Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 206 Like A Treacherous Black Swan

Chapter 206 Like A Treacherous Black Swan

Harker walked on his way home. The kids had stayed with the Tariqs again after school, and he does feel slightly guilty for having them take care of his responsibility for him.

But he also learned the hard way that there were just things you couldn't change, and you could choose to mope or to think of a way to improve it. So he chose the latter. This would be a one-time thing, he won't be like his dad who would just leave behind the three kids with no warning or an explanation.

He does understand why his father must leave. He doesn't know everything, but he understands it.

They were basically doing the same thing. Doing what they believe was right as discreetly as possible because they want to protect everyone else.

So it would be hypocritical of him to judge his father and his disappearance. He just wished he wasn't kept in the dark so much…..

The lights of the street lamp flickered. Harker looked up. The lights had always been faulty in these alleyways. This area has some bars and other good places to be, but it's also full of abandoned buildings, stinky dumpsters, and perfect places to sell weed or have public sex in.

The faulty street lights were one of the reasons for that. They really have to change those bulbs. It's been like that for 5 years already.

The darkness seemed to dance and revel in these parts. Harker continued walking with his hands in his pockets.

It was autumn so it was chilly, but that had never been a problem for someone like him that was part monster. Wendigos thrive in the cold. Still….

He clutched his jacket instinctively, wrapping himself with a light shiver as he passed by.

He never liked this place. It was like the shadows turn into shapes that they shouldn't be whenever those lights flickered, like the ever-changing imagery of the clouds. 

Harker had reached the Tariq residence. Their house was not any different from the Jones'. It was small and unassuming, and housed even more people than Harker's family. Much like the Garcia's, even the parents of both Mr. and Mrs. Tariq were there, Mr. Tariq's two younger brothers, Mrs. Tariq's sister, four children of the homeowners and 3 cousins to those children.

In total, there were 16 people staying in what should have been a house for a maximum of 4.

Harker knew they managed to get by barely, and everyone had to do their part to keep things afloat. That's just how life for most working class were, especially immigrants. 

When he knocked on the door, Mrs. Tariq greeted him.

"Oh, you're back! We were getting worried since it's late, but we didn't know what number to call…." She said, wiping her sweat from the side of her sunflower yellow hijab.

She was carrying a baby, the youngest of her children. Harker heard shouts as Mr. Tariq and his brothers made bets on a horse-racing channel, and Mrs. Tariq's sister yelling at her own children to stop running and wash their hands for dinner. 

The grandparents were really old and seated on rocking chairs, some closing their eyes and the other reading a book in Arabic. 

It was really chaotic in a home-y way, and though it's less than ideal, Harker can't help but admire the tight-knit atmosphere of their family. They all seemed so close, like they belong together…..

But his eyes were drawn to someone who doesn't fit in this atmosphere. He recognized this girl since he did babysit her in the playground along with Felix before. 

Her name was Zaina Tariq, the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Tariq. She was close with Felix, almost like his best friend. 

Of course, since they were a girl and a guy, people assumed that they must be a thing and were just too shy to admit it. But Harker stood by his 'Don't get it twisted' rule and didn't assume anything or even try to pry. It's none of his business.

However, it was hard to not notice Zaina as she sat by the end of the staircase, her eyes red and puffy while staring at the TV blankly. Harker knew that empty look. 

Her mind was elsewhere, worried about her best friend….

Harker could empathize with that too.

"Um, Mr. Jones?" Mrs. Tariq tried to gain his attention again. "Your siblings are here now."

Harker turned his gaze away. "Oh, yes. Thank you so much again, Mrs. Tariq. And sorry for the trouble."

"It's not trouble at all, dear. Your siblings are well-behaved and my children like playing with them." She smiled. "They already ate some falafel, I hope you don't mind. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a deep-fried ball made of vegetables—"

Harker smiled politely. "I know what falafels are, Mrs. Tariq. They must have been very delicious, thank you again."

Harker took in Samuel, Samson and Chloe, who told them about their day. Harker pretended to listen, but was zoning out just like Zaina Tariq. There were still so many things he had to take care of, and his fun time with Joan and Mina was over so soon….

He just wished that everything would be as simple, but that's something he couldn't change. He could only try his best and take care of things one at a time. 

As he tucked the boys to bed, he went to Chloe's room and saw her reading her mother's journal. She was very focused on it, this time trying to learn more about her father as a person and his past so she could understand him at the present.

She sighed in frustration, putting the journal down on her desk. 

"What did you find in BITMAC?" She asked. 

Harker shrugged. "Only that he looked for a Yakov Perelman. He's a sponsor and lives in LA. I could go there, but I also have a lot to take care of now that I'm back. I could only do research on this guy and try to contact him….."

Chloe sighed again. "Even then, we're not sure if he has the answers. He might be just one puzzle piece among thousands."

Harker patted her head. "We'll do our best. And if we don't have any choice left…. I'd have to use my…. You know."

"Right." Chloe nodded. "Will he know?"

"He'll wake up confused and realize that time has passed. But at least he won't remember telling me anything." Harker said. "That's usually how my hypnotism works…. I'd rather he tell me himself though."josei

"Me too. I want him to trust us." Chloe went to bed. "Dad had always been a quiet one, you know? He's nice and all but…. Even Mom admits that he liked his personal space and kept some things to himself."

She then added jokingly: "Runs in the family, I guess."

Harker smiled sheepishly, covering her up with a blanket. "I'll turn the lights off now. Go to sleep."

She nodded. "You owe me your whole summer escapade story. Whatever supernatural or magical stuff that happened in the three months you were gone."

"Sure. Good night, Chloe."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Harker was about to leave the room and turn off the light switch, when he caught what was in the journal. 

Another picture of his Dad, his mom, and G.G. Faust. His mom was wearing a white dress, Howard wore blue, while G.G. wore the same all-black ensemble again.

[G.G. took us to watch Swan Lake! It was absolutely spectacular! XOXO]

Harker vaguely knows the story of Swan Lake. He chalked it up to a prince falling in love with a freaking swan, but if he remembered correctly…

There were two of them, one white and one dark. The prince fell in love with the white swan. But the black swan pretended to be her to seduce the prince….

And he was fooled into betraying the one he should love.

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