Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 104 - Spirit Aura

Chapter 104 - Spirit Aura

Chapter 104 - Spirit Aura

The battle between Leo and Kretos was a one sided affair. Even though at the moment Leo was suppressing his power to match Kretos, the latter was having difficulty keeping up. Every spell Kretos used was easily evaded or sliced apart by Leo's swords.

When it came to fighting a melee Kretos was in an even more disadvantageous situation. Leo's abilities in close range, could only be described as transcendent. His swordsmanship was literally flawless, as it easily shifted between offense and defense.

Kretos couldn't do anything to retaliate as he was outclassed in every way. Still the battle was enjoyable for the two who loved battle. When it was finally obvious that no matter what he did Kretos wasn't going to win, he spoke to Leo.

"Leo, I admit that I have reached my limit in this battle. So I hope you can grant me a favor." Kretos spoke as his sword faded into nothingness. Leo looked at him in interest, he could pretty much guess what Kretos wanted from him.

"Hmm... Alright then what's the favor."

"Can you finish me off with all your power. I wish to witness the full extent of your might."

When Leo heard what Kretos said he couldn't help but laugh maniacally. He knew that if he were in the same position as Kretos he would have said the same thing.

"Very well my junior, witness my might!" Leo threw the two normal short swords and then materialized Chaos and Serenity. He then held his beloved swords in a reverse grip as he brought them up near his chest. Once he got into this stance Leo released everything he had from his mana and his spiritual aura. He clad the jet black Chaos with all his mana, and the calming blue blade Serenity with all his spiritual aura.

The moment he did this, Leo's very presence felt like it could crush everything in existence. It was a very beautiful sight to behold as the both the black and blue sword shined brightly with mana and spiritual aura.

Kretos who witnessed the sight couldn't help but show a very excited smile, as his heart started beating faster. He saw the mana that formed on one of the swords could actually be discerned by the n.a.k.e.d eye. Mana was usually invisible and someone could only see it, if that person uses a technique or if the person was born with the ability to see it. Others could only sense mana, but never see it. Yet here in front of him was a mana so strong that it gained physical shape and appeared before him.

Kretos also noticed that the other sword was being enveloped by that unknown power, he saw Leo use. It would seem that the unknown power was something as dangerous as mana.

Seeing the two different kinds of powers being used to their fullest made Kretos really exhilarated as his adrenaline pumped. Still, even though he knew that he had no chance, Kretos decided to use every bit of strength he has to defend against the incoming attack. He wasn't going to win, but that doesn't mean he should stop trying.

Kretos then surrounded himself in a barrier with multiple layers. He then strengthened the barrier with everything he had.

"Are you ready my junior! This is my strongest attack! HEAVENS DESTRUCTION!" Leo stretched out both his arms to the side, and then slashed at Kretos.

The moment Leo's attack was about to reach, Kretos felt a distortion of space was happening. He couldn't confirm it but he somehow felt it. Leo's attack was actually able to bypass his barrier without a problem. Kretos then felt that he had been sliced in half, after that he felt that his entire body was being disintegrated into nothing. Afterwards everything turned black.


A few seconds later Kretos who couldn't sense his body, was finally able to feel again. Kretos tried opening his eyes and saw a smiling Leo. josei

"Welcome back. So how was it?" Hearing what Leo said confused Kretos. It took Kretos a few seconds before he understood what was happening.

"So I died... That was an amazing technique Leo. I'm just confused how it was able to bypass my barrier. Also I'm quite interested with that thing that looks similar to mana."

"Well I guess, I could answer your questions. So first off, that was my ultimate technique Heavens Destruction. It's a technique that could slash through space and time, there is no possible way to avoid getting hit... Hmm, well I guess that's a wrong statement, I bet the original one has a few ways to evade that move. Even that lackey of the ORIGIN was able to evade it, even though I don't know how he did it. Whatever, basically my attack can bypass anything I want, and even if you're hiding in a different dimension I would still be able to cut you."

Kretos couldn't understand the other things Leo said, but he could understand how Leo was able to bypass his barrier.

"The answer to your other question, the thing you saw that was similar to mana is called Spirit Aura. Back in my timeline the people called it Spiritualization, but then it had many name changes over the years. I'm sure that that those who know of it call it Spirit Aura nowadays."

Kretos was happy to hear that there was another source aside from mana that could potentially increase his strength.

"Do I have that Spirit aura as well?"

"Yes, most people that have some martial arts background posses Spirit Aura they just don't know how to use it."

"Then can you teach it to me."

The moment Kretos asked that question Leo smiled.

"I told you Kretos no cheating. In here if you want to learn something, you either beat the opponent to gain all their techniques, or you convince someone to teach you. Unfortunately for you even if you ask me a thousand times, I will deny teaching you a thousand times, since I'm not really a good teacher. I tried teaching once, but they all complained that they couldn't understand anything I said."

Leo proudly declared, which made Kretos smile wryly.

"Okay, then how about calling the weakest incarnation that knows how to use Spirit Aura."

"An easy prey huh, I was sure that you would ask for the strongest incarnation that knows Spirit Aura to teach you."

"Normally I would do that, but after everything that happened to me, I learned to be a little less reckless."

Hearing that made Leo laugh his hearty laugh.

"An incarnation that's not reckless?! That's pretty much impossible. You may try doing that now, but deep down, you could never suppress that urge for battle."

Kretos slyly smiled at Leo's response.

"We shall see... Anyway can you please call the person who will teach me Spirit Aura." Leo shrugged his shoulders, and then disappeared. A few seconds later Leo reappeared with a bald haired monk.

"This is Chowan." The monk called Chowan bowed his head acknowledging Kretos.

"I have heard the situation from Leo. What do you wish to do Kretos, do you want to face me in battle to learn Spirit Aura, or do you want me to teach you?"

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