Debuff Master

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

The only reason Siegfried decided to go up against Chae Hyung-Seok was simple.

My debuff is much stronger than his buffs.’

Trust—he had absolute trust in his Blaze Field after consuming the Terramorg’s Core.

The debuff was enhanced to the point that it could shred the enemy’s Defense and Magic Resistance to negative figures if used in a small area. Meanwhile, Chae Hyung-Seok’s buff could cover a very large area, but its efficiency was unchanging.

In other words, Siegfried’s debuff was way stronger than Chae Hyung-Seok’s buff on a smaller battlefield. Siegfried also possessed the ability to nullify Chae Hyung-Seok’s buff.

‘Hmm… This place is quite small… What if I used that skill? Shall we see what happens to those buffs you guys are so proud of?’?Siegfried thought with a smirk.


A blue circle shot out from where Siegfried was standing and enveloped the surroundings.

Frost Wave!

It was the debuff skill that shredded the enemy’s Damage, and its effects were immediately noticeable.

“Huh? What happened to my damage? Why is it so—Ack!”

“Why am I so weak?!”

“Guild Master! Where are the buffs?! Are you sure you’re casting it? I can’t deal any damage to these fucking insects!”

The Head Crusher Guild members capitalized the moment the Genesis Guild members were greatly weakened by the debuffs and attacked them relentlessly.


“These Genesis bastards are a piece of cake!”


The Head Crusher Guild members did not miss the opportunity to beat the Genesis Guild members, who had gotten stripped of their buffs, Defense, and Magic Resistance.".

The Genesis Guild members were receiving more damage than normal.


However, their nightmare didn’t end there. Siegfried placed down Shadow Swamp and trapped the Genesis Guild members in a slow hell.?Of course, the shadows that emerged from the ground didn’t forget to use dirty attacks against their enemies.

“Crazy! Does this make sense?!” Chae Hyung-Seok bellowed in anger.

“Why not?” Siegfried smirked and asked in response.

“H-How can an insect like you—”

“It’s time for some beating.”

Siegfried immediately raised his +15 Gaia’s Fist and smacked Chae Hyung-Seok’s chin with an uppercut.


Chae Hyung-Seok’s head was flung backward as blood spurted all over the air, but blood wasn’t the only thing that flew into the air.


A dozen of his teeth broke after eating an uppercut, and his teeth popped out of their sockets and flew into the air like popcorn.

D-did this bastard just hit me? He punched my teeth out of me?!’?Chae Hyung-Seok was in absolute disbelief. However, he didn’t have the luxury of time to even think as Siegfried continued the attack.

Puk! Pukeok!

Siegfried jabbed +15 Gaia’s Fist with his fist before using Machine Gun Smash.

Puk! Puk! Pukeok!

Chae Hyung-Seok’s character was in an absolute mess, and his face was covered in tears, snot, saliva, and blood.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character has been inflicted with Stun!]

[Alert: You have lost control over your character!]

Chae Hyung-Seok was stunned after getting consecutively hit by the +15 Gaia’s Fist, which was a blunt weapon. Now, he was helpless.

Fuck! This insect is beating me up, and I can’t do anything against him?!’?

He was absolutely enraged from having to withstand the shame of losing to Siegfried, but the main problem was that he had no way to get out of his current predicament.


Siegfried’s control was much better than him. josei

After all, the reason that Chae Hyung-Seok was able to become the guild master of one of the top ten guilds, along with being a pro gamer, was solely because of his buffs skills rather than his skills as a gamer.

Chae Hyung-Seok stood no chance against a melee physical damage dealer, and he mostly relied on his guild members, but the fact that his guild members weren’t here to protect him and the opponent possessed monstrous control made the outcome quite clear.

He had become nothing more than a sandbag, and he knew that all he could do was wait until he was beaten to death.


[HP: ??????????]

However, his Defense and HP were so high that he was still alive despite being on the receiving end of the one-sided beating for quite a while now. The Holy Saint was a class that boasted tremendous survivability thanks to its enormous Defense and HP.

Wow…” Siegfried muttered in amazement after seeing stars spinning around on top of his sandbag’s head. It was the visual effect that appeared whenever a character was stunned.

“You’re quite durable for a sandbag. Others would have already died, you know?”

“Y-You shon ob va bishhh!” Chae Hyung-Seok retorted in an alien language. He could no longer pronounce words properly because most of his teeth were missing

However, Siegfried completely understood what his sandbag was trying to say, but he decided to feign ignorance.

“What? What did you say?”

“Fookhin bashtuuu!”

“Huh? I can’t understand you—did you just say you love me?”

“You fwoookuuur!”

Oh!?I love you too!” Siegfried exclaimed. He grinned before kicking his sandbag.




The sound of eggs?cracking reverberated throughout the battlefield.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character has been afflicted with Impotence!]

[Alert: Your character has become a eunuch!]

[Alert: You are now restricted from using adult content for ninety days, even if you resurrect!]

Chae Hyung-Seok received the honor of becoming a eunuch in the game.


I have to become stronger…’?Siegfried thought while beating Chae Hyung-Seok.

It’s easy to beat him like this, but it’s so difficult to kill him. I need more damage… I can’t defeat him like this!’

He realized from this battle that he was lacking in two things…

The first one was the area of his debuff.

He needed to find a way to maintain his debuff’s efficiency while matching the area Chae Hyung-Seok’s buff could cover.

After all, there was no guarantee that they were going to keep fighting in small areas.

The second one was his Attack Power.

Siegfried’s damage could be regarded as the top among others with similar levels, and it was quite rare for a character to be able to dish out as much damage as he was doing. However, he believed that it was still not good enough. He wanted to obtain the firepower to easily defeat Chae Hyung-Seok, who was both a Buffer and a Tanker.

I still have a long way to go. Let’s not slack off. I have to focus on growing stronger…!’?he said to himself. Siegfried decided to push himself harder to grow stronger.


By beating up his sandbag, of course!

“We’ve almost taken care of them, hyung-nim! I think we have to retreat before reinforcements arrive!” Seung-Gu shouted.

“Okay!” Siegfried replied.

He wanted to beat his sandbag for a bit longer—no, he wanted to beat Chae Hyung-Seok until he died. Unfortunately, time was not on his side as he was currently in the midst of the enemy camp.

There were dozens of NPCs being killed in the name of the Nameless God in this city, and he had to go save them rather than beat Chae Hyung-Seok to death, no matter how much he wanted to do that.

“Everyone, come over here! Go down this manhole as fast as you can!” Siegfried shouted at the fearful NPCs. The NPCs started to climb down the manhole one by one with the assistance of the Head Crusher Guild members.

“Don’t push! Go orderly one by one! We’re all going to die if you push others just to save yourself!” Siegfried shouted once again.

He was ushering the NPCs down the manhole while beating Chae Hyung-Seok from time to time to keep him stunned. Perhaps it was thanks to his instructions, but the NPCs surprisingly moved in quite an orderly fashion.

“Our guild members will meet you down there! Follow their instructions, and you will be safe!” Siegfried shouted before he looked at Chae Hyung-Seok.


Of course, he did not forget to refresh the stun once again.

“You know, I didn’t want to do anything this time since I had to get paid. And I thought it was a good opportunity to watch how you guys fought with my own eyes,” Siegfried said with a shrug.

“You zhun ova bisshh!”

“But the things you guys were doing were so despicable that I couldn’t bear to hold myself back. Surprisingly, you made me realize something this time… I’m going to do my best to disrupt everything you do from now on with everything I got.”

“Mowon… You cunt git yer moneh…”

“So? I’ll just get it later, plus interest. Oh,?now that I think about it… I can make a killing off of you if I keep stopping you from earning money and letting the interest accumulate, right? You’ll probably have to sell your items if you want to stop the interest from snowballing! Kekeke!

“You…! You defil…!”

“All right, have a nice day!” Siegfried said with a smile.

It was then.

“Guild Master-nim!”

“We’re here!”

“Catch those bastards!”

The reinforcements of the Genesis Guild appeared in the distance and started running toward the Head Crusher Guild.

Huh? It’s going to be problematic if they join in…” Siegfried muttered before he jumped into the air.


He slammed his +15 Gaia’s Fist into the ground.

Splitting Heaven and Earth!

The area of effect attack skill of the Debuff Master was used against the oncoming Genesis Guild members.

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

He couldn’t collect the dropped items, but he gained a tremendous amount of experience points from them.

[Alert: Your level has risen!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 220!]

He leveled up, and this was all because he had been massacring Adventurers left and right since the last battle.

“Owner punk! We have to go! There’s a shit ton of them coming toward us! Kyu!” Hamchi exclaimed while pulling Siegfried.

“All right!” Siegfried replied and jumped down the manhole with Hamchi.

“Cash them! CAASSHHH!” Chae Hyung-Seok screamed at the top of his lungs.


“Catch them! We have to catch them!”

Min-Woo led the Genesis Guild members instead of Chae Hyung-Seok after he arrived, and he was currently leading them in hot pursuit of Siegfried in the underground sewer.

He brought a group of elite guild members that he had summoned from various other cities after seeing Chae Hyung-Seok’s message.

[Aria City: Underground Sewer]

A message popped up in front of Min-Woo’s eyes after he jumped down the manhole ladder.

Splash! Splash!?

He could hear the sound of Siegfried and his companions running away in the distance, and it seemed that they were making a break for it toward an exit around two kilometers away.

Light?! That must be the exit! Those bastards are trying to use that to bypass the checkpoints!’?Min-Woo instinctively realized what they were trying to do.

“Run! We need to stop them! Catch them no matter what it takes! Run!” Min-Woo screamed at his guild members.

The guild members started running as fast as they could, but…


“What’s going on…?”

The Genesis Guild members suddenly dropped to the ground one by one.

“What’s going on?! Why are you guys falling down all of a sudden?! Hey, you fuckers! Run! We have to catch—” Min-Woo shouted, but he was soon interrupted by a message.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character has been inflicted with Radioactive Poison!]

[Alert: Your stamina will significantly deplete every second, and you will lose control of your character!]


Min-Woo read the messages and looked down at his feet to find a green fog slithering on the ground.


The coward—Siegfried—seemed to have spread his radioactive energy while running away. The green fog got thicker and thicker in the sewer as if there were a fumigation device somewhere!

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