Debuff Master

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

The Mechanical Heart that was created for the emperor of the ancient Clockwork Empire boosted Carell’s power.

[Heart Booster]

[The Metal Heart may send their heart into overdrive to power up.]

The shocking part was with the boost itself.

‘A fifty percent boost in power?!’?Siegfried was flabbergasted after seeing that Carell had received such an overwhelming buff.

The explosive buff allowed Carell to easily overpower the Genesis Guild members.

“W-What the hell is this NPC?! Why is he so strong?!”

“This crazy bastard!”

“Who the hell is he?!”

The Genesis Guild members couldn’t even retaliate against Carell.

I should help him.’?Siegfried cast Blaze Field and Shadow Swamp.

“Thank you!” Carell exclaimed. He danced through the battlefield, committing a one-sided slaughter.

However, his dance was cut short.


Carell was struck by a shield, and he was flung far away.


“Y-Your Majesty…”

“What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?” Siegfried asked. He hurriedly helped Carell to his feet.

“It seems that… I have run out of steam…”


“It has been thirty seconds, so…”



Carell’s strength came with one fatal flaw.

“Carell, you…”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“You’re suffering from premature…?”


“G-Good job. Now, hurry up and run away.”

“No, Your Majesty! I shall protect you!”

“But you’re already out of mana…”


“Just hurry up and run. I’ll take care of things here. I can just die, so don’t worry.”

‘I should at least unleash Torrential Flower Rain once before croaking,’?Siegfried thought as he faced the incoming Genesis Guild members after letting Carell escape.

However, it seemed that Carell wasn’t his only reinforcement.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

An army of Iron Golems was running toward him.

“Hey! Owner punk! We’re here! Kyu!”

“I’m here, hyung-nim!”

“Your Majesty! I shall sing for you!”

Hamchi, Seung-Gu, and Gringore joined the battle and used their abilities.

This changes things,’?Siegfried thought with a smile.

He was no longer alone. They were few in number, but they were definitely strong together. Most importantly, he trusted his comrades, so he could smile amidst the danger.

“Let’s wrap this up and run away,” Siegfried said. He retrieved two disks from his Inventory and aimed them at the incoming Genesis Guild members.


The Genesis Guild was forced to fight against the GT Guild without most of their powerful members.

The guild war started, and hundreds of millions of people tuned into it.

[The guild war today looks grim for the Genesis Guild. They don’t have that many Buffers.]

[I agree. The Genesis Guild’s biggest strength is in their Buffers, so what happened to them?]

[I think this guild war has been decided…?]

The expert analysts tasked with commentating on the guild war expected the Genesis Guild to one-sidedly lose the guild war.

[The expressions of the Genesis Guild members look grim. Did something happen recently?]

[They look like they went to raid a high-level boss before coming here…]

[Their characters have eye bags, and it means that they aren’t feeling well in real life, too.]

The analysts pointed out that the Genesis Guild members seemed exhausted and that it wouldn’t be strange for them to suddenly bleed from their noses and collapse from exhaustion.

The analysts were correct.

The Genesis Guild members were on the brink of collapse from exhaustion after struggling with Siegfried for the past forty-eight hours.

It was a different story for Siegfried. He would strike whenever he wanted to strike with his guerilla tactics, but the entire Genesis Guild had to be on their toes at all times, expecting an attack.

In the end, their reduced number of Buffers and the accumulated fatigue of their members turned the analysts’ expectations into reality.

Besides, the GT Guild was ranked higher than the Genesis Guild in the first place, so the outcome of this guild war was as good as decided.


“What’s up with them? I asked them to come to have some beer and fried chicken while watching the guild war, but where the hell are those two? They aren’t even answering their phones…” Cheon Woo-Jin grumbled while watching the guild war on his phone.

Cheon Woo-Jin was sitting in front of three whole fried chickens and three mugs of beer.

He wanted to watch the Genesis Guild’s annihilation together with Tae-Sung and Seung-Gu, but they couldn’t be seen. He hadn’t heard from the two as well. Tae-Sung and Seung-Gu ignored his calls and messages, which was quite strange.

“Don’t tell me that those two are doing something without me…?”

Unfortunately, he was correct.

Of course, they weren’t eating or drinking without him; they were busy in the game.

They were currently at a farm roughly five kilometers away from the Genesis Guild’s headquarters…

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Seung-Gu’s Iron Golems stomped.

Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Aaaah~

Gringore’s song wilted the plants in the vicinity.

“Hey, owner punk! Those are expensive medicinal herbs! Let’s steal all of them! Kyu!”


Siegfried and Hamchi dug up the expensive medicinal herbs that were not only expensive to grow but took a long time to grow.

Keke! Robbing an empty house is the best!” Siegfried snickered while merrily digging the ground. josei

The farm wasn’t an ordinary farm. It was a farm that was being operated by the Genesis Guild, and this was where they grew various expensive medicinal herbs and magical plants for alchemy.

In short, Siegfried was robbing the Genesis Guild’s farm, shops, barn, mine, etc., while they were busy with the guild war.

Ah… It sucks I don’t get to see Chae Hyung-Seok’s face…” Siegfried grumbled in disappointment.

He tried to imagine what kind of face Chae Hyung-Seok would make after he returned from losing the guild war, only to find that his guild’s properties had been ransacked to the ground.

“I’ll bother you until the day you off yourself from stress. It’s time for me to pay my debts a hundred, no, a thousand, no—ten thousand fold!” Siegfried exclaimed and cackled sinisterly.


“Do I have to go hire a professional…?” Chae Hyung-Seok seriously pondered after losing the guild war.

The professionals he was referring to were hitmen one would often see in movies or TV shows.

He was already furious that he lost the guild war because of the insect, but he got even more furious upon discovering that the insect had ransacked his properties.

He was so enraged that he seriously considered committing murder, but it seemed that his anger wouldn’t stop there.

No, it couldn’t stop there…

“Hyung… I think that bastard has gone nuts…” Min-Woo showed Chae Hyung-Seok a video that was uploaded to G-Tube.

“What is it?” Chae Hyung-Seok looked at the video.

The video was uploaded just an hour ago, but it had already garnered more than one hundred thousand views.

[Genesis Guild Massacre Mad Movie.avi (312 Kills)]

What was the name of the uploader? It was none other than…

[Siegfried TV]

[Video Description: This is a video compilation depicting me massacring the Genesis Guild members. I will keep this up until the day their guild disappears. ^^]

[Caption: Genesis ?]

Chae Hyung-Seok’s face turned ugly out of fury after seeing the video.

“Hey, Min-Woo…”

“Yes, hyung?”

“Go hire a hitman.”



Chae Hyung-Seok grabbed his nape, and his character—Desire—collapsed to the ground.


“H-Hyung?! What’s wrong?!”

“C… Call… an ambulance… to my house… I’m logging out….”

“HYUNG!” Min-Woo shouted.


Chae Hyung-Seok’s character—Desire—dropped a random item. It seemed that his character perished after his blood pressure shot up while he was in the VR capsule.


Lalala~ Lalala~”?Siegfried hummed merrily upon returning to Proatine.

[V Sports News Flash: Pro Gamer Chae Hyung-Seok is in the ER after suffering from a sudden stroke.]

A news article he had seen first thing in the morning made him hum in joy.

Hmm… Should I collect water and start praying that he croaks?” Siegfried wondered, but he quickly decided against it as he muttered, “No, this is just the beginning. I can’t let him die just yet. I’ll pray for your quick recovery. You can’t die now even if you want to die.”

It was a bit hilarious to see that he was praying for Chae Hyung-Seok’s recovery, even though he hated the latter the most. Of course, it wasn’t really strange, considering his motive of inflicting more damage to Chae Hyung-Seok.

“That’s why you should have exercised regularly. It’s not strange for pro gamers to suddenly suffer from stroke… tsk, tsk…”?Siegfried shook his head and clicked his tongue.

Most pro gamers nowadays suffer from all sorts of illnesses along with complications such as spinal disc hernia after many years of playing. After surviving on takeaways and sitting on their chairs or VR capsules for years, it was actually strange that most pro gamers were unaware that their health was declining.

“I’m praying for your recovery, Chae Hyung-Seok. I hope that you’ll make a full recovery,” Siegfried prayed for his archnemesis’ full recovery before heading to his throne room.

I need a weapon before anything else—a weapon from the Mercedes Workshop. Then, I need to use the enhancement coupon on it… Come to think of it… why are those Osric bastards so quiet these days…?’?Siegfried was busy thinking about his own personal issues rather than running his country.

And it was evidenced by…

Zzzz… Zzzzzz…

Siegfried fell asleep on the throne just five minutes after the morning meetings started.


His figure flickered numerous times, and a magic circle flickered beneath him as well.

This was happening because Tae-Sung had also fallen asleep in his capsule in real life.

The capsule couldn’t decide whether it should log him out or not.

“There’s no stopping him… really…” Michele shook his head and sighed. However, he smiled bitterly after recalling how busy Siegfried had been in the past two days.

“The meeting will be conducted by me, the Minister of the State, in the stead of His Majesty. Our first order of matter is the welfare and vengeance of the single mothers that the Adventurers had abandoned…”

The meeting continued while Siegfried was sound asleep.

“…Your Majesty?”


“Please wake up, Your Majesty.”

“It’s already over? Yawn! Ah, I feel so stiff. I should have probably logged out and slept properly if I was going to sleep…” Siegfried stretched. He looked around and said, “I think that’s all for today, so I’m going to go and commission a weapon for myself…”

“Your Majesty.”


“You may not go yet,” Michele stopped him.

“Why? Isn’t the meeting over?”

“Yes, the meeting is over, but there are many people who wish to meet Your Majesty.”

“Me? Who? How many are there?”

“There are at least a thousand Adventurers requesting an audience with you.”


Siegfried failed to understand why those people wanted to meet him.

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