Debuff Master

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

It happened two years ago.

“Let go! Let me go! I said let me goooo!”

Siegfried was crying out like an injured beast while being restrained by the Genesis Guild members. He was also emitting the eye-catching light of the Loser’s Shame debuff.

Siegfried had just lost in the war against the Genesis Guild. The Genesis Guild had just conquered his guild's headquarters.

“I commend you for your grit,” Chae Hyung-Seok said in awe of Siegfried, who was currently squirming on the ground.

The Siegfried of that time possessed grit that even Chae Hyung-Seok could not help but acknowledge. A Level 200 weakling had somehow managed to trouble the Genesis Guild for months.

Other Adventurers would have already surrendered, but Siegfried was quite different.

“Grit is grit, but reality is reality. Maybe it’s time for you to give up?”

“Shut up!”

Siegfried snapped back at Chae Hyung-Seok’s question.

“I can’t give up! I won’t give up! Let me go! Let go!”

“Will anything change if you do that?”

“I will… make it change…!”

Siegfried was completely immobilized, but he continued to glare at Chae Hyung-Seok.

'Heh.' Chae Hyung-Seok smirked and sneered, “There’s a limit to going easy on your. Why don’t you stop bothering us? An insect like you should know your—“

“Kyaaak… Ptooey!” Siegfried spat his phlegm at Chae Hyung-Seok’s face.

“G-Guild Master!”

“Hyung-Seok hyung-nim!”

“Hyung! Here, a handkerchief!”

The Genesis Guild members jumped in horror and gathered around Chae Hyung-Seok.

“Step aside,” Chae Hyung-Seok said as he wiped the phlegm off of his face.

Then, he walked toward Siegfried and…


Slapped him…

But once wasn't the end of it.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Chae Hyung-Seok slapped him again and again and again.


Siegfried started coughing up blood, but Chae Hyung-Seok didn't stop there.

“Put him down facing up,” Chae Hyung-Seok commanded his guild members after he was done slapping him.

“Yes, sir!”

The Genesis Guild members restrained Siegfried and forced him to the ground.


Chae Hyung-Seok stepped—no, stomped his face.

“K-Keuk! A-Ack!”

“This bastard—”


"Have you lost it?”


“A person needs to know their place,” Chae Hyung-Seok said as he stepped on Siegfried’s face until he was disfigured before adding, “I would have gone easy on you if you had groveled, but—“


“I guess there’s no helping it. I’ll make you quit the game.”

“S-Shut— Aack!”

“Hey, do you even have money left to play the game? Can you even pay for your capsule?” Chae Hyung-Seok asked while snickering and stepping on Siegfried’s face.

He had colluded with Ma Dong-Po to force Siegfried into debt by making him buy items. He then killed Siegfried dozens of times to force him to drop his items.

“If you decide to beg now, then I might change me—“

“Who… the fuck is begging?! W-Wait and see one day… I will pay you back in your own coin one day!” Siegfried screamed.

“Do you honestly believe such a day will come?”

“Just wait and see! One day, I will— Kuheok!”

Siegfried could no longer say anything in response.

Chae Hyung-Seok stomped Siegfried’s mouth and shattered all of his teeth. Siegfried's lips had also burst open upon impact.

“I’ll pull out my intestines with my own hands when that day comes, you fucking insect,” Chae Hyung-Seok grumbled as he stared Siegfried down with contempt in his eyes.

He truly didn't believe that such a day would come.


Back to reality…

“I told you,” Siegfried said as he stopped reminiscing about the past and looked at Chae Hyung-Seok. “I will pay you back in your own coin one day.”


“So, does my word sound credible now?” he asked with absolute seriousness in his voice.

His playfulness? His sarcasm? Where had they gone? They disappeared when he was reminded of his past. Siegfried wasn't some fool who would joke around when the revenge he had been wanting to take for the past two years was finally here.


Chae Hyung-Seok did not respond—no, he could not respond. He could have never imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that the revenge Siegfried had sworn on that day would become a reality.


Chae Hyung-Seok bit his lips until his lips started bleeding.




The Genesis Guild members couldn't even put up a fight as they were getting massacred one by one, thanks to the Loser’s Shame debuff.

They died so fast that only one person managed to remain standing aside from Chae Hyung-Seok himself after just five minutes. A total of twenty minutes—that was the time it took for the ten-thousand-man-strong Genesis Guild to get completely massacred.


The last standing Genesis Guild member coughed up blood and fell to the ground, leaving Chae Hyung-Seok all alone.

This looked like the exact same scene from two years ago when Chae Hyung-Seok had stepped on Siegfried’s face after he was left all alone.

“Kill me…” Chae Hyung-Seok said.

He couldn't see a way out of his current predicament, and a swift death was the only option remaining for him.

“Hmm? Well, if you’re asking for it,” Siegfried replied.

He did not make fun of Chae Hyung-Seok or celebrate his victory around him. He didn't slap him or step on his face like what Chae Hyung-Seok had done to him two years ago.


He swung his Vanquisher’s Grasp toward Chae Hyung-Seok’s head.


Chae Hyung-Seok's head was smashed open, and he fell to the ground as a lifeless corpse. The Genesis Guild, which had ruled over the continent as one of the top ten guilds, finally came to an end. It was time for them to disappear into the annals of history.


The Head Crusher Guild members let out a cry of joy upon seeing Chae Hyung-Seok's corpse.

“We won!”

“We did it! We won!”

“Revenge… We got revenge! We got revenge on those Genesis bastards!”

The Head Crusher Guild members were delighted at their victory.

“Sniff…! Revenge… I finally got my revenge…!”

In fact, there were a few of them who started crying after remembering how much they suffered at the hands of the Genesis Guild.

It was an emotional revenge for them.

This revenge would not have been possible even in their wildest dreams, but Siegfried had appeared out of nowhere and had granted them the revenge that they so desired but had long lost hope in pursuing.

Siegfried firmly believed that he could take revenge after meeting the Level 999 Hidden NPC, Deus, but that wasn't the case for the Head Crusher Guild members. It was an undeniable fact that reduced these battle-hardened players to tears.

“It seems Hyung-Seok has earned the ire of many,” Yong Tae-Pung said with a smirk after seeing how jubilant the Head Crusher Guild members were. He knew there were some bad rumors surrounding Chae Hyung-Seok, but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

“Kyu! Good job, owner punk! I bet you feel good now! Kyuuu!” Hamchi cried out after running up on Siegfried’s shoulders, but then he asked, “Why did you kill him so quickly? Why not vent a bit before killing him? Kyu!”

“Vent? I already did a lot of that,” Siegfried replied. He smirked and explained, “And it’s not over yet.”


“He still has his items,” he said while pointing at Chae Hyung-Seok’s corpses.


“I won’t stop until I take every single item in his possession. Does he think he can sell his items and quit the game? Not a chance.”

Siegfried was planning on taking all of Chae Hyung-Seok’s items before he sold them for cash. He wasn't satisfied with ruining Chae Hyung-Seok in the game. He wanted him to suffer financially in the real world, too—just as he did two years ago.

“Y-You’re scaring me…”

“It’s only fair if I do that, right?”

“Yeah! You’re right! Kyu!”

“Oh dear, my beloved Hyung-Seok seems to have a lot of debt… I wonder if— Heok?” Siegfried started when someone interrupted him.

“Gotcha!” A Head Crusher Guild member grabbed Siegfried, and the other guild members surrounded him.

“One! Two! Three!”

“Throw him!”

The guild members threw Siegfried up into the air.

Perhaps it was because he was thrown by Adventurers, who boasted far greater physical capabilities compared to normal people, but he flew thirty meters up in the air before falling back down.

“Aaaaack!” Siegfried screamed, but the guild members showed no signs of stopping.

“Higher! Throw him higher!”

“You heard 'em, boys!”

“Throw him to the stratosphere!”

“Put your muscles to work!”

The guild members expressed their joy and gratitude to Siegfried by tossing him in the air, and this was their way of thanking him for allowing them to achieve the dream they never imagined they could achieve.


Thanks to that, Siegfried’s screams filled the entire fake Proatine Kingdom even though the battle was finally over.


Ten minutes later, Siegfried and the Head Crusher Guild members started wrapping up the battlefield after enjoying their sweet victory.

“I’ll be going now!”

“Ah! Please wait!”

Siegfried hurriedly stopped Yong Tae-Pung when he was about to leave.

“Hmm? OH! Have you finally decided to join our guild?”

“No,” Siegfried flatly rejected and added, “That’s not why I stopped you.”


“Aren’t you going to take these?” Siegfried asked and gestured with his chin.

Sparkle! Sparkle! Sparkle!

There were close to ten thousand dropped items on the ground.

“Nah, you take them.”

“Huh? Me? Are you serious?”

“I didn’t come here to farm items. I came to collect the debt Chae Hyung-Seok owed me.”


“Let’s go, boys!” Yong Tae-Pung shouted at his guild members.

The Mandate of Heaven Guild was about to leave without picking up a single one of the dropped items.

“I’m going now!”

“P-Please have a nice trip back!”

“See you later!”

“Yes, uncle!”

Siegfried bowed to Yong Tae-Pung and the Mandate of Heaven Guild in gratitude for relinquishing their rights to the dropped items.

“We're leaving.”

“Take care.”

The high-level Adventurers from the Great Rift Raid followed behind Yong Tae-Pung; they also gave up their rights to the dropped items.

“There is enough loot for everyone…” Siegfried muttered.

“Guild Master! We are leaving now!”

“Thank you!”

“See you soon!”

Even the Head Crusher Guild members gave up on the dropped items.

“H-Huh? Hey! What’s wrong with everyone today?!” Siegfried shouted.

He was absolutely bewildered. There were at least ten thousand items on the ground, which meant a total of a few hundred million won at the very least, even if all of them were a bunch of garbage.

Simply put, there was money rolling on the ground, and it would not have been strange if a fight broke out over the ownership of these dropped items.

However, those who participated in the battle did not covet even a single one of these items, and they relinquished their rights to them without batting an eye.


This was the way the Head Crusher Guild members had chosen to repay Siegfried for helping them achieve the impossible revenge they desired. Not a single person said a thing, but they all silently agreed that the items belonged to Siegfried.

It was the second miracle on this battlefield.

“E-Excuse me…?”

Siegfried tried calling out to his guild members, but not a single one of them came back to pick up the dropped items.


Now, he was standing all alone with Hamchi in the fake Proatine Kingdom’s capital, surrounded by nearly ten thousand dropped items.



“When are we going to finish picking all these up…?”

“H-Hamchi has no idea… Kyu…”josei

“Let’s get started…”

Siegfried opened his inventory and used Flying Sword to vacuum the dropped items. Flying Sword was something similar to telekinesis, so he could move things without touching them. However, picking the items up, even with the help of Flying Sword, still proved to be a difficult task.

There seemed to be no end to the items as well.

He picked up, picked up, and picked up items, but they seemed endless.

He felt like he had to spend the entire day just to pick these items up.

[Alert: You have obtained Hawk Eye Music Box!]

[Alert: You have obtained Broken Typewriter of a Third-Rate Novelist!]

[Alert: You have obtained Blood Bone Sword!]

[Alert: You have obtained Battle Axe of Glory!]

[Alert: You have obtained Luxury Blania Leather Boots!]


[Alert: You have obtained Flame Trident!]

[Alert: You have obtained Pig’s Horn!]

He continued to pick up the dropped items until he lost count, and it felt as if every single possible item in BNW was now in his Inventory.


A system prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[Alert: You have obtained a new title!]

Siegfried’s eyes shot wide open at the message.

“N-No! I don’t need a new title! Don’t do this to me!” Siegfried screamed at the top of his lungs. His scream reverberated across Utopia, but he wasn't screaming in joy—he was screaming in despair.

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