Demon Immortal

Chapter 191 Shattered Hopes

Chapter 191 Shattered Hopes

The two figures gazed back at her. 

Their throats were ripped. They couldn't make any sound. Both figures had only one eye. The other eye was ripped out by her master. Those weren't the only thing done to those two figures. From disfigurement to dismemberment, everything that could be thought of has been done.

Ling Yue's lips twitched. It looks like she left her master for too long and she decided to play with these two men. She knew that those who became a plaything for her master rarely survived. Even those who survived will have traumas for their life. It would be a mercy to give them death.

She didn't want to grant mercy to these two figures. But, she needed their consciousness to become more powerful. Only by devouring their essence and soul can she progress fast in the short term. Her desire to both torment them and become stronger warred within herself.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and enveloped both figures with her soul power. Next moment a vortex appeared on her brows and the essence of the two figures was devoured by her at a rapid pace. Both figures aged rapidly and soon became a husk.

The City Lord and the Ling Clan Patriarch died miserably. 

"You guys are surely lucky," Ling Yue sighed.

Even now she was a little unwilling to let these men die that easily. However, her time in this city had come to an end. She had another mission to accomplish and become as strong as possible in the next few years.

Seven years. Nascent Soul. 

She really wanted to give it a try. Gritting her teeth, she turned around and came face to face with her master who was smiling wildly. Shocked, she took a step back and the husk behind her was shattered under her footsteps.josei

"Good, I didn't choose wrongly," Feng Feixuan smiled widely and licked her lips.

"Master," Ling Yue asked in confusion. 

She didn't know when her master had returned or what she was doing watching her devour her two enemies. Her sudden appearance had frightened her a little bit. She struggled hard to bring her racing heart under control.

"In the path of cultivation, there will be countless temptations that will try to distract you. For example, you now clearly had two choices. Either to prolong the agony of your enemies and gain satisfaction. Or to let go of your hatred and use them for your cultivation. Your choice now makes me happy," Feng Feixuan stated excitedly.

"Master, I don't understand…"

"A cultivator must have a clear goal. She must not be swayed by other emotions like wanting revenge or prolonging the agony of her enemies. You must always be clear about your priorities," Feng Feixuan said calmly putting away her smile. 

"If you had chosen to let them live and prolong their agony, I would have understood you. But, I would also have given up on you. Those who don't have a strong desire to progress will never become strong enough. I do not need such people. They will only become a drag." 

"Your choice to kill them and use them for your cultivation, despite your desire to make them suffer more, shows your strong desire to pursue strength," Feng Feixuan explained calmly. "For the next few days, you will follow me. I will teach you everything I know in the way of cultivation. Whether you can grasp it or not will only be determined by your talent."

"Disciple is willing," Ling Yue nodded solemnly.

"Good, then let's get going. That idiot has finished his work. I just went over and took a look. Tsk, tsk, he really is the disciple of Liang Tianye. He didn't even leave anyone alive," Feng Feixuan shook her head and vanished from the room with her disciple.

The gruesome death of the City Lord and the Ling Clan Patriarch was not discovered until the next day. Captain Yu, who came back after receiving no further orders, discovered their corpses and was shocked. 

When he learned that Madam Ling Yue was missing as well, he became heartbroken. He realized that the disaster of the City Lord was most likely because of her and after seeing the dead bodies, he didn't know how to react at all.

That innocent young girl back then was now dead completely along with his nephew. He wept for the death of that innocent young girl uncontrollably. However, pretty soon, he wasn't able to indulge in his grief. Following the Wang Clan Patriarch and the Ling Clan Patriarch, three more patriarchs were assassinated.

With no City Lord to preside over the situation, the Starmist City soon became a chaotic place where people fought for power in the streets. Captain Yu was run ragged trying to control the situation. Only when the person appointed by the Provincial Governor came did the situation stabilize.

But, even that only lasted for a few days…I think you should take a look at


With each attack, Duncan's proficiency in using the Absolute Severance sword attack was increased. He had found several flaws in his attacks after each collision and was adjusting his attacks constantly trying to make up these flaws.

To Duncan, this battle was like a great whetting stone. His sword light became more and more condensed with each attack and he was able to intuitively feel the places his comprehension of the sword was lacking.

Currently, he was able to attain the unity of the sword and man constantly. By constantly unleashing such attacks, he was able to feel the places where he lacked while executing such attacks.

The Absolute Severance sword attack was based on the concept of Swordcut. However, translating this concept to become the foundation of his attack and integrating it with the sword light was no easy matter.

With each attack Duncan performed, he was able to slightly alter and adjust the fusion of the concept and the sword light. The sword light was a sword cultivation realm. And Swordcut was a martial cultivation realm. Each had a different state of mind. 

Integrating a martial dao concept with a sword cultivation realm needed repeated usage and deeper comprehension of each state. Only by fusing these both states together can he create a proper sword attack. His earlier technique was rusty and filled with holes. Only by constantly polishing it can he perfect this move.

As his improvement rose sharply, Duncan realized that his approach was indeed right. As time passed, he was already nearing the perfection of the move he had created with his own unique insights into martial dao and sword dao. The power exuded by each attack was increasingly constant. 


In the end, Duncan's attack overcame the fist attack performed by the patriarch of the Wang Clan and landed heavily on the formation. This time, it wasn't just the impact from the collision. This time, it was the entire attack. 

Understandably, the impact withstood by the formation was heavier. Everyone below the Spirit Sea realm in the Wang Clan wasn't able to withstand this attack at all. They sprouted blood and fainted right away.

On top of the compound wall, the patriarch's eyes were red. His whole body was injured internally due to withstanding constant attacks. As the primary controller of the formation, the amount of impact he had to withstand with each attack was really high. 

Now that the attack had landed directly on the formation, the impact he withstood was naturally higher. Even though he was at the peak of the Spirit Sea realm, he wasn't able to withstand this attack without any injuries.

The moment the attack landed, Wang Clan Patriarch sprouted blood. His insides roiled and he could feel that his meridians were on the verge of breaking. Looking at the madman who brought the destruction of his clan standing in front of the compound panting in exertion, the patriarch's eyes naturally reddened.

He wanted to rip that madman into pieces with his very own hand. Unfortunately, he wasn't powerful enough to accomplish such a thing. On the other hand, there was a burgeoning fear deep in his heart. The power of the last attack was easily above the early Spirit Sea realm.

He didn't know why this madman can exert such power at the peak of the Spirit Sea realm. If this man could still perform one or two attacks with this level of power, then there would be no hope for the formation at all.

Despair engulfed his heart. He was really unwilling to die like this. His son had just joined the Iron Mountain Sect. He recently received news that his son had already stepped foot in the Spirit Sea realm. A month ago, he was dreaming about the rise of the Wang Clan with the help of his son. 

But, all these things can not be realized now.

His Wang Clan would be destroyed today. There was no other course. Even now, he still had some small hope that some of the clans who had a good relationship with him will come out and face the enemy together with him. Alas, none of them came to his aid.

All his living until now had been in vain. Those friendships he cherished, those ambitions he harbored, those hopes he had, everything had crumbled into ashes right before his eyes. 

It was all because of this madman. 


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