Debuff Master

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

‘Demon Race?! Am I in the demon realm right now?!’ Siegfried was completely shocked, but he did not have the time to think right now.


The Low-rank Demon Race Scout swung its sword at Siegfried’s neck.

‘Avoid it first… Then counterattack!’ Siegfried sidestepped and swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist in an uppercut.


The +15 Gaia’s Fist struck the Low-rank Demon Race Scout’s chin.


The monster dropped to the ground with half of its face smashed in.

‘Better be safe than sorry,’ Siegfried thought as he mercilessly swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist until a message popped up in front of his eyes.

[Alert: You have obtained Experience Points!]

Is it because it’s a demon? It gave quite a lot of experience points for a mere scout,’ Siegfried thought after seeing the number of experience points he had obtained. It was clear that the reason behind the massive Experience Points was the fact that it was a high-level demon, even though it was just a Low-rank scout among the demons.

However, that wasn’t the important thing right now…

“Don’t tell me… Am I really in the demon realm?”

There still wasn’t any announcement about the opening of the demon realm, but the almanac of BNW had mentioned that the demon realm truly existed in the game.

However, no one knew how to get into the demon realm because it was an unreleased piece of content.

“No way… It wouldn’t make sense for an airship to crash into the demon realm, right?” Siegfried thought as he decided to shrug off his concerns.

“Let’s keep walking for now.”

Siegfried proceeded with caution this time as the Low-rank Demon Race Scout was proof that there was danger lurking on this island.

Aigoo… Why is my luck so rotten…?”

He couldn’t help but question his luck after getting kidnapped from his own wedding and then crashing into an unknown island.


The island was quite vast, and it seemed to be at least the size of Seoul when compared to reality.

“This is driving me crazy…” Siegfried grumbled. He had been searching for a Warp Gate for the past eight hours in vain.

“I’ll probably respawn on this island if I drown to death while swimming out of here. Hmm… Should I just build a raft and try my luck? Yeah, that’s probably my only other option if there are no warp gates here…”

The only other creature he had met on this island was the Low-rank Demon Race Scout, so he still had no clues as to how to escape from this place.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Siegfried suddenly heard the sound of weapons clashing against each other in the distance.

That’s a battle!’

He ran toward the direction where the sound was coming from.

It took him around five minutes of running to finally see a group of knights and a group of demons in battle.

However, he noticed that there was something strange about the battle. The knights and demons were fiercely fighting against each other, but none of them uttered a single word while fighting.

The scene was silent aside from the sound of their weapons clashing, and it felt as if they were pre-programmed robots fighting each other.

What the hell are they?’ he wondered.

Siegfried could tell that the monsters were demons like the scout he had killed just a while ago, so he decided to flash his Rune of Insight on one of the knights.

[Cursed Knight]

[A knight cursed for eternity.]

[Type: NPC]

[Class: Knight]

[Level: 220]

A cursed knight? What’s that?’ he tilted his head in confusion before flashing his Rune of Insight on another knight.

[Cursed Knight]

[A knight cursed for eternity.]

[Type: NPC]

[Class: Knight]

[Level: 235]

It was the same for the other knight.

His level is slightly higher, but everything else is the same…’

Siegfried decided to continue observing the situation for now as the battle between the two sides grew fiercer.

The battle was fierce, but both sides fought neck and neck with each other. It seemed that the battle was going to end in a draw, with both sides being annihilated at this rate.

If a winner were decided, one thing was for sure: the winner’s side would only have a few troops remaining.

Ah, I don’t know what’s going on, but I probably should help them,’ Siegfried thought as he ran out of the bush.

Fwaaaaa! Fwaaaaah!

He placed down Blaze Field and shouted, “I’ll help you!”


The knights were shocked at the sight of him swinging his mace and smashing the heads of the demons in his path.

Thud! Clang!

One of the knights even dropped his sword.

Of course, Siegfried didn’t have the luxury to care about small details like that, as he was completely captivated by the Experience Points he was earning from the demons, which encouraged him to continue his onslaught.

Oh! What’s with these sweet sweet experience points?!’

Thirty minutes later…


The last remaining Intermediate-rank Demon Race Warrior fell, and the battle was brought to an end.

[Alert: You have gained experience points!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 226!]

Siegfried was able to level up after a single battle thanks to the insane amount of experience points he gained.

“Wow… The experience points here are crazy!” Siegfried exclaimed jubilantly after seeing that he leveled up.

Then, he went to the knight who seemed to hold the highest rank among them and said, “I apologize for interrupting your battle. My name is Siegfried van Proa, and I am the king of a small kingdom called the Proatine Kingdom, which you probably have never heard of. Anyway, who might you be…”

“Oh my god! Are you really…?” the knight exclaimed in response while looking utterly shocked.

“Don’t tell me… Have you heard of the Proatine Kingdom?” Siegfried asked as he felt slightly moved. He felt gratified that a stranger had recognized his kingdom.

Eh? Proatine? What kingdom is that? I have never heard of such a place.”

Unfortunately, Siegfried had misunderstood. The knight had never heard of the Proatine Kingdom before.

“I see… Hahaha… You can just call me Siegfried, then,” Siegfried laughed awkwardly while scratching his head, and then he asked, “But why were you fighting against the demons here?”

“That is… my karma. It is all of our karma…” the knight replied.


“Are you really an outsider?”

Huh? Outsider?”

“Outsiders are…” the knight abruptly stopped and shouted, “No, wait! We do not have time for this! We must hurry!”

“Hurry, where?”

“Please excuse me!” the knight said as he turned to his subordinates and said, “Let’s go!”

“Yes, sir!”

The knights replied in unison before they ran into the forest.

“E-excuse me? Hello…?” Siegfried called out, but the knights didn’t even bother responding as they ran deep into the forest.

“What the hell? I helped them, but they ignored me? What’s up with that?” he grumbled.

However, he soon snapped out of it and ran after the knights.

“Hey! Wait for me!”


The next day, Seung-Gu ran into the emergency council room and shouted, “Hyung-nim has sent word!”

“What did His Majesty say?” Michele spoke first.

“He says that he’s currently stuck on some island,” Seung-Gu replied.

“Stuck on an island? Is Princess Ingrid holding His Majesty captive on some island?”

“No, he said that it isn’t the case.”

“Then what is going on, Sir Seung-Gu?”

“He had been abducted to an airship, but it crashed. He lost consciousness in the process.”


“When he woke up, he found himself on some island called Eternal Isles. Apparently, he can’t find a way out of it.”

Seung-Gu proceeded to explain the strange things about the Eternal Isles that Siegfried had told him.

“What about Ingrid?! What happened to that child?!” Lionbreath cried out.

“His Majesty says that he has no idea what happened to Princess Ingrid,” Seung-Gu replied.

“Oh my god! I shouldn’t be sitting around here right now! I must mobilize our entire navy and search every corner of the ocean!” Lionbreath said as he stood up.

Tsk…! I should hurry up and find my son-in-law!”

“Let me help, too! I will assist in rescuing Siegfried-nim!”

Lohengrin and Brunhilde stood up as well.

Hoho…” Deus suddenly laughed. He had dropped by to hear about Siegfried’s status.

All eyes immediately landed on him.

“It seems my beloved disciple has quite the rotten luck,” Deus said.

“W-What does that mean, hero-nim?” Lohengrin asked.

“Nobody gets in and gets out of the Eternal Isles.”

Huh? But what about your disciple, hero-nim?”

“He’s quite unlucky. Tsk tsk…” Deus clicked his tongue and said, “The chances of someone crashing into the Eternal Isles in an airship is similar to the chance of stepping on a pile of dung on the road, slipping backward, but breaking their nose instead of their head at least ten times a day.”

“You mean to say the probability is basically impossible, hero-nim?”

“Who knows? Is there even anything impossible in this world? Nothing is impossible, it’s just that the probability of it happening is quite low.”

“Then what kind of place is the Eternal Isles, hero-nim?”

“The Eternal Isles is…” Deus explained what he knew regarding the Eternal Isles to the officials of the Proatine Kingdom and its allies.

Ah… How could this happen to my son-in-law…?”

“Nooo! Siegfried-nim!”

Lohengrin and Brunhilde cried out after hearing the horrors of the Eternal Isles.

“Oh my god! Does that mean my brother will never be able to come back?!” Lionbreath despaired.

“It’s ruined… This small kingdom is done for…” Michele lamented the ill fate of their kingdom.

“Wow… I knew Han Tae-Sung’s luck was bad, but I never imagined that it was this bad…”

“Y-Yeah, it seems hyung-nim’s luck is really bad, Woo-Jin hyung-nim…”

Cheon Woo-Jin and Seung-Gu were amazed at how bad Tae-Sung’s luck was.

“Hey, Seung-Gu.”

“Yes, hyung-nim?”

“Call Han Tae-Sung and tell him that it was fun while it lasted.”

“Y-Yes, I will tell him that.” josei


The atmosphere in the Proatine Kingdom crashed, and the entire kingdom’s atmosphere resembled more like a funeral rather than a wedding.


The next morning, Siegfried logged into BNW and found himself on the Eternal Isles.

“Ah, damn it. Where the hell did those knights run off to?” Siegfried grumbled. He had been chasing after the knights, but he ended up losing them.

“How are they so fast? I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn’t find any trace of them… Are they faster than those supercars? Ah, damn it… I’ll probably bump into them again since this is an island,” Siegfried continued grumbling as he kept walking.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He heard the sound of weapons clashing once again.

‘It’s over there!’ Siegfried immediately ran toward the source of the sound. He arrived at the place where a battle was unfolding, but there was something strange about it.

Huh? It’s the same place?’

The knights and demons were fighting at the exact same spot yesterday, and Siegfried could even spot the knight whom he briefly conversed with.

“Hey! Knight-nim! Where did you run off to yesterday?!” Siegfried shouted.

However, the knight didn’t respond.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The battle between the knights and demons was so fierce. It seemed the knight didn’t have the luxury to respond to him.

Ah, damn it…! Let’s help them first,’ Siegfried cursed inwardly and placed down Blaze Field to help the knights.

The momentum of the battle that was neck and neck just a while ago instantly shifted to the knights after Siegfried joined the fray. Still, the fifty-something knights were reduced to around ten despite his best efforts.

Siegfried finally noticed something strange that sent chills down his spine.

Huh?! Wasn’t this knight ripped to pieces by the demons yesterday…?’ He was certain of the knight’s identity. The knight had died in the most gruesome way among the knights yesterday, after all.

Is it someone else? No, I’m sure it’s him. The scar on his left cheek is too prominent for a lookalike…’

Siegfried smashed the head of the last remaining demon and brought the battle to an end. Then, he inspected the appearance of the knight, who looked like the knight who had died in a gruesome way yesterday.

He was about to ask questions, but the knight captain shouted, “Let’s go!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Hey! Excuse me! Don’t ignore me!” Siegfried screamed out of frustration after he was ignored by the knights once again. He ran as fast as he could to chase after the knights who had disappeared into the forest.

Eerily enough, the knights who ran into the forest turned transparent one by one before vanishing from his sight, making Siegfried feel as if he had just witnessed some kind of mirage.

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