Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 470 - [Bonus ] 457

Chapter 470 - [Bonus ] 457: Another Time Ability User

After Alex passed through that black portal, he arrived at another location; it was inside a forest surrounded by high mountains. However, Alex could not enjoy the scenery before he frowned; his eyes caught sight of something that made his eyes turn cold, his killing intent soaring, which slightly distorted the surrounding space.

The figure of Alex distorted and seemed to have split into two. One went to deliver Sakuya while the other Accel-ed and threw something into the sky before shadow shifted with this thing. Only one person did all these things; Alex was so fast that one could have mistakenly thought he split in two. 

Alex, who appeared not too far behind Incursio, didn't ask anything before firing a Time Decay bullet at the enemy. 


The gray bullet cut through the air at astonishing speed; considering everything that happened, Incursio should have been caught off guard; however, since the beginning, she saw everything; Alex's fast figure looked like a slow-motion movie she sat and was enjoying. She finally moved, faster than Alex could follow; she spun, and with a wide grin, she used Lilith like a meat shield. 

Alex's expression sunk when he saw this; he hadn't expected this situation. However, his brain still worked faster; he moved his left arm faster than its own shadow and fired two homing bullets at the gray bullet that was about to reach Lilith's back. 

The second bullet struck the first bullet increasing its speed to a level it barely succeeded in clashing against the gray bullet and deviating it from Lilith's back. 


Incursio showed a genuine surprise; she hadn't expected Alex to be so resourceful. However, it doesn't matter; she chuckled and threw Lilith toward the ground. Lilith's body was bent in an odd shape as she was about to collide against the ground; however, Sakuya, who Alex had previously freed, dragged her injured body and caught Lilith before the two rolled on the ground. 

''How nice!" 

Incursio complimented as though touched by such a strong camaraderie; suddenly, she chuckled because Alex, who had stayed silent until now, finally moved. 

Alex accel-ed to reappear before Incursio, he unleashed Time Acceleration, his speed increased drastically while Incursio saw her speed reduced, Alex threw a deadly punch toward the small girl head, she looked like a fragile piece of jade; however, this fragile piece of jade suddenly extended her arm, Alex's Time Acceleration seemed not to affect her as she stopped his punch with such an ease that left Alex baffled. 

''Time-related ability, I also have one.'' Incursio declared with a smile; her declaration shocked Alex. He doubted his eyes, not because someone else had the same ability as him, he was not so arrogant to believe he was the only one to possess such ability in this world as rare it might be, his surprise was because this girl before him seemed to possess a strength out of the authorized boundary, he wondered how could she bypass the dungeon's restrictions and exert such amount of strength which should be normally impossible, however, now wasn't the time to dwell on such matter, Alex immediately used his trump card, no he tried to use it when Incursio mumbled something and slashed at him with a white sword she had just summoned. 

The white sword sliced through the air at breakneck speed; Alex's eyes widened at the sight of the incoming fast sword, he increased his Time Acceleration ability by pouring more mana into his body, he succeeded in stopping the sword, he immediately counterattacked by firing dozen of bullets at Incursio from point-blank range. 

Normally, she should have been incapable of dodging the incoming bullets; however, she accelerated time around her and moved her sword. 

Just a casual swing, yet she was able to slice apart the incoming bullets. 

This outcome did not disconcert Alex; from the moment he learned that the girl could use Time like him, he had expected this situation; as such, he elaborated another plan. The first attack was to distract her as he prepared his other attacks. Alex threw twelve knives at Incursio; the latter snorted before deflecting the incoming knives; she had just finished her third knife when her body was suddenly pulled, and she found herself in Alex's place. 

Incursio didn't have the time to be shocked about this unusual ability when an invisible bullet tried to pierce through her chest; the phantom bullet was aimed straight at her heart, white light burst out from her body to instantly from a shield around her body that blocked the phantom bullet, then came Alex real attack. josei

[Time Stop] 

Alex secretly whispered, without knowing why Incursio's small body tensed up, and she knew what this meant; something dangerous was about to happen, she had to make a few preparations, this thought hadn't properly germinated before her body temporarily froze.

Incursio's pupils dilated before she became frozen in time, and at the exact same moment, Alex appeared before her and punched her toward the ground.


Her petite body was bent in K shape as it collided against the ground. Alex didn't even look before unleashing Crimson Bullet at her; facing this kind of enemy going all out seemed to be the best solution. 

BANG! Kaboom! 

A crimson cloud rose to the sky, Sakuya and Lilith scrambled away like frightened ducks; they didn't wish to be caught in this terrible crimson storm that destroyed hundreds of trees and created a large crater on the ground.

Alex, who should be overjoyed after successfully catching Incursio off guard and managed to injure her feel no joy; on the contrary, he felt a chill running down his spine, his sixth sense ringed, he tried to accel away; however, he was not faster. 

Everything was happening at speed impossible to describe, with an exploding circle reaching Alex's back instantaneously; something was smashed in his back.


And Alex was, in turn, punched to the ground. 

A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud as Alex violently crashed against the ground and vomited blood. Simultaneously, black flames swirling with golden lightning rippled outwards as shockwaves forced Incursio to retreat hastily, her figure blurred to reappear a hundred meters away to manage to escape Sakuya deadly Dimensional Slash.

''Tch! We shall call it a draw. Until next time we meet dear Alexander, the Eighth, I'm Incursio, by the way.'' Incursio smiled; her smile was bloody because of the blood inside her mouth; she had suffered a bit of damage in that attack, and there was another factor that pushed her to decide to retreat. Zero's sister disappeared after giving Alex one last stare, into he had just come out of the crater and spit blood out of his mouth. 

''Next time, we shall decide a winner,'' Alex shouted back; he had the impression that the disappearing Incursio nodded her head at his declaration. 

Lilith and Sakuya sighed in relief as Incursio was finally gone, they should be able to rest and completely heal; however, soon their expressions changed, they panicked after seeing Alex kneeled and coughed blood thrice, they rushed toward him, disregarding their tired bodies, however before they could come closer Alex stopped them and said. 

''Don't worry, it's nothing; it's just some bad blood. Let's move out and talk after finding somewhere safe.''

The girls nodded after staring at each other, accompanied by Alex; the three left.

Unbeknownst to them, a huge eyeball momentarily appeared in the sky stared at them, more specifically at Lilit,h before vanishing.

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