Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 91 - 89

Chapter 91 - 89: The Appearance Of The Mobs

Looking in the direction Alex disappeared to, Sera noticed something unusual, however, she chose to ignore it. Then she went inside the store with the box of Ice cream in her hand, she then closed the door.

Once inside she saw her father sitting in a chair eating the Ice cream, he almost finished.

Noticing his daughter entering, Smith did not stop eating as he asked.

''Did the lad left?''

''Yes, he just left,'' Sera responded before sitting down on another chair in turn. She opened her box and started eating her Ice cream as well.

''You are not planning to do anything to those rats?'' Her father asked while he continued to eat.

''No, he can take care of it himself. Besides, it's his fault and knowing him. He had done that in hope of this happening.'' Sera explained.

''You have a pretty high opinion of the lad, huh!'' Smith said while staring at his daughter in the eyes.

''I do,'' Sera said before explaining what happened, how Alex tricked her.

''Hahaha. He's sure interesting. Leena has picked a cunning one this time.'' Smith said before finishing his Ice cream, he wanted to help his daughter finish it, however, Sera refused by moving back. Smith's face twitched, he couldn't help but sigh.

''Even your little act earlier, he was aware of it and decided to play along to get what he wants, your acknowledgment.''

''Hohoho! Interesting. I want him as my son in law even more now. You should consider it, I'm serious, he's pretty much to my liking than the other typical young masters.'' Smith advised, he seemed pretty serious.

Sera did not give any reply, she continued to silently eat her ice cream.

''Why are not saying anything? Is it because you against him having other women?'' Smith asked curiously because he knew a man of Alex caliber, destined to do big things will have lots of women around him.

''Not all. It is just that-'' Sera said until there before stopping talking.

''It's just what? You know parents will always want what is good for their children. I'm not forcing you but you should consider it, the lad is interested in you, use this chance to made a place for yourself before he returns to the capital where everyone will want him. Haven't you seen the Heaven defying change he went through? Who is his supporter? He's destined to do big things. And more importantly, he is interested in you, don't let this chance slip by, those sharks in the capital will want a piece, and if you not faster enough, you won't have any place besides him. You'll have a lot of rivals, even the three girls under the Imperial academy headmistress are your rival, your biggest rivals, the princesses may also join in. So, think about and decide what you will do, you are twenty already, time to think about yourself. I bet if your mother was here, she would have supported me saying you mustn't let the boy out of your grape. Good night my sweetheart, sleep well, and please think about it, I love you.''

Smith then stood up and kissed his daughter on her forehead before leaving.

''I will. Love you too dad. Good night.'' Sera responded, once her father's figure disappeared she heaved a sigh, ''That rascal, I hope he's fine.''

She then shook her head before going upstairs to sleep. She was rather tired and she needs to think.


On the other side.

After leaving Sera and Smith in front of their store, Alex was silently walking back toward his Inn.

En route he asked, ''Sil, have you noticed that the old man knew it was me when he saw me?''

〖I do. He was surprised at first but he after that he knew it was you. I don't understand why he put on that little show.〗

''Oh? That? He was just probing my intentions about his daughter and also to make it known he is supporting me.'' Alex explained, he couldn't help but smile remembering their earlier interactions.

〖Good for you, you have the father's approval, nothing stop now from getting the girl.〗

''You said it sounds as if it's easy. No matter what I'll do if the girl isn't interested it will for naught, even when you have her dad's approval. It's just approval to go after his daughter, not he is offering me his daughter on a silver platter to be eaten.''

Alex then added by asking a question, ''Sil, what are your impressions about the girl?''

There was a silence before Silveria finally spoke,

〖Seriously speaking she's a good catch, however, you should be careful.〗

''I see. Don't worry I will. It's good to not entirely focus on leveling up all the time as I was doing, my life was a little bit blend. However-''

Suddenly, Alex stopped talking as if he sensed something, the left side of his faint red lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his handsome face.

'The fish has taken the bait. Time to ripe some benefits.'

〖Indeed. For a moment I was afraid they wouldn't come.〗Silveria said.

'There is no way he won't come. People like him are too predictable.' Alex said before taking the direction of a deserted alley.

After entering the alley, he stopped before saying, ''Come out there is no to continue lurking in the darkness like some thief.''

Clap Clap Clap !!

There was a clapping sound followed the entrance of ten individuals blocking Alex escaping routes, it was the leader of the group who was clapping his hand as if to congratulate Alex for noticing that he was being followed.

''I guess you are not all in the face after all.'' The leader dressed in black from head to toe, only his eyes were visible said.

''Well, at least you finally showed up, seriously I was tired of waiting for you to come. For a moment I even wondered that maybe you will not come. Guess, I was wrong, here you mobs are. Let's quickly get over it. I've something else to do.'' Alex said while yawning heavily. josei

The ten individuals expressions darkened at Alex's words, if what he said was true then it means, he lured them here. To put it more simply it means he was confident of taking care of them. The leader of the group became cautious and decided to probe him a little.

''Quite joking will you? There's no way what you said it's true Alexander Touch, soon to be D Rank Adventurer if you succeed the test that is.''

''Oh? It seems you have done your homework Mr. Fishburns or should I call you Larry Fishburns instead?'' Alex said amused.

The leader, no Larry Fishburns stopped for a moment because he was astonished, he was covered not to let the other party know his identity yet he has been easily identified.

''How do you know it was me?'' Larry asked perplexed. Having been discovered, Larry sees no meaning in hiding anymore.

''Simple no matter what you wear, the demeanor I'm the young master from a noble house doesn't change. Your eyes also betrayed you, the look of disdain and I'm superior to anybody can't be concealed. And more importantly, as I had said at the start, I was expecting you. I knew you will personally come because you will want to trample on me. The pleasure of trampling on me is too sweet, it surpasses any danger for you not to come. You are too full of yourself for not doing exactly as I predicted.'' Alex explained everything so nonchalantly that for a moment Larry feels like a clown dancing on someone else turn.

Fear assaulted him at the thought that everything Alex had done early was for this exact moment, for this exact situation to happen. If it was true then he's quite frightening. Larry hastily shook his head, refusing to believe Alex.

''Nonsense, you did not predict everything.''

''You are right. I did not predict you'll come with those thrashes I have thrashed previously. I guess I have been too lenient previously.'' Alex said while observing the four individuals men in the back trying to make themselves small.

Hearing Alex's words, they visibly trembled, they did their best not to show it, nevertheless, Alex still saw it.

Larry's complexion darkened, he hasn't anticipated that Alex could also identify the four men at the back, considering how heavily they have dressed themselves to not be identified.

His eyes narrowed as he started thinking about a possible solution to have things under control because things were about to spiral out of his control.

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