Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Evian Stygian The Cursed Wraith

Chapter 2: Evian Stygian The Cursed Wraith


For the first time since he gained a ghostly form, Evian made a sound with his mouth and he was instantly embarrassed.

'Who gulps after swallowing a soul? Also, why did it taste so good?

It tastes like a mix of all my best foods. A mixture that shouldn't work but does!'


While Evian was still thinking of the taste of the soul he just consumed, the large double doors into the room slammed open and a tall man with a large muscular build walked into the room.

The man had dark hair and his eyes were equally as dark not only in color but in mood.

The man ignored everyone else in the room- The Witch, the maids, and the servants all standing by- He only had his eyes on the crying brown-haired woman.

"My lady-" he called to her.

The brown-haired woman stroked dead Evian's face and did not look up while she shook her head.

The tall man turned his eyes to the Witch.

"Daria, you promised to try your best!" he said in a booming voice.

The Witch looked abashed. Hearing her name seemed to hit her especially hard but she retained her composure as she bowed to the tall man.

"I'm sorry Lord Stygian, I did all I could but Young Master Evian's fate could not be changed."

"We should have called for a more skilled Arcanist. I should have known the skills of the Fourth Circle wouldn't be enough" Lord Stygian said.

Daria looked insulted but then she let out a sigh.

"Becoming a Practitioner is all that could have saved Evian and no Arcanist no matter how skilled can alter talent. I'm so sorry for your loss.

It is unfortunate that he was born with such a terrible fate" she said.

Evian nodded while still floating.

'A terrible fate indeed. The poor bastard will never even taste the afterlife 'cause I consumed him.'

Evian watched as the atmosphere in the room became sadder and sadder.

'Damn, this handsome bastard was really loved. My parents were happy to be rid of me. I turned Eighteen, they kicked me out and I never heard from them again.'

[Soul absorption complete. Body is ready for possession...

Commencing Assimilation...]

'Hmm, alright then. let's see what getting dragged through worlds and across the cosmos gets me in the Karma cycle'

With that last thought, Evian was controlled by the unseen force until his ghostly form merged into the dead body on the bed after which he blacked out again.


"Leave us, Witch. We must mourn our son" Lord Stygian said as he walked over to the brown-haired woman's side before placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The woman pulled herself out of his touch and fell over her son's body. Wailing all over him.

"It's okay, My Lady. I'm here for you" Lord Stygian said looking like he was trying to remain strong.

He had been quite fond of Evian despite his absolute lack of talent.



The brown-haired woman heard the sound. It was faint but she felt the rise and fall of the chest that was rightfully meant to accompany the sound.

Her cry stopped immediately and she raised her head.



At this point, everyone in the room could hear the sound.

The Witch's eyes were wide with shock.

The brown-haired woman felt as blood began to circulate within her son's body and before he even opened his eyes, she pulled him off the bed to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Oh! Oh, thank the gods, you're alive" the brown-haired woman rejoiced.

With her arms around his neck and her large breasts pressing into his chest, Evian finally raised his eyelids to look through his new eyes.


It was a collective sound from everyone in the room who could see the eyes. Everyone except Daria the Witch and Lord Stygian but even they were shocked when his eyes were a cold and deathly shade of grey.

Gone were the warm brown eyes he inherited from his mother.

But that was not all.

Everyone in the room, everyone besides the rejoicing mother still embracing her son, saw as Evian's brown hair began to change to grey.

"Thank you so much, Daria. I knew you could do it. I knew you would save my son" the brown-haired woman said while still rubbing her face against Evian's smooth cheek and not looking likely to let him go anytime soon.

"I- I don't think I had anything to do with this," Daria said instantly refusing to take credit.

When Evian's new grey eyes fell on her, she felt cold and resisted the urge to yell out how the return to life of Evian Stygian was a bad omen.

'Why are they all looking at me like that? They seem almost- afraid?' Evian thought.

Finally, the happy mother pulled away from her son and finally saw the change. She shook with shock and then looked away at Daria.

"Witch, what is this? What have you done to my son?" she asked.

Daria looked abashed.

"I- I didn't-" she paused and then looked again at Evian who remained confused.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my face?" Evian asked seeing as that was what they were all staring at.


The silence was broken by Daria.

"Please leave me with Young Master Evian for a few minutes?" she said.

"What do you plan to do?" the brown-haired woman asked instantly protective.

She looked to Lord Stygian but he was looking and acting very reserved.

Daria shook her head.

"Lady Myrine, you will have your time to rejoice about Evian's resurrection but I would like to understand the change he seems to have gone through."

Lady Myrine didn't move.

"You just asked me what happened to him. I won't be able to give you an answer until I examine him. In private." the Witch added.

Lady Myrine still didn't move but her eyes did dart over to Lord Stygian who let out a sigh.

"How long will it take, Witch?" josei

"Half an hour. That should be long enough" Daria the Witch replied immediately.

Lord Stygian approached Lady Myrine and took her hand to urge and assist her to her feet.

"It's only for a while, my lady. You'll have the chance to fawn over the boy soon"

Lady Myrine sighed and then nodded her head.

"Alright. But only for half an hour and my son better be in one piece by the time you're done" she warned before allowing her husband to lead her out of the room.

The maids and servants followed them out and soon, it was only Evian and Daria left in the room.

For a minute, neither of the two said a word, and then Evian's eyes started to roam until they fell on a large mirror not far to the side of the bed.

Evian's eyes widened as his reflection looked back at him from the mirror and he raised his hand to his hair.

"What in- Since when was my hair grey?"

'I could have sworn I saw Dead Evian with brown hair. What caused the change? Was it me?'

"So- Your hair and eye color change surprises you too?" Daria asked.

"Eye color change-?" Evian mumbled before staring hard at his grey eyes in the mirror.

"You mean, this was not the color of my eyes before?"

He had not seen Dead Evian's eyes when he was floating in the room because they were closed so he just assumed they had always been grey.

Daria's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"You don't remember the color of your own eyes?" she asked.

Evian looked away from the mirror and into her face. He had noticed the tone and look of suspicion.

He shrugged.

"No, I don't. I don't remember a lot of things actually. I don't even know where I am right now.

That reminds me, where is this place?" he asked.

Rather than answer, Daria walked over, eyed his face, and his arms, and then grabbed the lapel of the robe he was wearing and pulled it apart to reveal his flawless chest that had good muscle definition.

As she stared at it, Daria frowned.

'How strange, the disease never allowed Evian to develop a healthy physique. This is new. Just like the hair and eye color change' she thought.

While Daria was staring at his chest and before Evian could say a word, the voice he had been hearing ever since he became a ghost, returned.

[Congratulations on a Successful Possession. You are now a Cursed Wraith]

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