Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 249 Not Your Friend

Chapter 249 Not Your Friend

Chapter 249 Not Your Friend

Harker couldn't help but wonder when he had received such scars. It seemed to be long ago, but he was more keen on knowing what the circumstances were…..

And what changes could have happened.

After all, he was tied to the supernatural. Things like this may have been a coincidence for anyone else, but Harker would bet that it had something to do with his connection to Pele, Yakov Perelman, and his father.

Was he also supernatural himself? There was only one way to find out for sure.

He needed to get his DNA.

He doesn't have many options besides the old man's teacup. He'll be talking with Artea mostly, and if Harker was fast enough, he won't notice if he swiped that shit and got a sample.

Harker eyes the half-finished tea cup for a moment, then goes back to smiling like Gulliver Swift.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Holmwood. How are you today?"

The headmaster smiled back at him pleasantly. "I'm doing quite well, Mr. Swift. I take it that you and my Artea are still busy with the campaign?"

"Yes, Father." Artea said. "We just came by because I wanted to give you a report on the recent developments."

She then went on to deliver a detailed and formal report of what she had been up to, along with her plans for the evening. She was completely emotionless, and just stood there talking like a robot. Her 'father' just listened in, nodding at times and going 'hmm'.

For a moment, Harker thought he was looking at Victoria again. But the difference was that while Victoria was acting to please her father….

It felt more like this was Artea's most relaxed state.

She didn't need to smile all the time. And the politeness and respect she gives for her adoptive father seemed to be genuine, like that was just the way she sees him. It didn't feel forced at all, and her eyes didn't move about nervously.

It was bizarre, because for most humans, they show affection by being informal. But these two were the exact opposite of that.

Artea just talked about her plans and Arthur Holmwood just acknowledged it, but Harker could tell that these two were actually close. It wasn't subordination, but rather a tacit way of communicating as 'family'.

Still, he can't be too distracted by their strange relationship. Harker had swiped the teacup and took a sip before anyone could see.

It was so fast, and the teacup didn't even make any sound as it happened

Harker waited for the holographic screen. Sure enough, it came in front of him and showed:

[Arthur Holmwood's Ability: All D]

So it was just the same as the stats of an average human. He was not anything supernatural….. yet.

Harker was a little disappointed, but then again, his father was also just a regular human the last time he checked. And yet he was still involved in things like this, almost as if he was under the curse of these monsters. Marked.

Forced to perform some tasks under their bidding without transforming like Harker did.

He suddenly had the passing thought that this meant that Roland was a marked human as well. And though he wasn't really forced to do anyone's bidding, he was forced to be involved in everything Harker did regarding the supernatural from now on.

It made the small drop of tea that he drank feel like a poison churning his stomach.

The Holmwoods finished talking, and the headmaster turned to 'Gulliver'.

"That's all good news. Is there anything you would like to add or discuss, Mr. Swift?"

Harker then took this chance to get the answers he seeked.

"I was actually hoping to speak with you in private after class, Mr. Holmwood. It's not related to the campaign just…. something personal."

Artea's eyes widened at this, obviously wondering what he could possibly want to talk about her father.

Arthur Holmwood just made that 'hmm' sound again. "Hmm…. I see. I'll be free for a few minutes later for the day, but I'm afraid I have to go home before evening arrives. My wife is waiting for me and she keeps reminding me about the doctor's advice to not stay too late on chilly autumn nights. My health is not as it used to be, after all."

"Of course. I understand, Sir." Harker said.

Artea suddenly took his hand and bid her father farewell. "We should get going now, Father. I'll see you later."

"Take care." Arthur Holmwood waved lightly as they went out the door.

Artea then took him all the way out into an empty hallway, and hissed under her breath. "What was that about? Why do you need to talk to Father Arthur?"

Harker just yanked his hand away. "Like I said, it's personal. Nothing to do with you."

"Of course it has everything to do with me." Artea said. "What, are you suspecting him now too? Because my father had been sickly for a long time now, though he's very good at enduring it and making it seem like it's nothing—-"

"No, I don't suspect him. Why are you getting so defensive anyway?" Harker frowned.

This was the first time that he actually saw Artea be mad at him. Even when Harker was pushing her buttons, she never actually showed signs of being affected by it.

But when it comes to her adoptive father, all her guards go up.

"It's just that…. Sigh. You won't understand. If something happens to Father Arthur… Mama would get upset. And I don't need her to be more upset with me than she is now. I don't want him to get involved in whatever was happening regarding the murders and that Circus Cabaret."

She let go of him. "You should get to your class, we'll meet up later."

She quickly went to leave, as if trying to avoid Harker seeing more into her expression. But that would be too late.

The dread was apparent on her face. Artea was scared.

Especially the moment she talked about her 'Mama' being upset, which Harker assumed to be her grandmother.

The dynamics of the Holmwood family was really something else, and Harker couldn't help but be drawn to learn more. He didn't know when it started, but he suddenly had the urge to learn more about everything.

It's like a hunger he can't satiate, this curiosity. It got stronger the moment he accepted the fact that the reason he kept on wanting to collect the Shards was to learn more about Yan and his master.

Even now when he had to put that aside to solve this case and his father's disappearance, there's still an itch within him to just dig through Yan's past and know.

Harker went to go to his next class, and as he did…..

He saw Kian Shaw by the door. josei

Right, he and Gulliver Swift were sharing this one. The presidential candidate for the red party kept on smiling wide as he talked to his 'peers', his skin still shiny and peerless.

Harker narrowed his eyes, and decided to approach him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Shaw."

As the man turned to him, Harker was certain that he knew. He could see right through Harker's shapeshifting, and knew that Harker could also see right through him.

"Why, hello there..... friend."

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