Debuff Master

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Siegfried’s hands moved as fast as lightning as he collected the dropped items.

[Alert: You have obtained Genuine Sword!]

[Alert: You have obtained Alpha Romeo’s Retaliation!]

[Alert: You have obtained Widowmaker!]

[Alert: You have obtained Vilania’s Start!]

[Alert: You have obtained Ring of Calmness!]

[Alert: You have obtained Chinook’s Belt!]

[Alert: You have obtained Seira’s Madness!]

The Adventurers had dropped quite a few expensive items.

“Jackpot…” Siegfried muttered in delight as he greedily stashed the items into his Inventory. He had completely forgotten about his repentance just a few minutes ago. Of course, there was quite a lot of garbage among the dropped items as well.

‘Why the hell are they carrying shit like this in their inventories…?’?he grumbled inwardly while shaking his head after observing the garbage?on the ground.

Those items were the following…

- Third-Rate Writer’s Wet Panties

- Expired Canned Sardines

- Tattered Teddy Bear

Siegfried had no idea why those Adventurers had been carrying them.

Whatever, they should still fetch a coin at least, so let’s pick them up.’?

He decided to pick everything up since he wouldn’t run out of inventory capacity anytime soon.

Of course, it was all thanks to Hamchi.

Siegfried borrowed one of Hamchi’s magical inventory pouches just in case to avoid running out of inventory capacity. He didn’t want to experience the pain of having to abandon precious items because he couldn’t carry them in his Inventory anymore.

This is expensive, this is average, this is fine…’?he muttered inwardly while roaming around the castle grounds as if he were the groundskeeper.

Siegfried decided to keep a few useful and expensive items on him rather than sell them.

- Beam of Justice

- Mechanic Force

- Super Megaphone

The three items that he had decided to keep for himself were actually gifts for Oscar, Seung-Gu, and Gringore.

‘They have excellent stats and options. This is my chance to show them my appreciation. I should keep these with me and give them to them later.’?

Having made up his mind, Siegfried continued picking up items.

[Alert: You have obtained the skill book Shimiken’s Finishing Moves!]

The final last remaining item ended up being a strange skill book that contained sixty-nine different skills.

[Skill Book: Shimiken’s Finishing Moves]

[A skill book containing the sixty-nine secret techniques of Shimiken—a legendary figure who dominated a certain era in history.]

[Powerful skills that can finish off the other party regardless of race, age, and sex are sealed within this book.]

[Type: Skill Book]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Special Effects: The user will automatically obtain Shimiken’s sixty-nine secret techniques. Learning the sixty-nine skills will not consume any skill points, and all skills will be at MAX Level upon learning.]

Siegfried became filled with expectations upon reading the description of the strange legendary skill book.

I wonder what skills are they…?It?can actually finish off anyone, regardless of their rage, age, and gender?! This Shimiken guy had to have been a true Master!’?Siegfried marveled.

He could barely wait to find out the true power of the skills in the skill book. However, he hesitated just as he was about to open it. In the end, he decided not to open the skill book, and the reason was simple.

I’m the Debuff Master, so do I really need other skills? Besides, Shakiro-nim and Elder Blockhead have already taught me plenty of skills…’?he thought.

The idea of learning the skills of a legendary master was tempting, but he didn’t want to stray too far away from his identity as the Debuff Master.

However, a person’s curiosity couldn’t be easily suppressed.

Should I just learn those skills? I just don’t have to use them, right? I’m sure there are a lot of things I could learn from those skills as well…’?Siegfried contemplated for quite a bit before he decided to take a peek at the book.


Siegfried opened the first page of the book and muttered in disbelief, “What the hell?”

He grimaced upon sensing that something was wrong after reading the words written on the first page.

Rejoice, dear reader!

You are now about to dive into the secret art of the Ultimate Fornication Techniques!

If his presumption was right, then there was definitely something wrong here.

“Did I just get scammed…?” he muttered.


All of a sudden, a powerful pinkish beam shot out from the skill book and engulfed Siegfried.


Siegfried was right. The sixty-nine skills could only be used while playing mommy and daddy, and they flooded Siegfried’s mind like a deluge.

“What is this?! What the… that awkward posture… I don’t… need this—Euk…!”?

He tried his best to block the data being forced into his brain, but the skill book was simply too powerful for him to stop.

“N-No! The skills are getting engraved… on my mind…!”

Siegfried really tried his best, but he was forced to give up in the end.


A pink light flashed in Siegfried’s eyes.


[Alert: You are now able to learn new skills!]

[Alert: You may check the new skills on the ‘My Skill’ page on your status screen!]

[Alert: The Ultimate Fornication Techniques can only be used when adult content is activated!]

In the end, Siegfried’s curiosity earned him ultimate skills exclusive only to adult content.

[Alert: Adult content cooldown time has been reduced by 50%!]

[168 hours > 84 hours]

[Alert: The cash required to activate adult content has been reduced by 100%!]

[398,000 cash > 0 cash]

[Alert: You have obtained the title: ‘Seggs Stamina King’!]

He even obtained the title Seggs Stamina King on top of the skills.

“It’s over…” Siegfried lamented while pulling out his hair as he muttered lifelessly, “How am I supposed to go around with a title like this? Everyone is going to make fun of me. Haaa…?my public image…”

The NPCs didn’t have the Rune of Insight, so they wouldn’t be able to take a peek at his titles. However, the other players were different.

“Do you go all night?”

Wow… Are you only playing this game for its adult content?”

“You’ll die early at this rate. You better slow down, man…”

“Are you here to play or fool around? Why don’t you just go to a club in real life or something?”

He could already imagine the type of criticism he would receive from other players.


Siegfried dragged the Starved King’s corpse out of the castle, signaling the end of the six-month-long war between Stone Island and the Adunyadet Kingdom.

“Hurray for Stone Island!”


“Hurray for King Siegfried van Proa!”


“Hurray for Lord Angele!”


The crowd cheered for Siegfried and Lord Angele.

It was a gross overstatement to say that the Stone Islanders won the war. If it hadn’t been for Siegfriend, the Adunyadet Kingdom would have successfully annihilated them all. Therefore, Siegfried truly deserved their cheers.

Siegfried stayed on Stone Island for a few days, and they welcomed him with an even grander celebration compared to the celebration that the Nordic Tribe had welcomed him with.

Siegfried stayed on Stone Island because he still had to collect the Entropy Stone and the reimbursement he deserved from Stone Island. Of course, he also stayed to establish official trade ties with the island.

Siegfried also went over to collect his quest rewards from Lord Angele.

In the end, Siegfried and the Proatine Kingdom earned a tremendous profit from this endeavor.

“For the next hundred years, products from the Proatine Kingdom are exempt from payment of duties and or taxes. Minerals we export to the Proatine Kingdom will also be sold with a thirty percent discount.”

The Proatine Kingdom gained tax exemption, a huge discount on minerals, as well as advanced technological blueprints, which would improve the territory. Of course, the effects of the deal wouldn’t be readily apparent, but the Proatine Kingdom would profit tremendously in the long run.

“Thank you very much for your generosity.”

“Not at all! We are simply repaying what we owe. This is the least that we can do for our savior!” Lord Angele hurriedly waved her hands at Siegfried’s expression of gratitude. In addition, she even smiled brightly to show that she didn’t feel as if she were on the losing end of the deal.

Siegfried and Seung-Gu instructed the members of the Labor Force to restore the mines after the trade agreement with Stone Island was signed. Then, they went to the Adventurers to award them bonuses for participating in the war.

The Adventurers felt immensely grateful for the bonus.

“You didn’t have to…”

“You are a well-mannered person. Haha!

“Please call me again next time. I will come running immediately!”

“Thank you. I was feeling depressed because my main gear had dropped when I died…”

The Adventurers had no idea that the bonuses Siegfried gave them actually came from the Adventurers’ own pockets.

“N-Not at all…?Hahaha…” Siegfried felt slightly guilty, but that was about it.

Frankly speaking, the Adventurers had died because they weren’t strong enough. If they were strong enough, then their items wouldn’t have dropped. Siegfried’s act of giving them a bonus was actually quite generous of him.


It was all because other gamers wouldn’t have given them even a cent after looting all of their items.

“Hey, owner punk.”


“How much did you make without spending a dime…?”

Siegfried had actually made more than what he had spent since Stone Island had reimbursed him the full amount he had spent, and they had even paid him interest on top of it.

Moreover, the items that he had looted from the dead Adventurers would also earn him a tremendous sum once they were sold, so he hadn’t technically spent a single dime as capital despite reaping such a huge profit.

“T-That’s… Haha…

“We won the fucking jackpot!”


“Buy me lots of tasty things since you made a fortune! Hamchi has been craving something sweet these days! Kyuuu!”

“Weren’t you going to curse me for being shameless?”

“Why would I curse you? It’s not your fault they died because they were weak, right? I mean, technically… they didn’t even do their job properly.”

“I guess that’s true?”

Ha…?You’re too good for your own good! Hamchi wouldn’t have given them even a single cent! No, I would have chased them out for being so useless!”

It seemed that the hamster was even more ruthless than his owner…


The next morning…

“We got it, hyung-nim!” Seung-Gu exclaimed. He extended a small stone he had mined after the restoration works were done.

It was the raw form of Entropy Stones.

[Alert: You have obtained ‘Raw Entropy Stone’!]

[Alert: Bring the item to Boothroyd to collect your reward!]

Siegfried’s journey to collect the final piece of the Quad-Turbo Set finally ended.

“It’ll be great if you stay a few days longer…” Lord Angele muttered with a hint of regret.

“I would love to do so, but I’m busy, so… Hahaha…

“I understand, but I cannot help but feel regretful about it…”

“We shall meet again.”

“You will always be welcome here. Ah, we will send the gold we owe you as soon as our warp gates are restored. The amount that we are planning on sending is quite a sizeable amount to transport manually…”

Huh??How much do you plan on sending…?”

Hmm??Ten times the original amount.”

“What?!” Siegfried shouted with wide eyes.

“Stone Island isn’t simply going to repay Your Majesty with money. You saved us from the brink of extinction. We are not capable of paying you back a hundredfold, but we can at least pay you back tenfold.”

“B-But that’s too much…”

“Please do not refuse it. It won’t make a dent in our finances.”

“Then, I will gladly accept your offer. Thank you very much, Lord Angele,” said Siegfried.

He was sincerely grateful that she was willing to reciprocate his kindness.

The Stone Islanders gave him a grand farewell as well.

“Take care, Your Majesty!”

“Please come again!”

“We love you!”

“Hurray for King Siegfried van Proa!”

“Hep, hep, hurray!”

Siegfried drove his Aqua Runner into the horizon.

His next destination was the Autonika Workshop’s Smithy of Advancement.


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