Debuff Master

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Comodos narrowed his eyes and asked, “A wager? Why are you bringing up a wager all of a sudden?”

“I am unable to use all of my strength in this duel, Comodos-nim,” Siegfried replied.

“So? Is that why you’re planning to settle this with a wager?”

“Yes,” Siegfried nodded in response.

“Hmm… A wager…” Comodos muttered while pondering about it before he said, “This tower was built to test how strong an individual could be, and it is not only to test one’s martial prowess but also to see how well they adapt to unexpected situations.”

“I am aware of that.”

“You are?”

“I realized while facing the owners of the floors that this tower is not here to test the strong but to nurture talented individuals into strong people.”

“Yet you’re asking for a wager? I have no idea what kind of reasons you have, but I can’t accept your proposition. You must defeat me in a duel to conquer this tower.”

“I knew you would say that since you are true to your principles and the rules,” Siegfried instantly replied as if he was waiting for this moment.

“Then, what’s the reason you made such a proposition despite knowing that I’ll reject it?”

“Because I have never lost to anyone.”

“Lies!” Comodos retorted and exclaimed, “I admit that you’re indeed strong for your age, young prince! But it’s absurd for you to claim that you have yet to lose to anyone! There are plenty of people in this world that are stronger—“

“I am not talking about a head-on duel.”


“I have never lost against anyone in this,” Siegfried said as he transformed Horse Fly into a saber and got into a stance.

He looked like he was ready to pull his saber out at any second, and this was excellent bait for someone like Comodos, who had spent his entire life walking down the martial path.

“Batdosul[1]…!” Comodos exclaimed after recognizing Siegfried’s stance.

The craft of drawing out the sword as fast as possible—Batdosul.

This was a skill anyone practicing sharp weapons was bound to fall in love with.


“Batdosul! You want to wager with me on that?!” Comodos raised his voice.

He was a martial artist who had been using the saber as his primary weapon, and he was bound to be attracted to Siegfried’s challenge.


“Ah! That is indeed something I want, but—“

Siegfried immediately interrupted him, “Not a single one tested the speed at which I draw my saber during my ascent of this tower.”


“But I believe that you, Comodos-nim, can accurately gauge my prowess in the saber.”


Comodos faked a cough in embarrassment when Siegfried started buttering him up.

“Ahem! T-That’s right! I’m indeed the right person, as I’m a martial artist walking the path of the saber! I can say that I’ve yet to lose to anyone with the speed of my sword!”

“The tower has yet to test the speed of my saber, and I hope that you will be the one to test it.”

“But aren’t blunt weapons your main weapon?”



“I use the saber,” Siegfried lied through his teeth, but there was no way for Comodos to know the truth. Thus, he continued with his lie. “As you can see, I am able to freely use all weapons.”

“Y-Yes, I did notice that.”

“But the saber is what I’m best at. As you are aware, the saber is the most superior weapon in this world! A man must use the saber, and a saber must be used by a man! The saber is the symbol of masculinity!”

Siegfried knew that most people who practiced the saber were hot-headed and macho, and he used this piece of information to his advantage to slowly persuade Comodos.

How effective was it?

It was super effective!

“Y-Yes! You’re right! The saber is the perfect weapon for a man!” Comodos exclaimed in response and agreed.

‘He fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Keke!’ Siegfried knew his bait worked.

“So, do you wish to test the speed of my saber, Comodos-nim?”


Comodos couldn't give an answer.

‘Ah…! To think he used the saber, too! How can a young royal like him be so talented and smart at the same time? He knows that the saber is the most superior weapon in the world! Ah! I’m so curious…! I want to know how fast his saber is, but my responsibilities as the— Ah…!’

Comodos was torn between his desire to taste the speed of Siegfried’s saber and his responsibilities as the ruler of the top floor of this tower.

“I can guarantee you that my saber is the fastest on the continent,” Siegfried added.

Technically, he was not lying as he had inherited the Sword Emperor, Betelgeuse, ultimate skill, which was considered the best sword skill on the continent—Quick Draw.

“W-What amazing confidence! I want to see it… I really want to see yours…! Ah! But I can’t settle this with a wager! I need to carry out my responsibilities! It is unfortunate, but I don’t think I can accept your proposition.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’m sorry, but I can't agree to that. However! You will have to use your saber if you’re going to fight seriously against me, and I can see how fast your saber is then!” Comodos exclaimed while seemingly slightly excited.

“No,” Siegfried shook his head and said, “I will not use my saber even if I lose if you do not accept my proposition, Comodos-nim.”


“You will not be able to witness the continent’s best saber technique—ever.”

“H-How can you do this to me?! How can you make me so curious just to leave me hanging?!”

“It is my choice,” Siegfried replied with a shrug before he transformed Horse Fly into a hammer and said, “Let us continue where we left off since you don’t want to see my ultimate saber technique.”

“C-Continue what?”

“Well, I have no choice but to do my best as you wanted since you refused my proposition.”

“Are you really not going to show me how fast your saber is?”

“Hmm? I do not even plan to use my saber.”


“I am busy, so let us hurry up and fight.”

“Ahem… Hmm…!”

“What are you doing, Comodos-nim?”



“Alright, you win! I’ll do it! I accept your offer, so let’s decide this with our sabers!”

In the end, Comodos failed to resist Siegfried’s temptation and agreed to the wager.

“Excellent choice, Comodos-nim,” Siegfried said with a smirk, and then he added, “I will grant you the fastest death the continent has ever seen.”

“What confidence! All right, show me that speed you’re so proud of!” Comodos exclaimed in response with a smile.

Then, the two of them walked toward each other as they prepared to let their sabers decide the outcome of this duel.


The wager was simple.josei

The two of them would draw their sabers at the same time, and the survivor would win.


Siegfried placed down Shadow Swamp and summoned his opponent’s shadow.

“What are you doing? I thought you wanted to settle this with our sabers?” Comodos asked with a grimace.

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Then what is this strange magic, and what is that shadow?”

Comodos was oblivious to the skill’s effect as this was the first time he was witnessing Shadow Swamp.

“We need someone to throw the coin, right?”


“Are we going to shout three! two! one! Instead? Doing that is bound to disrupt our breathing and rhythm.”

“You’re right!”

Drawing strength from one’s core was the basic of all basics in any sport, and the Batdosul was not an exemption.

“That shadow will be flipping the coin for us, and we will draw our swords the moment the coin hits the ground.”

“Oh! So that’s what you’re thinking!” Comodos nodded after realizing the reason the shadow was summoned.

Then, Siegfried walked over to the shadow and handed it a coin as he said, “Hey, throw this after ten seconds, okay?”

The shadow nodded.

“Are you satisfied?” Siegfried asked.

“Yes, I am,” Comodos replied.

“Then shall we get ready?”

Both of them got into their stance to perform Batdosul.


The shadow sent a coin flying into the air, and the coin spun up in the air as it made its way down to the floor.

Both Comodos and Siegfried got ready to strike the moment the coin hit the floor and made a clinking sound.

Comodos gathered all of his focus and waited for the coin to hit the ground.

‘Three… Two…’ he counted to catch the timing of the coin, but…


Siegfried drew Horse Fly.


Comodos failed to react after Siegfried had drawn Horse Fly earlier than he was supposed to do so. Comodos was caught completely off guard by the unexpected attack, as he was focused on nothing else aside from the coin. However, there was no way he would let his opponent have his way, so he responded out of pure instinct.

Unfortunately for him, he was currently standing on top of Shadow Swamp, and his Attack Speed was slower than usual by a lot.

The outcome of this duel would be decided by which of them could draw their saber faster than the other. In other words, even blinking could negatively impact their chances of winning.

But what if his opponent ambushed him by drawing his saber earlier than he should and even went as far as slowing him down.

The result was obvious.


The Sword Emperor’s ultimate skill, Quick Draw, lacerated Comodos' neck.


A fountain of blood haphazardly inundated the air.


—NakNak: ?

—-OliverKim: ?????

—LichGay: ?

—Grandtte: ???

—MoMoNogiKana: ?

—GoatButter29: ??

The viewers who were on the edge of their seats anxiously anticipating the result of the contest of sabers were baffled at what they had just seen. The competition should have started the moment the coin hit the floor, but Siegfried didn't stick to the rules and drew Horse Fly before the coin could hit the ground.

In other words, he had cheated, which was cowardly and despicable.


Siegfried managed to lacerate Comodos' neck after catching him off guard.

[Dragon General Comodos]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜]

He successfully erased eighty percent of Comodos’ Health using Quick Draw.

However, Siegfried wasn't done just yet.


Comodos’ neck had suffered such a deep wound that his head barely managed to remain attached to his body. The wound had also afflicted him with Bleeding, which meant his HP would go down a certain percentage every second.

“Ku-Kuheok…! W-What treachery is—Kuheok…!” Comodos groaned before he fell to the ground, quivering.

Siegfried didn't bother to respond. He transformed Horse Fly into a hammer and raised it above his head before…

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He repeatedly smashed Comodos’ head with Horse Fly.

All of this was happening while the title ★King of Backstabbing★ was proudly displayed above his head.

—Asucks: This guy is insane! Hahahaha!

—22112: Omg;;

—DogShitDiapers: Wow… This guy’s personality is just…

—SoftKeaw: He can’t be saved. He’s a lost cause… Hahaha!

—KongKong: Is this the art of backstabbing…?

Siegfried didn't care what the viewers thought of his excellent personality as he kept on smacking Comodos' head.

“I don’t have anything against you, but I really need to win as efficiently as possible," Siegfried said.

“Kuheok! You treacherous… little—Argh!”

“I apologize.”


“I will come again next time and make sure to fight you fair and square with neither schemes nor tricks. Just please forgive me this once,” Siegfried said before swinging Horse Fly with all of his strength.

1. Batdosul is Quick Draw in English. The Japanese equivalent is Battojutsu. ☜

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