Debuff Master

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333


Siegfried grimaced after reading the message that popped up in front of his eyes.

[+15 Gaia’s Fist]

[Durability: 90/100]

Their weapons had simply grazed each other, but his weapon’s durability dropped by ten despite being a +15 weapon.

‘Just what in the world is that weapon…?’ Siegfried wondered while rolling out of the way.

He flashed his Rune of Insight at the Hunterian King’s weapon as soon as he got the chance.

[Morningstar of Infinity]

[A large Morningstar crafted by the Hometown of Death.]

[It was crafted for the Hunterian King, and the Dragonian Mango is in its core.]

‘The Dragonian Mango is inside that thing?!’ Siegfried was shocked.

He expected Brunhilde’s medicine, the Dragonian Mango, to be hanging from a tree or stored in the Hunterian King’s treasure chest, so he was stupefied to find that it was actually in the Hunterian King’s weapon.

‘You Bavarian bastards! Don’t go around putting mangoes in weapons!’ He couldn’t help but curse the crazy blacksmiths of the Bavarian Workshop.

The weapon looked perfect for the Hunterian King as well, which made Siegfried suspect that they purposely designed and crafted the weapon for the boss monster.

Perhaps that was the reason, but the Morningstar of Infinity with the Dragonian Mango in it had utterly ridiculous stats and options.

[Morningstar of Infinity]

[Type: Blunt Weapon]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Attribute: N/A]

[Level Requirement: 300]

[Attack Power: 5,000]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Additional Options: +5,000 Mana, +150% Mana Recovery, Durability Shred.]

The Dragonian Mango provided the Morningstar of Infinity with unlimited vitality, so it increased the user’s mana by five thousand on top of increasing Mana Regeneration by one hundred fifty percent.

However, the Durability Shred option had to be its scariest option, as it would reduce the durability of weapons lower in rating that dared to stand against it. It was indeed a weapon born from the Hometown of Death.

Unfortunately, this extremely powerful weapon was currently out to crack Siegfried’s head open.


The gigantic steel ball that was the size of five basketballs flew toward Siegfried’s temple.

‘I need to block it! I’ll die if that thing hits me…!’ Siegfried instinctively raised his +15 Gaia’s Fist and blocked the attack.


An ear-splitting sound reverberated as metal clashed against metal.


Siegfried was flung ten meters back while screaming, and he crashed into a stone wall.


The debris from the stone wall landed on top of him.


He groaned in pain as he stood up from the debris.

[Alert: Warning! Warning!]

[Alert: The durability of +15 Gaia’s Fist has dropped by 10!]

The same warning message popped up in front of his eyes once again.

[+15 Gaia’s Fist]

[Durability: 80/100]

The durability of his weapon was shredded by twenty points after just two clashes.

“Crazy…” He couldn’t help but be dumbfounded by the might of the Morningstar of Infinity. The fact that it was able to reduce his weapon’s durability by ten every time it clashed meant that after eight clashes…

‘My weapon is going to get destroyed…’

In other words, his +15 Gaia’s Fist, which was worth billions of won, would disappear in just eight more clashes.

“You’re weak,” the Hunterian King said with a scoff before asking, “Did you really think you could challenge me with your pathetic skills, outsider?”

“Why don’t you wait and see if my skills are pathetic or not?”

“Ha! You’re all talk, outsider! Die!”

The Hunterian King swung its Morningstar.


The sound of chains echoed as the Morningstar of Infinity flew toward Siegfried.


A light flashed from Siegfried’s hand, and then…


The Morningstar of Infinity and Siegfried’s weapon clashed once again.


The Hunterian King’s eyes shot wide open.


Siegfried didn’t go flying this time. Both of his feet remained firm on the ground, and the weapon that blocked the Morningstar this time was a plain-looking steel rod.

“What is that weapon?” the Hunterian King asked.

“The Rod of God,” Siegfried nonchalantly replied.

It was the frame of the weapon left behind by the Legendary Blacksmith, Herbert, and it boasted infinite durability. The Rod of God’s durability wouldn’t be shredded no matter how many times it clashed against the Morningstar of Infinity.

Siegfried cleverly utilized Megingjord to swap his +15 Gaia’s Fist for the Rod of God right before clashing against the Hunterian King’s weapon.

“The Rod of God, you say…” the Hunterian King muttered before it said, “I can’t help but covet that thing. Okay, I will spare you if you hand that thing over.”

“Fuck off,” Siegfried retorted with a smirk before he ran toward the monster.

“You can’t win,” the Hunterian King confidently said as it prepared its Morningstar of Infinity to put an end to the cocky challenger.

‘Block it…!’ Siegfried raised his Rod of God and blocked the Morningstar of Infinity.


His hand flashed once again as the Rod of God disappeared.

The +15 Gaia’s Fist appeared, and Siegfried executed his counterattack!


The Hunterian King was slightly flustered at how fast Siegfried was changing weapons.


The +15 Gaia’s Fist smacked the Hunterian King in the face.


The barbarians watching the duel exclaimed out of amazement.


Siegfried made the right decision in choosing to split the responsibilities of his weapons against the Hunterian King’s Morningstar of Infinity. He had decided to defend using the Rod of God, which had infinite durability, while he would use his +15 Gaia’s Fist to attack because of its massive Attack Power.

‘Thank you, Master Shakiro!’

He didn’t forget to express his gratitude to his late master.


It would have been impossible for him to switch his weapons so quickly if it weren’t for the Megingjord that Shakiro had given to him. Shakiro also taught him Lightning Form, which was the technique he was using with the Rod of God.josei

‘I’m going to turn you into my sandbag.’

Siegfried’s control and movement were definitely better compared to the Hunterian King, and his prowess, combined with the ability to freely switch weapons mid-fight, allowed Siegfried to raid the Hunterian King perfectly.

Pukeok! Pukeok! Puk!

The +15 Gaia’s Fist repeatedly smacked the Hunterian King’s face.

“Kwak!” The Hunterian King screamed out of agony.

‘What’s going on…?’ Siegfried was a bit flustered after realizing that the Hunterian King was not as strong as he thought it would be.

The Hunterian King was a monster with ridiculous strength and defense, but its combat sense and movement were nowhere near enough to take full advantage of its ridiculous stats.

‘What’s going on…? Ah! Title!’

It did not take long for Siegfried to realize the reason behind it.

[Ruler of Great Jungle]

[A title given to the one that rules over the Ishuka Ruin.]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effect: Level +30 within the Great Jungle]

It turned out that the Hunterian King wasn’t really that strong at all. Its title was the sole reason behind its massive stats.

In other words, it was able to overpower Siegfried initially, thanks to the combined effects of its title and the ridiculous effects of the Morningstar of Infinity, but it was not a creature in the realm of a Master. The Hunterian King didn’t become the owner of the Ishuka Ruin because it was a powerful monster in its own right, but it was all thanks to its subordinates beneath its banner.

‘Then you’re my sandbag now,’ Siegfried smirked after completing his analysis of the Hunterian King, and he went on the offensive while switching weapons whenever necessary.


“H-He’s strong…!”

“Oh my god! A new king will soon be upon us!”

The barbarian tribes could not help but be in awe at the sight of Siegfried beating the Hunterian King like a sandbag.

‘Tsk… Why is this guy so tenacious…?’ Siegfried grumbled inwardly.

He beat, beat, and beat the Hunterian King, but the boss monster showed no signs of dying.

[Hunterian King]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜]

The Hunterian King should have died ten times over by now if it were a normal monster, but it only lost around thirty percent of its health.

‘So, is this going to be a battle of attrition…’ Siegfried thought.

“Kwwraaaah!” The Hunterian King suddenly roared. “I’m going to kill you…! KILL! Grrr!”


The Hunterian King abruptly vanished from Siegfried’s eyes.

It was a perfect cloaking that didn’t leave even a single trace behind.


‘Cloaking? Where did it go?’ Siegfried grimaced and looked around while heightening his senses. ‘I have no idea…’

However, the Hunterian King’s cloaking was so good that Siegfried couldn’t locate it with his animal-like instinct.

‘Where…? Where are you hiding?’ Siegfried raised his guard and looked around, but the Hunterian King showed no signs of appearing.

A minute later, Siegfried tilted his head in confusion and muttered, “Did it run away?”

The monster hadn’t appeared for an entire minute, so he started doubting whether the Hunterian King was still here or not.

“Did it really run a—”


A powerful force sent Siegfried crashing to the ground.

“Kyu! Owner punk!”


“Your Majesty! Are you alright?!”

Hamchi, Seung-Gu, and Gringore screamed in horror.

“I’m… not okay… Kuheok…!” Siegfried muttered while on the ground and bleeding from his mouth.

The Hunterian King’s sneak attack was shockingly powerful.

[Siegfried van Proa]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜]

The Hunterian King’s attack just now shredded thirty percent of Siegfried’s HP.

“Grr…! You insignificant human dare to go against me?” the Hunterian King emerged and growled at him.


“Die!” the Hunterian King roared as it swung its Morningstar of Infinity.


The absurdly strong weapon struck Siegfried’s back once again.


Siegfried couldn’t even gasp—the pain was simply unbearable.

[Siegfried van Proa]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜]

The attack took away forty percent of his HP, and he would have died if his Blood Butterfly’s Wings didn’t absorb some of the damage for him.

“Die!” the Hunterian King roared.

Siegfried instinctively sensed danger and rolled out of the way.


The Morningstar of Infinity struck the ground.

“You little rat!” the Hunterian King roared in anger after missing the opportunity to get rid of the pesky human.

‘I have to avoid everything from now on! A single hit will kill me!’ Siegfried gathered all of his focus and evaded the boss monster’s attacks while waiting for the golden opportunity to counterattack.

‘An opening!’ His situation was quite dangerous, but he still managed to find an opening. ‘Counterattack!’

Siegfried switched around his Rod of God and +15 Gaia’s Fist to defend and attack the Hunterian King whenever an opening presented itself.

Soon, the momentum shifted once again.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The +15 Gaia’s Fist struck the Hunterian King on its chest, chin, and waist.

“Krwaak!” The Hunterian King screamed in agony while bleeding from its mouth, and then it growled, “J-Just wait and see…!”

The Hunterian King retreated a few steps and prepared to hide itself once again, but…


Siegfried cast Wave of Oppression to interrupt the Hunterian King.


He smiled and was confident that he was going to win this duel after interrupting the Huntering King, but…

“H-Huh…?” Siegfried was flustered.

The Hunterian King was doing something quite unexpected.

The Hunterian King… got as low as possible on the ground and started crawling toward Siegfried.

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