Debuff Master

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

The Bavarian Workshop and Autonika Workshop were at odds with each other since the olden times. The reason why these two workshops were forever rivals was that they had always been fighting for the second-place spot behind the Mercedes Workshop.

“They are a third-rate workshop. Only losers would buy their cheaply designed, cheap artifacts.”

This was the Bavarian Workshop’s opinion of the Autonika Workshop.

“Those dumbasses are still stuck in ancient times. They don’t have any technology at all. And what’s with their designs? Do dogs draw their designs for them? How dare they call themselves master craftsmen when they can only make useless antiques…”

This was the Autonika Workshop’s opinion of the Bavarian Workshop.

“Why are those idiots always fighting with each other? Kekeke!”

This was the Mercedes Workshop’s opinion of both Autonika and Bavarian.

‘I’m sure that they will try to appeal to me in hopes of stealing a customer away from the Bavarian Workshop. I mean, I’m a VVIP of the Bavarian Workshop, after all.’

Siegfried decided to put his BNW knowledge to the test.

‘What?! Why is he being so thick-faced all of a sudden? However, I don’t think that he is the type of person to bluff. Hmm…’?Shinozukan was confused by Siegfried’s sudden change of attitude.

The technological advancements and financial capabilities of each of the three workshops were massive, and they were probably more influential, more powerful, and richer than most kingdoms out there.

Therefore, it was quite baffling that the king of a small kingdom would dare to demand VIP treatment from them—the Autonika Workshop.

In fact, it was so ridiculous that any other staffer out there would have already scoffed at Siegfried for attempting to use his status against them.

“Your Majesty…”

Shinozukan maintained his professionalism as a salesman and calmly asked, “Why do you think you deserve to be a VIP?”

“I am a VVIP customer of the Bavarian Workshop, so do you not agree that I should be treated as a VIP here at the very least?” replied Siegfried.

“I-Is that true?” Shinozukan’s eyes shot wide open in surprise. He then quickly added, “If Your Majesty isn’t lying, then I might be able to assist you by asking our main office.”

“Yes, it is true. Take a look at this…” Siegfried replied. He was once again in awe of Shinozukan’s professionalism and courteousness. After composing himself, he presented the Blood Butterfly’s Dance Throwable Set.

“T-This is an artifact custom-made by the Hometown of Death!” Shinozukan exclaimed in disbelief upon seeing the green disks. Shinozukan instantly recognized the emblem of the Bavarian Workshop’s Hometown of Death engraved on the green disks.

“That is correct,” Siegfried replied with a nod.

“Oh! Your Majesty is truly an extraordinary person! May you kindly give me a moment? I will go up and make a report to the main office!” Shinozukan exclaimed.

“I will be grateful if you can do that for me,” Siegfried replied with a bright smile.


The Autonika Workshop immediately responded to him.

“Greetings, your majesty Siegfried van Proa. My name is Boothroyd, and I am the one in charge of the Autonika Workshop’s Smithy of Advancement.”

“Nice to meet you; my name is Siegfried.”

Boothroyd was a young man who looked to be in his twenties at most. He had long curly hair that almost covered his eyeglasses, and he was wearing a white gown that scientists often wear on Earth.

‘He looks more like a researcher to me than a blacksmith.’?Siegfried was a bit taken aback by Boothroyd’s appearance, but he decided not to think too much about it. ‘Does it really matter??As long as he can craft the item that I want, he can wear anything.’

The young man’s abilities were more important rather than his outward appearance.

“First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to our Autonika Workshop. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our workshop will be treating Your Majesty as our VVIP customer from now on, so I hope that you will visit us frequently,” Boothroyd said.

“Huh??VVIP? Are you sure it’s not VIP?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Why are you treating me so well all of a sudden? I mean, I am not complaining, but I think that it is a bit too much…” Siegfried was a bit surprised.

He knew that there was a high chance that the Autonika Workshop would accept his commission for a custom-made artifact as long as he used their hostile relationship with the Bavarian Workshop.

However, Siegfried didn’t expect that the head blacksmith of Autonika’s Smithy of Advancement would come out to greet him.

“We are just providing you with the treatment you deserve, Your Majesty. Those Bavarian bastards are uncivilized, dumb, and artistically illiterate, but they have the eye for the rightful owner of their creations.”


“It is only fitting for the VVIP customer of those Bavarians to receive equal or even greater treatment in our workshop.”

“I still did not expect that you would personally come to greet me. I mean, you’re the head blacksmith.”

“The VVIP customers of the top three workshops have special privileges.”

“Special privileges?”

“A customer does not simply become a VVIP customer just because of their influence or wealth.”

“By that, you mean…”

“We are talking about the rightful owner of artifacts.”

“Rightful owner?”

“A lot of our VIP customers are influential and wealthy people, but I can confidently tell you that not all of them have the right to become owners of artifacts. The artifacts they usually purchase from us often end up as expensive display pieces, which would accumulate dust over time. They are usually stored in display cabinets or displayed on their waists for them to brag about their wealth.”

Siegfried nodded in agreement.

‘Yeah, my driving skills are pretty bad, but I still insist on driving a Ferrari,’ he thought.

How many people with supercars could utilize at least fifty percent of their supercars’ capabilities? It was safe to assume that only one out of a hundred owners were probably skilled enough to drive those cars to their limits.

“I would love nothing more than not to sell our artifacts to people like them if it weren’t for our financial requirements to fund our research, development, and material needs…”

”However, Your Majesty is different from those people. You are someone who will actually use our artifacts, which means that you have the potential to be our workshop’s brand ambassador as well.” action


“VIP customers increase our workshop’s revenue, but they cannot increase our brand’s value. However, a carefully chosen VVIP customer will be able to increase our brand’s value, which in turn would increase our workshop’s revenue as well…”

”It is safe to assume that the benefit we will gain from a VVIP customer is equivalent to a thousand—no, ten thousand VIP customers.”

It was a response that one could expect from a commercialized workshop.

“That is why the workshops are always on the lookout for anyone with the potential to become our VVIP customers,” Boothroyd added.

“I understand,” Siegfried replied with a nod.

“But… may I ask what you require from our workshop??Ah,?it must be because you were not satisfied by the hopeless skills of those Bavarian bastards, am I right? Your Majesty?” Boothroyd asked with a hint of excitement and expectation on his face.

Unfortunately, Siegfried could not bring himself to lie. “That is not the case…”

“Ah,?that is a shame…” Boothroyd muttered with a disappointed look.

“An artifact that I really need is from your workshop, so I dropped by. Unfortunately, it seems to have been discontinued.”

“Is that so? Please tell me what artifact it is, and I will make it for you.”

“I need the Bi-Turbo Set.”

“Oh…” Boothroyd muttered blankly. A few moments later, he said, “I regret to inform Your Majesty that we cannot craft the Bi-Turbo Set in the meantime.”


“Well… we are unable to procure the materials necessary to craft those artifacts…”


A few messages suddenly popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: Quest: ‘Entropy Stone’ has appeared!]

[Alert: Do you wish to listen to Boothroyd’s story?]

After reading the messages, Siegfried asked, “Hm, did something happen?”

“Well…” Boothroyd recounted the story.


The Entropy Stone, which was the core material necessary to craft the Bi-Turbo Set, was already an expensive material, but the ongoing war between Stone Island and Adunyadet had pushed the prices of Entropy Stones to astronomical heights.

The main reason behind the astronomical prices was that Entropy Stones could only be found on Stone Island. The second most important reason was that the Adunyadet Kingdom was preventing all sea route access to Stone Island, which also effectively severed all trade with the island.

“And that is why our workshop has to stop the production of the Bi-Turbo Set.”

“It’s my first time hearing that, but I’m pretty sure your workshop’s influence should be able to easily resolve that kind of issue.” Siegfried pointed out.

“We could solve our supply crunch in the interim, but we—the craftsmen of the top three workshops—have sworn not to get involved in the political issues of the continent.”

“I see…”

“That is why we will not get involved unless provoked.”

“What if I help you procure the material you need?”

“That would be difficult, but… I will craft you an even more powerful set item if you do manage to bring me the material that I need.”

“An even more powerful set?”

A quest message popped up.

[Looking for Entropy Stone]

[Procure an ‘Entropy Stone’ from the city-state Stone Island located at the southwest region of the continent and bring it back to Boothroyd.]

[Progress: 0% (0/1)]

[Rewards: Quad-Turbo Set (The Quad-Turbo Set is an upgraded version of the Bi-Turbo set).]

The quest reward was unexpectedly generous.

[Quad-Turbo Set]

[An upgraded version of the Bi-Turbo Set crafted by the best department of the Autonika Workshop, the Smithy of Advancement.]

[It is equipped with two more turbochargers than the Bi-Turbo Set for a total of four turbochargers.]

[Set Effects: Skill Power +30%, Skill Area +80%, All Skills +2 Levels.]

The reward perfectly matched what Siegfried needed as the Debuff Master. Actually, it was even better because it was an upgraded version of the Bi-Turbo Set.

“I will go ahead and procure it,” Siegfried accepted the quest without a hint of hesitation.

[Alert: You have accepted the Quest: ‘Looking for Entropy Stone’!]

It could be considered impolite to the NPC if he took a rain check.


Siegfried emerged from the doors of the Smithy of Advancement department of the Autonika Workshop. It had to be known that the Smithy of Advancement was responsible for the creation of the Autonika Workshop’s ultimate artifacts.

Upon leaving, Siegfried immediately returned to Proatine.

Once he was done with his preparations, he headed for the Warp Gate that would lead him to Stone Island.

However, Siegfried noticed that someone else aside from Hamchi was following him.

“What do you want?”

He had snuck into the Warp Gate the moment Siegfried stepped into it, and he was none other than the scribe of the Proatine Kingdom, Gringore de Noveldrawer.

“I’m off to do some work, you know?” said Siegfried.

“I am aware, Your Majesty,” Gringore replied with a bow.

“Then, why are you following me? You should go back and earn us some foreign currency,” Siegfried said. He remembered what Michele said about how Gringore had been earning them a pretty penny through his theater performances.

“I am a scribe, Your Majesty.”


“My job is to record everything that you do as the King of Proatine.”

“More like exposing my shameful, dark history…” Siegfried grumbled under his breath.

“Did you say something, Your Majesty?”

“No, it’s nothing…” Siegfried shook his head after inadvertently blurting out his thoughts.

“Anyway, please go back and focus on earning us money.”

“I do not want to.”

“Even if it’s a royal command?”

“I am the only scribe in all of Proatine. Therefore, I am legally allowed to disobey Your Majesty’s command if my job is involved.”


“Do you want to die?”

Siegfried tried threatening the scribe, but the latter didn’t budge even an inch.

“Please do as you wish, Your Majesty. I had long resolved to put my life on the line the day I made the decision to be a scribe. Is Your Majesty aware of how many scribes had been put to death by their kings?”


“However, I hope that Your Majesty will be aware that the kings who killed their scribes went down as tyrants in history.”

When it came to politics, Siegfried was basically powerless against Gringore.

‘Sigh… he’s just going to be a burden if I bring him with me, and I don’t really think that he’s going to be useful.’?Siegfried inwardly grumbled.

However, Siegfried soon realized that the scribe was useful in the latter’s own way.

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