Deep Affection: Honey, Come Back To Me

Chapter 740 Where Is Aunt

Chapter 740 Where Is Aunt

Michelle was like a frightened rabbit, looking very pitiful. Leon couldn't help approaching her.

Michelle subconsciously stepped back, with her back against the cold wall. In front of her was a hot body wall that looked thin, but filled with man strong male aura.

She stood still and raised her head in a daze.

"Michelle, do you have it or not?" Leon couldn't help teasing her. He peeled an orange and put it in front of her mouth. "Open your mouth and try if the orange I peeled is sweeter."

There was a fist distance between the two. As soon as Leon spoke, Michelle felt a heat wave sweeping across her face, like the wind blowing her hair, a little lustful.

Even so, Michelle opened her mouth obediently. Half of the orange was in her mouth, and a small part was exposed outside. josei

"Why don't you eat? Do you want to leave half for me?" Leon's tone was a little frivolous. With a fox like eyes and a beautiful face, he was as attractive as a temptress.

Michelle couldn't resist such a seducement. Her face suddenly flushed.

She swallowed the orange quickly, lowered her head shyly and put the remaining three oranges into his arms.

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ng next to him called the name of the Little Tail. The Little Tail immediately ran over, and did not forget to say to them, "My aunt is coming to pick me up. I'm leaving. Bye."

"Bye." Strong waved at her.

Van and Don also said "Bye".

They looked at her aunt holding the Little Tail and left. Strong suddenly said, "The Little Tail has aunt, but I don't."

"Neither do we. Why don't you have an aunt?" Don tilted his head and asked Strong.

Strong scratched his head and giggled, "I don't have a maternal uncle."

Van glanced at Strong and was speechless.

"Why don't I have an aunt?" Don was seriously thinking about this question. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out. "Van, why don't we have aunt?"

Although Van had read a lot of books, he couldn't answer this question. He could only say, "You can ask Uncle, and he will know."

"Okay!" Don trotted over, rushed in front of Leon and held his leg. He raised his head and asked, "Uncle Leon, why don't I have an aunt? The Little Tail have aunt, but my brother and I don't."

"Uncle Leon, where is aunt?" Before Leon could catch his breath, Don added.

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