Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 89 - 87

Chapter 89 - 87: On The Way Back


Nickaido's here to clarify something. Those of you who think Alex's personality made a 180 turn now that he became handsome are mistaken. It's quite sad if you think like this because it will show that you don't get what I'm trying to portray in the recent chapters.

My goal is pretty simple, to show that he has evolved not because he is now handsome, but after his evolution (thanks to Silveria waking call) he is not only focusing on leveling up like crazy as he was doing since the start but he will start focusing on other things like dating, making friends and other things. That's my goal in the recent chapters, and I hope now it's a little bit clear.



Darkness had descended upon the city. The sun had long hidden itself away beneath the horizon and left its place to human's artificial lights.

Alex and Sera could be seen walking side by side exchanging jokes.

Suddenly, Alex's hand got slapped away because it was sneakily going toward Sera's waist.

''What that for?" Alex asked while rubbing his hand.

Sera knew he did not feel anything because of his thick skin, it was to say Alex's defense was pretty high. Even if she doesn't know his current level, she could guess his Rank, Rank 4, or almost. His speed of progress was astonishing. He's special, there's no doubt about it.

Locking eyes with him, Sera's lips curled up, ''I was teaching a shameless hand how to behave. Do you perhaps know who's its master?"

''I dunno what you're talking about,'' Alex responded, his head tilted sideways.

''No, I bet you do. You are too scared to admit it.'' Sera said, trying to taunt him.

Shrugging his shoulders Alex said, ''Think whatever you want.''

Sera smiled victoriously, by doing so she let her guard down, and being as he is, Alex wasn't going to miss this chance to take advantage of her.

Sneaking his arm around Sera's waist, he brought her closer into his chest, inhaling her perfume, Alex lowered his head and whispered into her ears. "I'm not scared to admit it, what I prefer it's directly proving it.''

Alex quickly let her go and distanced himself from her because he knew if stayed one more second, he would be slapped hence the tactical retreat.

Finally, Sera reacted, she blushed, glaring at Alex for a while, she calmed down before saying.

''I understand. However, can I have a word with you?"

''A word you say? No, I refuse.'' Alex said distancing himself further from Sera who was slowly advancing toward him with a smile yet not a smile. She was trying her best not to show her anger on her face. Still, there was no way Alex could have misinterpret it.

〖Master, isn't it just a word? Just go.〗Silveria advised.

'Shut up Sil. I don't want to be thrashed.' Alex replied.

〖You shouldn't have taken advantage of her then.〗

'I know, however it's too fun to tease her. I like it.'

〖Go receive your punishment then.〗

'Don't wanna it will hurt.'

〖Are you a child?〗Silveria asked amused.

'No, I'm seventeen years old.' Alex answered with a straight face.

Silveria sighed not saying anything anymore.

Meanwhile, Sera was fuming inside. The rascal has been taking advantage of her since the moment he helped her.

'What a gal. Let's me catch you and you'll see how I'll educate you, you pervert.' Sera was inwardly thinking this while outwardly she maintains her smiling face.

''Alexander can you come closer? I have some important stuff to discuss with you.'' Sera said, almost as if pleading him.

''No, say it from where you are. I'll listen.''

''Sigh! Are you afraid?" Sera asked.

''I'm not afraid. I'm just cautious. It's not the same thing.'' Alex responded.

'My foot, you are afraid of being thrashed by me.' Sera thought, however, she still maintains her smiling face and continued to try tricks him.

And how could Alex be tricked when he knew what she was up to? Even without his Six senses, there's no he would go.

Finally, pissed off because Alex still kept his distance no matter what she said, Sera smiling face broke and she shouted, ''You better not let me catch you then.''

Alex grinned before disappearing, this time he did not use any skill, it was just his speed alone. He was moving at an extremely fast speed.

Sera grinned before dashing after Alex, her speed wasn't less his.

Finally, shoulder with Alex, she glanced at him, however, she didn't see a panic nor she saw the astonishment on Alex's face, what she saw was Alex putting on a victorious smile as if he was won a bet. And it was at that moment Sera became aware that she was been tricked. Smiling bitterly she asked.

''Do you confirm what you were after?"

''Pretty much,'' Alex responded with I tricked you kind of smile.

''And I may know what your conclusion is?" Sera asked while inwardly cursing her carelessness.

''I've confirmed that you are stronger than me. I do not doubt it, your class must be specialized in speed. You easily caught up with me at my full speed, yet you are only using a small part of your full speed, it may be because of your high level but Nah! I doubt it is to be the only reason. Call intuition if you want but I'm sure of my assumption. Also when you slapped my hand earlier, even if you withheld your strength, I felt it past. With my defense, it was impossible if your was not stronger than me.'' Alex explained.

Sera couldn't help but sigh, to think that all he was doing since earlier was to force her to this, like this he could confirm his guess, how frightening.

''You know you are too cunning.'' She said.

''I take it as a compliment then.''

''Yeah, you should.'' She said.

''You not denying mean my assumption is correct,'' Alex added.

''No comment on that.''

''I take it as yes then. Hehehe! I'm more interested in you now, I want you more. Be mine.'' Alex said with a serious face.

Sera rolled her eyes, ''I have something to ask can I?"

Seeing her switching the subject, Alex heaved a sigh before saying. ''Ask''

''Tell me will you have only one woman in your life?"

Alex was caught off guard by this unexpected question, he stayed silent for a moment before smiling bitterly and he answered.

''Sincerely no. I can't have one woman, I will have multiple women.''

After saying that Alex observed Sera's reaction. Surprisingly, she was smiling,

''You seem surprised,'' she said.

''Indeed I am.''

By now the two had stopped running, they have restarted walking side by side.

''You know no need to be surprised. I like your honest opinion.''

''Thank God. I thought you won't want me anymore. Glad I'm still your man.'' Alex said while petting his chest as if a catastrophe has been avoided.

Sera's lips twitched, she gave Alex a chop over his head.


Alex cried of pain, ''That hurts. What if it leaves a bump on my beautiful head? Will you take responsibility?''

Sera was amused, ''What kind of responsibility?" she asked playing along.

Grinning Alex shamelessly said, ''Like taking care of me for life. Li-"

Suddenly, Alex stopped talking and jumped back to avoid Sera's kick.

''What if it connects down there?" Alex asked protecting his family's jewel.

Sera's lips twitched when she saw what Alex was trying to protect.

''That would be unfortunate then. Well, even without it you can still live.'' She said with a smirk.

''How heartless. To think you'll turn your husband into a eunuch. Are you perhaps planning to green me afterward?" Alex asked with a frown, the feeling of being greened isn't good, even knowing Sera wasn't his woman, at least not yet.

Sera's lips twitched, she gently massaged her temples, trying to shave off her brewing headache.

''I never said that.''

''Safe,'' Alex mumbled as he took a deep breath.

''Can you be serious for once?" Sera asked feeling a headache.

''I'm always serious, though,'' Alex said with a shrug.

''And me I'm the daughter of a Goddess then. Seriously, I get it now, you are a lost cause.''

Alex's lips couldn't help but twitch being called a lost cause.

''Coming back to my earlier explanation. I was saying there's no need to be surprised, polygamy is legal in this world. Even if my dad is monogamous, I'm not against a man having multiple lovers, what I dislike is to act like you only love her and go cheat in her back. Be frank with her at the start, and if she wants to be with you even after knowing this then lucky you. However, never made a woman think she'll be the only one in your life, and afterward, you go cheat on her. It's pretty nasty to do that. No woman should experience this.'' Sera gave her opinion on their earlier subject.

〖Indeed she's right.〗Silveria also seems to share Sera's opinion.

Alex's expression turned serious. ''I guess you're right. It's nasty to do that.''

''I'm glad you shared my opinion. When you said no, you won't have only one woman. I was happy. If you have said yes, we wouldn't be having this conversation because I have seen it in your eyes, you are not a only one woman's husband. Good for you, you've been frank. Always remember this, be frank with women when it comes to things like these. If she accepts, then she's yours, if not let her go. That one is not molded for you.''

''Thanks for the advice. I've noted it.'' Alex said thankfully for her advice.

''You welcome,'' Sera said happily that he didn't take it wrong. Her impression of him went up, alas hearing Alex's next words dropped it towards the bottom this time.

''If what you said it's true. Then doesn't mean that you are perfectly molded for me? Hehehe! I'm glad because you are my custom made molds.''

''You are really a lost cause,'' Sera said with a sigh.

〖Indeed.〗Silveria also shared the same opinion.

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