Debuff Master

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Magnus’ was enveloped in a crimson aura as he leisurely walked toward the kingdom’s subjugation force with Siegfried at the vanguard.

The Vampire Lord was immortal, and he was also a master of a special kind of dark magic that used blood as its conduit—Blood Magic. This meant that Magnus not only possessed a vampire’s monstrous hardware, such as strength, speed, and vitality, but he also possessed the ability to use the pinnacle of Blood Magic.

In short, he was an extremely powerful melee combatant and a Great Wizard at the same time.

“Come, I shall quench my thirst with your blood and satiate my hunger with your flesh. I, Magnus, the Vampire Lord, will grant you fools the death you so dearly wish for and bathe in your blood,” Magnus muttered under his breath while glaring at Siegfried.


Walls of ice suddenly shot up around three hundred meters away from Magnus.

Chwak! Chwak! Chwak!

Hundreds of ice walls shot up from the ground and surrounded the Vampire Lord, but that wasn’t the end of it.

“Fortify our walls against the enemy…”

“Our fortress will withstand all attacks…”

“Fortify our walls…!”

The magicians that were originally affiliated with the Renoma Kingdom but were now working as magicians for the Proatine Kingdom, cast their spells to fortify the ice walls. A group of magicians cast alchemy magic to coat the ice walls in silver, and another group of magicians cast magic to suppress evil energy within the walls.

This was the Mirroring Field, and it was the most effective technique to trap a powerful vampire.

A Vampire Lord was extremely powerful, but it was still a vampire in the end. Magnus still ended up getting trapped within the Mirroring Field because he still possessed the racial traits and weaknesses of a vampire.

However, Magnus didn’t seem to be troubled in the slightest.

“I’m not going to run, you fools. Do you really think that the Vampire Lord is going to turn around and run from his own livestock?” Magnus smirked.

He was extremely confident that he wouldn’t be defeated by the insignificant humans that served no better purpose than to be his meal.

However, his confident smirk soon disappeared.


It suddenly started raining, but the problem was that the rainwater looked a bit different—the rainwater wasn’t transparent but black. Magnus found the strange color of the rain to be quite peculiar, so he looked up at the sky.

An airship?’?he spotted three airships equipped with something similar to a giant watering can, and it sprayed water over him.


The rain seeped into Magnus, and he started to decompose from the inside.

Don’t tell me… The holy water of Thanatos?’?

He was surprised upon identifying the holy water.

It wasn’t strange that he was surprised.

The holy water of the church that worshiped the God of Death, Thanatos, was known to be extremely difficult to get, and it was impossible for someone to get enough of that rare holy water to make it rain from above.

However, what surprised him the most was the fact that the human who managed to turn the impossible into possible was none other than the king of the livestock that he had been looking down on—Siegfried.



It was raining inside Siegfried’s heart as well.


Siegfried shed a tear. ‘Money is… falling from the sky… it’s raining money…’

He was crying because he had paid an astronomical amount for the holy water.

The astronomical figure could be covered if he sold the items that he had picked up from the Genesis Guild members and took some money from the kingdom’s coffers, but it was still a massive amount of money.

Siegfried would have been on cloud nine if he managed to obtain the holy water of Thanatos for free.

This is all because of you, you mosquito bastard!’?Siegfried gnashed his teeth in anger.

However, the fact that he had to spend a lot of money for this raid was more than enough for him to be enraged.


Siegfried charged at Magnus to vent his anger.


The Mirroring Field and holy water was used, but those weren’t the only surprises that Siegfried had prepared for the Vampire Lord.

The most powerful subject of the Proatine Kingdom, Decimato, channeled a spell.

“Sunder the evil and bind it with the fourteen cloths of justice…”

He was channeling a spell that he learned from Daode Tianzun, and it was a spell that only a Great Wizard could cast.


A large magic circle spread out, and it got bigger as Decimato chanted his spell.

The spell was once used by a Great Wizard to defeat the Vampire Lord of that era, and it was a spell that would seal the bloodsucking ability and the Blood Magic of vampires.

Magnus was stupefied.

T-This ancient magic is…!”?

He could have never imagined—even in his wildest dreams—that he would once again witness the ancient spell that was used to kill his father—the previous Vampire Lord.

However, the surprises didn’t end there.


A spear flew from out of nowhere and buried itself in the Vampire Lord’s back.

The spear was thrown by the Weapon Maestro, Luna. She used Shakiro’s Lightning Fourth Form to throw the spear stealthily.

The spear started sucking the Vampire Lord’s HP as if it were a leech with an insatiable hunger.

Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!

The bad news for Magnus was that he was about to face ninety-nine more spears of the same kind as the one stuck in his back.

“Eat these…” Siegfried shouted as he stood inches away from the Vampire Lord.


“You mosquito bastard!” he shouted and used Lightning First Form to thrust the Spear of the Hell’s Leech into the Vampire Lord’s face.


“Stab him!”

“Send the evil monster back to the depths of hell!”

The NPCs and Adventurers well-versed with the spear instantly flocked toward the Vampire Lord and thrust away using the Spear of the Hell’s Leech.

Kwaaaaaah!”?Magnus screamed in agony as the spears poked holes in him.

The subjugation force finally started their full-scale attack.

Fwaaaaa! Fhwaaa!

Siegfried’s Blaze Field served as the signal for all forces to attack.


“You dare insult me… the Demon Lord of the Night!” Magnus exclaimed in anger.



“T-This monster!”

The Vampire Lord proved that he was truly deserving of his title.

He exerted monstrous strength and killed Adventurer after Adventurer, even after getting stabbed by a hundred Spears of the Hell’s Leech.

The most surprising part was that Magnus’ Defense and Magic Resistance were still incredibly high, even after Blaze Field had shredded them.

He’s a real monster…’?Siegfried clicked his tongue as the Adventurers died one by one.

He tried to imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t destroyed the Bloody Castle with the Scourge of God and…


…he felt a chill travel down his spine just by imagining it.

I guess I need a monster to fight against a monster, right?’?Siegfried smirked.

He shouted, “It’s time!”

Thud… Thud… Thud…

A large-framed man with white hair and golden eyes leisurely walked toward Magnus.


[Lycanthrope Lord]

[The last remaining hope of the lycanthropes after they were driven out from their homes by the vampires. He is currently working as a mercenary.]

[Type: Named NPC]

[Race: Lycanthrope (Wolf)]

[Level: 350]

[Affiliation: N/A]

[Position: Lycanthrope Lord]

[Class: Lord of the Lycanthropes]

[Titles: Night Predator, Ruler of the Wild, Night Hunter, Beast King, Mercenary King]

The man was none other than the lord of the beasts that once stood toe to toe against the vampires—the Lycanthrope Lord.

He was currently working as a mercenary, and he was known as one of the three Mercenary Kings on the continent.

There were rumors that it was going to cost someone the same amount to buy a small territory to commission Grimwood, and the sucker who had to pay was, unfortunately, Siegfried.

He hired the Lycanthrope Lord, Grimwood, for the sole purpose of killing Magnus.

“Grimwood…?” Magnus muttered and grimaced.

“Today will be the day you will meet your maker,” Grimwood said with a smile filled with madness.

Krawk…! Krawk…! josei

Fur sprouted all over him as he turned into a lycanthrope.

“You dirty little mutt! You couldn’t even dare lift a finger against me, but you actually threw away your honor to side with the humans?” Magnus growled.

Magnus was right. Grimwood had never even imagined fighting Magnus.


They were lord-class creatures, but a clear gap existed between Magnus and Grimwood. Magnus was also at least a few centuries older than Grimwood.

However, it was a different story if they were fighting in an anti-vampire field in addition to the support of the subjugation force of Proatine.

Grimwood was no longer an opponent Magnus could underestimate in the latter’s current predicament.

“Keke! Let’s see if you can still say that once I tear you apart limb for limb… Kehehe!

Grimwood’s transformation was complete, and he immediately pounced on the Vampire Lord.

A bloody battle between the Vampire Lord and the Lycanthrope Lord quickly broke out.


“Wow! They’re putting quite a show out there!” Siegfried exclaimed in awe.

“Yeah! It’s an awesome fight! Kyu!”?Hamchi added.

The fight between the two monsters was so fun that it could be called the fight of the century.

Magnus truly lived up to his title as the Demon Lord of the Night by displaying his strength despite being under the many debuffs that Siegfried had prepared for him.

Meanwhile, Grimwood was not as strong as Magnus, but he lived up to his titles as the Lycanthrope Lord and Night Hunter.

The clash of the two giants could only be described as jaw-dropping. They dealt additional damage to each other as they were from the same bloodline, and their faces quickly became a bloody mess.

Unfortunately, it was about time they concluded the battle. They had been fighting for nearly three hours straight now, and even the onlookers were getting tired.

However, it wasn’t really strange that they were still fighting. After all, both Magnus and Grimwood were immortal beings. They kept on regenerating despite beating each other up until they were on the verge of dying.

Of course, they were bound to become tired at one point, but it seemed that it was going to take at least more than twenty-four hours for that to happen.

Hmm…?Shall we end this battle?” Siegfried wondered.

Siegfried had been placing down Blaze Field and Shadow Swamp whenever the skills went off cooldown to assist Grimwood, but now, he was going to walk toward Magnus.


[HP: ??????????]


[HP: ??????????]

The perfect time for Siegfried to get involved was now.

The two lords only had ten percent of HP remaining after all.

The first target is the Vampire Lord? I guess you’re quite picky of your opponent since you’re a +15 weapon,’?Siegfried thought as he tightly gripped his +15 Gaia’s Fist.

He was currently Level 210, and he had already satisfied the level requirement of the +15 Gaia’s Fist. He leveled up seven times in such a short period of time because of Cheon Woo-Jin.

Hey! Give me a quest that’ll allow me to level up seven times within twenty-four hours!”

“Hey, you crazy bastard! Do you honestly think that such a quest exists?”

“Go make one if it doesn’t.”

“Wow… look at this daylight robbery. Have you already forgotten that you’re no longer Level 100? You’re already Level 203, so why are you expecting to level up seven times in twenty-four hours?!”

“I thought you were the Quest Maker? Don’t you have an ace up your sleeves?”

“I do… but I can’t fight for three months if I use it …”

“So you do have one? Then, hurry up and hand it over!”

“Hey! You bastard!”

“Give it to me!”

In the end, Siegfried received an ultimate quest from Cheon Woo-Jin, and he immediately jumped from dimensional rift to dimensional rift fighting to the death against many boss monsters before reaching his target level.

All of my stacks are gone…”?

Siegfried could still remember Cheon Woo-Jin grumbling about how he would be out of commission in the next ninety days. Anyway, the first thing that Siegfried did as soon as he gripped the +15 Gaia’s Fist was to smack Grimwood’s head.


The +15 Gaia’s Fist slammed into Grimwood’s head.

It was a despicable yet extremely effective move. It turned out that Grimwood was one of the three birds that Siegfried was hoping to kill with a single stone.

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