Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 113 - Be my hero

Chapter 113 - Be my hero

Chapter 113 - Be my hero

When Valdel heard what Rachel said he couldn't understand what she meant. He was the chosen hero of some God? When Rachel saw the confused look of Valdel she wanted to explain the situation to him, but then someone interrupted her.

"Oh my, please don't listen to that barbarian dear hero. Becoming the hero of such a barbarian will bring you nothing but grief."

Another girl wearing similar clothes as Rachel appeared, but the emblem she wore was different, instead of weapons, it was a weighing scale. Like Rachel, this girl was also incredibly beautiful. Even though both were beautiful the two have one major difference, the newcomer had a smaller chest than Rachel. Still, the looks didn't really matter to Valdel what mattered to him was that he was unable to sense this girl's arrival which shocked him.

"Natasha! Who the hell are you calling a barbarian! I'm going to kill you, you flat-chested loser!" You could practically hear something snap within Natasha.

"Ara, ara, ara, it seems like all the nutrients that should go to your brain headed straight for your lump of meat. As expected of a barbarian there's nothing up there." Natasha tapped Rachel's forehead as she said this. Now this time it was Rachel who snapped, she lifted her arms and suddenly a weapon appeared. This was the same style of weapon summoning that Valdel heard from Ren that heroes usually use.

The weapon that was summoned was halberd adorned with jewels and gold. The blade at the tip of the halberd was shining with the color red. Seeing Rachel summoning her weapon, Natasha responded in kind. The weapon that Natasha summoned looked less extravagant, as it was simply the blade of guillotine attached to metal wires.

The two girls were about to attack each other, but before their blades clashed Valdel got between them. Using Zwei to block the halberd, and using Nika to block the guillotine's blade. Valdel was surprised by how powerful their attacks were, and was even forced to use his full strength. The power of their strike wasn't proportional to the power they were emitting.

'There must be something with the weapons they're using...' While Valdel was thinking this, he pushed the two girls back. As they were pushed back the two girls looked at Valdel in amazement. Rachel was about to say something, but then Natasha ran towards Valdel and hugged his arm. Even though her b.r.e.a.s.t were smaller than Rachel's it was still there. Valdel felt a bit awkward with what was happening.

"That was amazing sir hero! I Natasha the holy maiden of the temple that worsh.i.p.s the Goddess of Justice, implore you, please become my chosen hero." Before Valdel could reply Rachel suddenly butted in the conversation.

"How dare you suddenly come in and call me a barbarian, and not only that you're trying to steal my hero. I'm sure that Sir Valdel doesn't really want to be hugged by a flat-chested girl such as yourself, for such a great hero nothing but the best should be provided." josei

Rachel took hold of Valdel's free arm and squeezed her chest onto it. The voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t of Rachel's felt so soft, which made Valdel feel that this really was a hard situation for him, in multiple ways.

"Lady Rachel, lady Natasha, please stop for a moment. I think Valdel here is a bit confused. I hope you two ladies can stop bickering for the moment and please explain to him, what it means to be a hero of a certain temple."

Hearing what Galius said the two girls glared at each other, before releasing Valdel's arms. The two once again looked at each other and spoke.

"How about I explain the situation, a barbarian like you wouldn't be able to explain it properly anyway."

"Heh, I'm sure you won't be able to explain it at all since your brain is as big as your chest, practically non-existent."

Galius seeing the two girls continue to fight, sighed as he once again intervened.

"This is going nowhere, then if the two ladies do not mind, allow me to be the one to explain the situation to Valdel."

The two once again glared at each other before answering in unison, "fine." Galius sighed once more before looking at the quiet Valdel.

"Sorry for that, well then let's get straight to it. Valdel how much do you know about the Temples?" Valdel scratched his head before answering.

"Truth be told, this is the first time I heard about them." The two girls were shocked to hear Valdel's answer as shown by their overly stunned looking expressions.

"I see, you did come from a very remote village... Fine then, let me start from the beginning. In this continent, the human race has twelve Gods and Goddesses that we worship. Each one of these Gods and Goddesses has their own temple which represents them. These temples are in every country, and each country has a different temple established within them. These temples and the people who work there are not considered citizens of the country in which they reside. The temples are considered to be their own country, and inside our kingdom of Reschbeauch we have two temples, one is the temple of the war God, while the other is the temple of the Goddess of Justice."

"Okay then now onto the real topic, these two are holy maidens of there respective temples. Holy maidens are the ones said to be the closest to their respective deities. They are the ones that can somehow directly hear their voice, basically, they are like the spokesperson of their respective deities. They hold a very important position in their temples, which is only lower than the head priest."

"Okay then, I guess I can understand that, then what do they mean about me becoming their chosen hero?" Valdel interjected.

"You see, each holy maiden must choose a warrior that would represent their temple. These special warriors are called heroes, they are beings that the Gods and Goddesses fancies, and are given blessings depending on which God or Goddess they serve."

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