Debuff Master

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358


Carlisle could not get up for quite a while.

The punch of the World’s Strongest and Most Evil Training Dummy carried immense force that the likes of Carlisle couldn't possibly withstand, and the only reason he was still alive was that the training dummy had controlled its strength.

“Y-Your Majesty…! Why are you doing this—?”

Siegfried looked quite sorry as he said, “I apologize, but this must be done. You need to experience pain akin to having every bone in your body broken to overcome your limitations.”

“But I do not wish to become a knight—“

“You gave up because you failed, right? That is why I will make it possible for you.”

“No! Your Majesty! I just—“

“It is a shame to waste your gifted body if you give up.”


“You have to become a knight for the sake of our kingdom! Do you understand? So don’t give up! Fighting!” Siegfried exclaimed as he raised his fist.

‘Damn it! This mouth of mine…!’ Carlisle regretted sharing his childhood dream of becoming a knight. This wouldn't have happened if he had come up with a different excuse, but that was the only excuse he could come up with at that time.

“I am certain that you will show great improvements if you continue to train with Bruce. I can guarantee this because this guy can force people to develop even talents they never had, okay?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

The training dummy nodded and banged its chest twice as if asking Carlisle to leave it to him.

As a matter of fact, Bruce Wood was the favorite dueling partner of the Proatine Kingdom’s knights as the training dummy forced the knights to their limits and drew out the hidden potential within them.

One of Bruce’s specialties was to force its training partner to make movements that were not possible at their current level.


By attempting to beat them to death!

Those training with Bruce would do whatever was necessary to escape being beaten to a pulp by the training dummy, and it was in this process that they would overcome their limitations and reach the higher realm or awaken whatever hidden talents they had.

However, it went without saying that Siegfried’s motive behind assigning Bruce to Carlisle wasn't to help him overcome his limits.

‘You will have a taste of hell from now on! Kekekeke!’

Siegfried’s motive in assigning Bruce to Carlisle was to give him a good beating indirectly.

“B-But Your Majesty! I really do not—“

“Hey, Bruce! What are you doing? Kyle wants to achieve his dreams of becoming a knight!” Siegfried shouted as he completely ignored Carlisle.

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

Then, the training dummy placed both of its arms on its waist and struck an arrogant pose as if trying to say leave it to me!

“Servant Kyle?”

“Y-Yes, Your Majesty…?”

“Good luck!” Siegfried said before he scurried away from the training ground.

Meanwhile, Carlisle became—

“Ack! Aaaack! Hey! That part is—Kuweeek!”

—a human sandbag. The World’s Strongest and Most Evil Training Dummy started beating him to a pulp.


The next day…

“Ugh… Sniff… Sniff…!”

Carlisle could not get up from his bed, even though it was way past the time for his shift.

His arms, legs, shoulders, waist, etc…

Not a single part of his body was fine after getting beaten to a pulp by Bruce yesterday, and he couldn't move even a single inch from the bed.

“Hmm… Since it is His Majesty’s will, Kyle will no longer have to report for duty whilst still receiving your wages. However, you will have to obey His Majesty’s commands and immerse yourself in training instead.”

Unfortunately, even the chamberlain earnestly supported Carlisle in achieving his dreams and even went as far as giving him unlimited paid leave.

‘Siegfried, you bastard…!’

Carlisle gnashed his teeth while lying on his bed.

‘Why do you have to do things I never asked for?! You fucking—‘

It was then.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on his door.

“Who—Keuk! Who is it?” Carlisle responded.


The person who entered the room was none other than…

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

The World’s Strongest and Most Evil Training Dummy, Bruce!


Carlisle squealed as if he were seeing a ghost at Bruce’s appearance.

“W-Why are you here?!”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!” Bruce said as it pointed back with its thumb as if telling Carlisle to follow it.

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

“No way…?”

“My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood!”

“Hey, I’m not feeling very well today, so—“

It was then.

“Follow me if you don’t want to really get beaten to death.”

Shockingly, Bruce suddenly spoke human language for the first time, and the words were not spoken in the same cute voice that everyone knew of but rather one that was quite rude and aggressive.


“Ah, fuck this… I’m also tired, y’know? Do I really have to come all the way here at this hour just to drag you out of your bed?”

“Y-You can talk?!”

Carlisle was shocked by the fact that Bruce could speak.


Everyone in the kingdom was under the belief that the only thing Bruce could say was My name is Bruce—Bruce Wood! and nothing else.

“So what if I can talk? Watcha gonna do about it?”


“Hurry up and come out if you still value your life.”

“Can we do it later in the afternoon…?”

“Tsk, this little dipshit wants to continue fucking around with me,” Bruce grumbled and raised its fist as it walked toward Carlisle’s bed.

“H-Hey! All right! I’ll go so please!”

“Don’t make me repeat myself, got that?”


“And…” Bruce muttered before glaring at him and said in a spine-chilling voice, “You know what’s going to happen if word gets out that I can speak, right?”

“T-That is!”

“I might make a mistake and go—Oops! My hand slipped! Y’know what I’m sayin’?”


“I’m going to the training ground first. Make sure you come within five minutes, capiche?”


In the end, Carlisle succumbed to Bruce’s threats and made his way to Siegfried’s personal training ground. Then, he was mercilessly beaten to the point that even sandbags would feel sorry for him.

The biggest problem in all of this was the fact that he couldn't retaliate—no, even evade a single attack.

‘If I had known that my excuse would bring this upon me! Fuck!’ Carlisle felt like dying. He never imagined that the lie he came up with at that time was going to become a shackle restraining him from using his true strength against the training dummy.

What if he used his true strength against Bruce? What if somebody saw him?

His lie would be exposed. It was exactly the reason Carlisle had no choice but to pretend that he wasn't athletic at all, and he had to take ten hits rather than just one to sell the idea that he was weak.

Well, that was still a misunderstanding from his end, as nothing was going to change even if he used his true strength against Bruce. The training dummy was simply going to up the ante and end up beating him the same way regardless.


Bruce threw a punch that struck Carlisle on his midsection.


He ended up on his knees and started vomiting everything he had eaten for dinner last night.

‘Damn it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’ Carlisle cursed inwardly out of frustration.


Meanwhile, Siegfried was having the time of his life while watching Carlisle’s suffering from behind a pillar.

“You feel like dying, right? I bet you feel fucked up right now! Keke! Geez, you’re trying so hard that you’re making me cry. You’re not that strong to begin with, but trying to hide your strength must be frustrating the bananas out of you, right? Kekeke!”

“Owner punk! Why are you so evil? Just kill him already!”

“But I don’t want to?” Siegfried pouted and replied, “You shouldn’t kill these kinds of guys right away. That’s an insult to them.”

“An insult? Kyu!”

“Making them suffer as much as possible before killing them is how you respect them for their efforts.”

“What kind of horseshit logic is that?! Kyu!”

“Ah, shut it, hamster.”

Siegfried ignored Hamchi and watched in relish as Carlisle was getting tormented by the World’s Strongest and Most Evil Training Dummy.

“I’ll make sure that not even a single bone in your body is intact after this! Kekeke!”

This was only the beginning of Siegfried’s master plan to torment Carlisle.


Siegfried proceeded to investigate while Bruce was turning Carlisle into a minced fish.

At Siegfried’s office…

“So something like that happened?”

Michele was surprised to hear that a rat had managed to sneak into the royal palace.

“He was quite meticulous. He knew he was going to get caught if he used an artifact, so he completely altered his appearance through cosmetic surgery. He also applied as a servant to avoid having the Rune of Insight used on him,” Siegfried said before he added, “Nobody would have noticed if it hadn't been for Sir Decimato. Who knows what that rat could have done against us?”

Siegfried was quite relieved now as everyone was completely oblivious to Carlisle’s existence, and the kingdom could have been plunged into peril if it was not for Decimato’s observant eyes.

“Y-Your Majesty!”

The Chamberlain of the Palace—Sebastian—groveled on the floor.

“Kill me for my incompetence!”


“I am the Chamberlain in charge of the palace’s affairs, but I am nothing but an incompetent criminal for failing to uphold my duties! I am also guilty of not being aware of my corrupt subordinates in charge of hiring the maids and servants! Please, punish me with my life, Your Majesty!” Sebastian exclaimed as he trembled.

He was not saying this for a show like most officials would. He felt extreme shame and guilt for failing his duties, and the thought that the royal family could have been in danger due to his failure was unbearable for him.

“Your Majesty! I have tasked that wicked fellow with serving Her Majesty’s daily snacks! This is an irrefutable act of treason that deserves to be punished, so please execute me and restore order to the palace!”

“No,” Siegfried shook his head and said, “Anyone can make mistakes.”

“B-But Your Majesty! If you do not execute me, then—“

“And why is that your fault, Chamberlain Sebastian? The one that caused all of this was the corrupt officer in charge of hiring, right?”

“S-Still, I am—”

“Enough,” Siegfried cut him off and said, “As a punishment, your salary in the next three months is hereby forfeited.”

“But, sire—”

“This is an order.”

“I am undeserving of Your Majesty’s grace! Thank you, Your Majesty!” Sebastian cried out and worshiped him for his kindness. Then, he steeled his resolve to serve his liege better from now on. ‘I will swear on my life to make sure this doesn’t happen ever again!’

“Let’s keep watch for now and see if there are any more rats in the palace,” Siegfried said.

Siegfried, Michele, and Sebastian decided to keep an eye on Carlisle for now.josei


In the dead of the night a few days later, Carlisle met up with Jessie somewhere in the palace that was less frequented by others.

“You are the talk of the palace these days,” Jessie said.

“…Let’s not talk about that,” Carlisle weakly replied and shook his head. His body was a mess right now, thanks to his training with Bruce this past week, and dragging his ailing body around in the dead of the night was already a challenge in itself.

“You sure have it rough, but it seems that His Majesty is sincerely looking out for you and—“

“Preposterous,” Carlisle cut her off and grumbled, “I’ll gladly refuse his sincerity if I could…”

“I see.”

“What about the plan? Did the Church of Osric tell you anything yet?”

‘Did he just say Church of Osric?’ Siegfried was surprised by what he heard. He was currently on the rooftop tailing Carlisle around the palace when he chanced upon the conversation he was having with a maid.

“Yes, they said that they're preparing our escape once the plan is in motion.”

“I see,” Carlisle muttered with a satisfied grin and said, “The queen is going to give birth soon.”

“Yes, it’s only a matter of days.”

“I wonder what kind of face Siegfried will make if his daughter becomes a follower of the Church of Osric? I’m dying to see the look on his face! Hohoho!”

It was then…

‘Should I just kill him?’

Siegfried’s face turned grim after hearing the conversation between Carlisle and the maid.

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