Deep Affection: Honey, Come Back To Me

Chapter 733 No Way

Chapter 733 No Way

After coming out of the coffee shop, Michelle's soul seemed to have been drained. Her eyes were empty, and she stared blankly at the ceiling at night.

She thought for a long time, at least she felt that time had passed. On the day when she recovered, she went to ask the manager about the termination of the contract and the compensation. The manager looked regretful.

As for liquidated damages, the manager told her not to worry.

It was not a formality. Michelle terminated the contract easily without paying compensation. josei

In the early winter, Michelle came to her parents with a document in her hands and told them sincerely, "Dad, mom, I want to go abroad and study photography."

Her parents, Adams and Elaine, were stunned on the spot. They didn't agree at the beginning and kept asking if she was stimulated or encountered something. Their daughter liked electronic sports the most.

Michelle had been thinking about it for a long time. She asked her experienced friends how to deceive her parents. The most effective way was to tell them the half-truth.

So when Michelle was under the scrutiny of her parents, she said with a smile, "I will retire from the electronic sports club sooner or later. And I can't play games all m

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oor worriedly, wondering if she should go out to have a look.

She was struggling in her heart, but her body was honest. She had already taken a step forward and carefully followed out, but she still had no time to grab a corner of Leon's clothes.

Michelle tossed and turned all night.

On the second day morning, she got up and went to the dining room. She looked around for Leon, but she didn't see him.

At last, except for John and Nina didn't come to have breakfast, everyone arrived. Everyone arrived, including Van and Don, who ran back in the morning and changed into clean clothes.

Michelle didn't dare to ask. The elders were still there.

Don, who also noticed Leon was absent, asked, "Where's Uncle Leon? Doesn't he have breakfast?"

Van was always the first one to answer his brother, "Maybe uncle was too tired yesterday and was still sleeping."

"Okay." Don didn't ask any more.

Van's words made Michelle even more worried. Leon said last night that he had no place to sleep.

Seeing that no one cared about this topic anymore, Michelle was not in the mood to have breakfast. When she was about to stand up, she heard Helen saying, "Mr. Leon has caught a cold. He has just taken his medicine and fell asleep."

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