Demon Emperor's Rise: Becoming The Greatest Villain For My Daughter

Chapter 20 Star Shower Of Prosperity

Chapter 20 Star Shower Of Prosperity

Max and Ravenna were able to see an old man sitting on the edge of the fountain, with kids gathering all around him.

The old man had tethered clothes and a musky smell. His long white beard had a brown stain, and he had a big smile on his face.

The kids under him started to ask various questions.

"Grandpa Hart, tell us that great beginning of an era story."

"Yes, that sounds so cool. I wanna know what that is."

"Me too, me too."

"We all want to hear it."

The adults on the side laughed and talked to themselves. The adventurers perked up their ears to hear too, as they felt they encountered something amazing.

"Come on, old. Tell us already; we can't wait."

"What is this era story these kids are talking about?"

Seeing and hearing all the urges coming from everywhere, the old man apologized with a smile. "Sorry for that, I have not received such a big audience at once in my life. I am overwhelmed.



The crowd giggled and laughed, seeing an old man get overwhelmed by such a small crowd.

"Old man, you are too humble. Now, tell us."

"Okay, then be quiet now." The old man said it with an innocent smile, but everyone immediately obeyed, not questioning him.

Max was amazed by this, as he hadn't seen such respect for the elderly in his life. In his previous life, most of the countries didn't respect their elders much, only most of the Asian side did and a select few in the west. 'This might be the culture of this city or this whole region's. Because I am sure many adventurers here are not from this city.'

However, Max halted his train of thought and tossed this out of his head. He focused on what the old man had to say.

"There is a legend surrounding this region. No! Not this region, but the whole world." The first few big words immediately pulled everyone in, and seeing this, the old man spoke with a calm yet slightly loud voice. "A legend that can change the whole world's destiny. It is called the -Star Shower of Prosperity- ."

'Star Shower of Prosperity?' Max, along with many others, had their curiosity piqued.

Ravenna, who was beside him, was looking at the old man, clenching her fist in pure excitement. She was still a kid, so stuff like this made her feel enthusiastic.

The old man smiled, seeing everyone's curiosity. "The Star Shower of Prosperity is as the name suggests. A full cycle of stars will fall from the sky from day to night. The stars contain the boons of gods, and in these stars contain souls of many heroes! Geniuses that will shape the face of this world. This Star Shower of Prosperity announces the start of the golden age of our world!"


The kids had their mouths wide open hearing such words. From birth, they were exposed to the stories of various heroes and their deeds.

So, how could they not be in awe when they heard so many heroes would be coming to this world at the same time?

Forget about the kids; even the adults and adventurers were amazed and some were skeptical.

Few adventurers put forth their doubt.

"Are you sure, old man, this would happen? Because I have roamed many places, but I have never heard something like this."

"I know, right? I have been to many capitals but haven't heard such a legend."

"Okay, guys, let it go. Let's hear from him when this will even begin."

Despite hearing such words, it didn't faze the old man, or Hart, to speak of. He gave a small laugh and answered. "I know you will doubt. It is alright; many will doubt my words. It is okay to not believe me. But let me answer that young lady's question first."

"The Star Shower of Prosperity only occurs one million years after the last one occurred." Then Hart showed his index finger and said. "We have one year left for the next one to begin."

Multiple gasps could be heard throughout the crowd as they had a hard time believing this would occur in such a short time.

"Is it true, grandpa Hart!?"

The kids asked eagerly, grabbing every bit of Hart's dirty cloth.

Hart just laughed. "It is true, but many won't believe me here. But everyone should be prepared for this old man's words to be true. Hahaha.."

"Grandpa Hart, we believe you."

"Yes, we believe you, Grandpa Hart."

Different from the adults' doubtful faces, the kids were fully convinced that Hart was right.

Max was skeptical himself, the opposite of Ravenna, who was daydreaming about what might happen in the future.

'System, can you tell me if it is?" Max asked the system, as it was the only thing he trusted now and felt wouldn't lie to him.

[ Yes, host. It is everything the old man said, Star Shower of Prosperity will occur at the start of the next year. ]

Instead of becoming shocked, Max's eyes widened as various dots in his mind started to connect. 'So, will my daughter be among these stars?'

[ Might be. I had put her soul in the world's destiny pool. She has a higher chance of becoming one of the stars. ]

'Good job, system.' Max said that with heartfelt sincerity, knowing his daughter would be born with a great boon.

The system didn't reply and went silent.

At that moment, the crowd dispersed after asking a few questions to Hart. The kids wanted to stay, but their parents took them away as it was time to shower.

Max was also about to take Ravenna away when he heard Hart calling them.

"Wait, little ones. I have not seen you here before."

Max and Ravenna turned around and saw Hart still sitting at the fountain, smiling at them.

"We are as new as you are thinking," Max replied simply. wanting to leave.

Just as Max and Ravenna turned their heads away from him, they heard Hart say again something that made them halt in their steps.

"You two have great destiny on your heads."

Max and Ravenna turned their heads back in shock, only to see the old man not present anymore.

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