Debuff Master

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

[Back to Basics]

[Go to the Elven Kingdom, Elondel, to enhance the Debuff Master’s core skills.]

[Hunt down the vicious ancient creature, Earth Monster Terramog, and consume its core.]

[Type: Special Quest]

[Progress: 0%]

[Warning: The Terramog is an extremely powerful monster.]

The quest was to hunt a monster called Terramog and consume its core.

You will need to consume mysterious powers from time to time to achieve enlightenment and become even stronger.

Create the habit of looking at the answer and how that answer was achieved whenever you’re stuck in a bottleneck.

Many words appeared in the skill book once more.

You will only be wasting your time if you struggle to find the answers on your own.

I do not wish to see my one and only beloved disciple waste his time that way.

I, your master, have already gone through countless trials and errors over numerous decades.

Of course, I will not say that my time was wasted since there are things I picked up along the way.

However, I do admit that I wasted a lot of my time in doing so.

I have become invincible, but I have done so at the cost of time.

I was also forced to detach myself from the world because of the laws of causality’s restrictions, and there are things I regret not being able to do.

I want to prove to the world that I am the most powerful being, but I cannot do that.

Tears started to fill Siegfried’s eyes as he read Deus’ honest thoughts.

My disciple…

I do not wish for you to live the life that I lived.

That is why I have devised this plan. I want to help you become stronger sooner rather than later, and I want to help you become invincible.

Do you understand your master now?

“Yes, I have always understood you, Master…”


Go and enhance the core skills of the Debuff Master!

“I will do it, Master!”

Siegfried got ready to depart for the Elven Kingdom at once.

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

However, the training dummy blocked his path.

Huh??What do you want? Aren’t we done?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

“What’s wrong with you? I have to go do the quest that Master gave me. Move.”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

However, Bruce didn’t move at all.


In fact, the training dummy started mercilessly beating Siegfried up once again.

“The training is over, you bastard! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“My name is Bruce, Bruce Wood!”

“What the hell are you trying to say?!”

Siegfried tried his best to reason with Bruce, but the training dummy simply desponded by one-sidedly pummeling him.

“Why are you doing this to me…?!” Siegfried cried out and shed a tear at the abuse.

In the end, he was forced into training once again just when he thought that it was all over.

[Alert: The buff Contempt for the Strong has been deleted!]

[Alert: The buff Adamant Body has been deleted!]

[Alert: The buff Proof of Existence has been deleted!]

Three of the Debuff Master’s buff skills were suddenly deleted and replaced by a new one.

[Alert: You have obtained the skill Overclocking!]


[A Debuff Master exclusive skill born from the combination of Contempt for the Strong, Adamant Body, and Proof of Existence.]

[The skill has three stages.]

[The second and third stages will provide a massive buff to the Debuff Master in exchange for HP, Mana, and Stamina.]

[Type: Self Buff]

[Level: 1]

[Duration: 60 seconds]

[Cooldown: 180 seconds]

[Effects: Additional Damage dealt to enemies with higher levels (+1,000% for successful counterattacks), Attack Power increase, Defense Increase, Super Armor, Increased Damage dealt to debuffed targets]

“No wonder…”

Siegfried could still remember Bruce interrupting him whenever he tried to activate his buffs. He finally realized why Bruce had been interrupting him. “You’re telling me to use them together instead of using them separately, am I right? You don’t want me to waste time using this and that?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

“Thanks a lot. It’s going to be easier for me to buff myself in battle now, but there’s a small penalty…”

The hefty penalty of the second and third stages seemed to be the reason why the skill was called Overclocking.

However, Siegfried didn’t think that the penalty was bad.

I guess I’ll have to give up an arm to take my enemy’s life.’

The new skill granted him a huge boost that would allow him to defeat extremely powerful enemies, so it wasn’t really that bad.

In addition, he should be called shameless if he grumbled that there was a penalty to the skill that would allow him to beat enemies he normally would have no chance of beating in the first place, right?

Of course, it would have been better if there were no penalties at all, but it seemed that one couldn’t have their cake and eat it as well.

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!” Bruce nodded and shooed him away.

“You want me to go?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

“Tell me honestly. You forgot to teach me how to combine the buff and hurriedly tried to make up for it before I left, right?”

“M-My name is Bruce… Bruce Wood…!”

“Guess I’m right. You completely forgot.”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood…”

“I guess you can make mistakes, too. Don’t worry, things happen. Anyway, I’m going now, okay?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

And that was how Siegfried’s training—no, one-sided pummeling—ended.

Siegfried promptly headed for the Elven Kingdom.


Siegfried stopped by an elven village in the forest before heading to the Elven Kingdom.


It was all because only the elves knew where Elondel was located, and no human knew the Elven Kingdom of Elondel’s exact location.

Hmm… So you want to visit the Elven Kingdom?” asked the head of the village.


“I’m afraid, but that is impossible. The Elven Kingdom is a forbidden ground to humans, and no human has ever set foot in the land of the elves. This is also not the best time to visit the kingdom…”

“I really have to go there,” Siegfried insisted before saying, “I heard that an ancient monster is currently lurking in the Elven Kingdom.”

“A-Are you sure?”


Hmm…?That’s not good…” the village head muttered. He pondered about it for a while before he finally said, “Please give me a moment, King Siegfried. I will contact our kingdom and seek their advice.”


Thirty minutes later…

“King Siegfried.”


“I am delighted to inform you that our kingdom has approved the entry of you and your subordinates.”

“Oh? Really?”

“It seems that they were willing to grant your request this one time for the help you have given to our village.”

Haha!?We are all in this together, right? We should be helping one another as neighbors!”

“You are indeed correct. Anyway, I shall lead the way for you.”

“Thank you.”

Siegfried obtained the rare privilege of entry to the Elven Kingdom in just thirty minutes.



He stepped out of the warp gate and was greeted with a message in front of his eyes.

[Central Nürburg Continent: Eternal Forest]

This vast dense forest was rumored to have existed since the beginning of time, and it was so vast that four or five kingdoms would have to be put together to match its great expanse.

Wow… It’s over for me if I lose my way here… I’d be wandering until the day BNW officially closes its doors…’?Siegfried thought while looking down from the mountain cliff where the warp gate was located.

The forest was so vast that he reckoned it was impossible to escape from it without the use of a teleportation skill or scroll.

“Are you sure the Elven Kingdom is here somewhere…? All I can see are trees… I don’t see any kingdom anywhere,” Siegfried asked the village head.

Keke! That is because this kingdom is shrouded by an ancient spatial distortion magic,” the village head replied with a chuckle.


“The Elven Kingdom exists on another dimensional plane. In other words, it is on the Nürburg Continent while not being on the Nürburg Continent at the same time.”

“I see…”

“The emissaries from the Elven Kingdom will come for you shortly.”


“It is only proper for the kingdom to receive their guests, no? Besides, you will need a guide as well.”


All of a sudden, the space in front of them distorted.

Flap! Flap! Flap!

The distorted space was torn open, and dozens of pegasi emerged from the rift.

The pegasi looked both majestic and powerful as they flapped their wings.

There were elven knights riding the mythical creatures.

The elven knights were members of the Elven Kingdom’s Pegasus Flying Squadron, which was also known as one of their most elite knight divisions, and the captain of the knight division was none other than…


The hideous princess of the Elven Kingdom, Brunhilde.

“Siegfried-nim~ Welcome~ I missed you so much!” she exclaimed.

“H-Hello… Hahaha…” Siegfried awkwardly replied.

He was flustered after seeing the elven princess once more. ‘My first kiss… sniff… sniff…’?

The shame of having his first kiss stolen by a game NPC was too much for him to bear.

“Welcome! I am glad that you are visiting us, Siegfried-nim! I missed you so, so, so much!”

“M-Me too… Haha…

It seemed that Brunhilde was quite ecstatic about his visit.

“Hop on!”

Huh? W-Where…?”

“Here!” she replied while patting the saddle behind her.

“B-Behind you…?”



“Hurry up!”

“W-Wait…! Hold on!”

“Hurry!” she exclaimed. However, she reached down and pulled Siegfried to the seat behind her before Siegfried could even respond.

“Please hop onto the others, too!” she told the rest after successfully kidnapping?Siegfried.

Gringore, Seung-Gu, and Cesc were given the privilege and honor of riding on a pegasus. Speaking of Cesc, Siegfried decided to bring him along because he was the strongest Tanker in Proatine.

“You have to hold on tightly, okay?” Brunhilde said.

Ah… S-Sure…” Siegfried awkwardly replied.

However, he couldn’t bring himself to wrap his arms around her waist.

Siegfried’s reaction wasn’t really strange because someone behind him would definitely carve the scene of him wrapping his arms around Brunhilde in the retina of his eyes, then painting the scene later once they were done here.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Siegfried to change his mind. josei

“Pegasus Flying Squadron! Take off!” Brunhilde shouted.

“Taking off!” the knights responded at the same time.

Flap! Flap! Flap!

The pegasi flapped their wings, and they soared into the sky at speeds comparable to a fighter jet.

Aaaaaaah!”?Siegfried screamed in horror. He instinctively wrapped his arms around the elven princess’ waist.

Kyuuuu!?This is awesome!” Hamchi cried out.

He looked like he was having the time of his life.

However, the same could not be said about Siegfried.


He was forced to bury his face on Brunhilde’s back after being unable to withstand the intense headwind.

However, that wasn’t the only issue.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The pegasus flapped its wings rigorously, and Siegfried’s butt would bob up and down whenever the pegasus flapped its wings. A certain place was rubbing against Brunhilde in an up-and-down motion.

Eventually, the accident that Siegfried wanted to avoid at all costs finally happened.

N-No! Don’t!’?he pleaded to himself. He felt his blood rushing toward a certain body part in his nether region, and he was forced to start contemplating if he should just abandon the adventure and kill himself by biting his tongue.

Unfortunately, it was already too late now that he was here.

[Alert: Adult content has been unlocked!]

[Alert: You may now enjoy to your heart’s content!]

The restricted content unlocked itself at the best timing ever.

Why did you unlock yourself?! I didn’t ask for this!’?Siegfried protested. He was still not at the level where his mind had full control over his body, so he had no choice but to endure the awkward and embarrassing situation.

I want to die… Should I just die before she notices what’s going on…?’?he contemplated whether to bite his tongue and log out or not. In fact, he was resolved to do just that if Brunhilde suddenly asked her—Siegfried-nim! What is this thing rubbing against me?—or something.

However, it seems that the heavens were still on the vigorous king’s side.

“Captain! Enemies have appeared!”

“Enemies spotted!”

“Stay alert! We got company!”

The knights shouted.

Enemy?!’?Siegfried turned and saw a swarm of what looked like black bugs around two kilometers away from them.

What are those? Wyverns…? And those are… dark elves?!’?

The enemies trying to intercept them were dark elves riding on black wyverns.

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