phantom bullet to finish the work by breaking the red crystal. 

In the Bone wolf last moment, its eyes were filled with unwillingness as its bones body turned into ashes.. A tired Alex fell from the sky and landed on the ground creating a small crater; just as he wanted to rest for a moment, the dungeon moved.

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