Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 472 - Side Story

Chapter 472 - Side Story: Looming Darkness

It happened after they got a vacation; like the others, the Wolfang siblings went back to their hometown. Because of her mission, Eris had been gloomy since her return; she barely talked; she thought about how she should tackle the problem known as Alex since the other party seemed aware of her intentions and became guarded against her.

 Eris was lost in thoughts, thinking about some possible solution; her brother entered after knocking and got no response. 

''Erin, what are you thinking about?" Ferris asked as he sat across from her sister. Because the two were twins, it was easy to guess what his second was thinking about. She seemed troubled over Alex's issue. No one likes to be dictated who they should choose to spend the rest of their life with; however, being born as royalty comes with prices. When you enjoy the benefits, better be prepared to pay the cost of such happiness. For Eris, the cost should be marrying Alex at any cost; such a man should be tied up to some force or at least get some sort of assurance for the future. As brother Ferris couldn't accept this, but as a future emperor, he had no choice other than to acknowledge this.

''Don't worry, everything will be fine.'' This was the only consolation Ferris could give her sister as he was aware that nothing could be done about their father's decision; by the way, it wasn't only his decision; it was the council's decision.

Eris nodded, but you could see that she was not present. The reason for their presence in their hometown was because Ferris must undergo a ritual before properly inheriting the Wolfang Empire throne. Eris had come to assist her brother. 

A few days later, Alex had called and talked with them; Eris showed a smiling face even when she was still troubled over how she should deal with the problem known as Alexander. 

A few days later, Ferris head out, his destination, the inheritance dungeon. Only by successfully coming out of this dungeon would he be acknowledged as the rightful next ruler.

Ferris stepped forward, looking at his sister he loved than anything, he said. 

''I'm going; wish me good luck.'' 

''May Lady Luck blesses you,'' Eris responded before closing her eyes. 

Ferris chuckled at his sister's reaction; he stepped forward, and soon he was teleported inside z room before a blinding light surrounded him, blocking his vision as he was sent away.

When Ferris opened his eyes again, the entirely different scenery stunned him. At that moment, it was no longer the circular room he was in but a vast, pitch-black land instead. The sky was also incomparably dark. At a glance, the entire world seemed only to be dyed in only one color; black. The winds gliding across the surface brought along slight pain. But before Ferris reacted to where exactly he was, the calm shadows ahead suddenly warped. Seconds later, along with deep roars that echoed, mysterious creatures emerged one after another like a ghost. They had strange appearances, constantly swaying like shadows and snapping their huge jaws open to reveal terrifying glow from their razor-sharp teeth. 

Ferris immediately knew that the test had begun; he grinned before stretching his arms; wind gathered around his arms to form a small wind tornado composed of terrible wind blades. Before the howling beasts could snap their razor-sharp teeth at him, his wind tornado moved and shredded them into pieces.

Even so, more beasts appeared and pounced on him; for the sake of himself, his sister, and his people Ferris mustn't fail.

The silver-haired young man smiled and squinted, holding the sword before him. At the next moment, the shadowy creatures howled and pounced on him like a violent wave. Hundred of shadowy creatures leaped toward him. No matter who witnessed this scene, perhaps they would think that the young man would be devoured at the next second.

But the truth was otherwise.

The shadowy creatures dashing from all directions were wild and aggressive—a few seconds ago. The instant they launched their attacks on Ferris, he swung his sword, the wind blew, and the creatures were shredded into pieces. Ferris smiled and moved forward; he was confident in completing this succession trial and gaining the ancestor's approval to inherit the silver sword. Filled with anticipation, Ferris moved on, completely unaware of the change that happened; he was not the only one to enter the inheritance dungeon; at the same time, he entered a shadow also entered, its purpose was unknown, but soon he would find out. 


Far from the Wolfang Empire was another empire located in the human's continent, the second strongest empire after the Drexia Empire. 

In a basement somewhere in the Holy Crux empire was an altar; this altar was constantly flickering. josei

Kneeling before this altar was the strongest authority of the Holy Crux empire, the Holy Pope, the Pope kneeled with eyes filled with reverence.

From the altar, a voice emerged; it was a woman's voice; this voice didn't hide her annoyance because her plans were compromised; usually, she should have appeared in this world, ending the many years of suffering. 

[You should acquire the vessel at any cost. She is the most compatible since hundred years ago. I don't care what method you use, but I want her. It's got to be her and no one else.] The voice declared. 

The Pope nodded, ''Certainly, Goddess, your wishes are my command. We need to make the Saintess enter our empire.'' 

Pleased with the Pope's answer, the voice laughed,

[With her body, the Holy war would be won, and you shall be blessed with Eternal Life, Cesar.] The voice declared. 

Although Cesar was well aware that he was being used, he didn't care if this meant he could get eternal life, which human didn't wish for this? Cesar's wish is to live eternally; for this goal, he didn't care for how many lives he must sacrifice; this includes his son's life. Cesar, also known as the Pope, nodded before leaving.

Preparations needed to be made before that event; the Holy Daughter should infiltrate the Freya empire and be one of the participants for the great war preparation; like this, the Holy Pope's plans shall be completed.. With a smile that shouldn't appear on a religious person's face, the Holy Pope moved, for his goals darkness shall cover the world.

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