Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 48 A Dog That Bites Its Owner

Chapter 48 A Dog That Bites Its Owner

The walkie-talkie that Harker was holding got smashed against the wall. Roland panicked as all he could hear from the other side was white noise.

"Harker! Hey! Answer me! Hark!"

He was hiding underneath the tables as the gunshots continued.

A gruff voice yelled: "Everyone keep quiet!!! Like we said, you all just have to calm down as we give a brief body check! Mr. Xi had received news that one of you was working with a bank robber to infiltrate his factory, and we need your cooperation to find the perpetrator."

There were still many rich folks that complained, but eventually shut their traps once they heard the gunshots and had rifles aimed at them. They eventually went in line for the body check, and there was nervous tension in the air.josei

Roland cursed. These people already knew who was working with the 'bank robber'. They're just doing this for show in order for the humans to have an explanation of what was going on.

Once they would use the walkie-talkie as evidence against him, they could easily get him imprisoned after defeating Harker. Whether defeating means he was dead or alive, it was all up to Mr. Xi.

Roland kept quiet beneath the table, considering his options. The sweat on his forehead was already cold, as he had been nervous since earlier….

An hour ago, at 4pm, Mr. Xi suddenly announced that they would have the gift-giving ceremony now.

"I was asked earlier why bother making this part later for dinner, and I agree. It's not very good to keep people waiting to deliver their gifts, especially if they have other plans for the evening…." Mr. Xi said to the crowd, his green eyes gleaming.

Roland's heart was pounding like a caged bird, but he steeled himself. So what if it was early? Perhaps he can find a way to stall so that the detonation could still be at 6pm.

But it was foolish to think that way, when Mr. Xi has the hypnotizing ability.

One by one, the guests looked into his eyes as they delivered the gifts. They say the truth in front of everyone. How they like or dislike Mr. Xi, what they think about the party, the real reasons that they attended, and even how some of them are plotting to keep Mr. Xi out of the competition.

And these people do not remember a single thing. They just stood there, confused as to why people were staring at them as they hadn't even delivered their toast.

When it was Roland's turn….

"Ah, it's my godson's turn." Mr. Xi wore that overly-stretched smile. "Come, Roland. What do you have for Uncle Jiaoshe?"

Roland still wore his confident smile despite the pressure he was on, He picked up a glass for the toast.

"What I have here is a Tiger's Eye ring. A suitable gem for a man of power, vitality, and attentiveness. This ring would better suit our celebrant, Mr. Xi Jiaoshe, who from the start of his business 15 years ago still remained to be the best golden pearl distributor around the world."

The people raised their glasses too and wore fake smiles as he delivered his speech. Roland wanted to know what Mr. Xi's expression was, but couldn't look him in the eyes. His fingers would sometimes shake as it held the glass of champagne, but nobody noticed.

He was sure that no one did except for the snake behind him.

".... And so I congratulate Mr. Xi for another wonderful year of existence, and may he continue to be as prosperous as he is now for many years to come."

A servant gestured to take the ring from him, but Roland shook his head.

"May I place the ring on our celebrant's hand myself?" He asked.

The people were shocked. It may be an odd sight for a man to put a ring on another man in public, but then again, popes have people kiss their rings, right? Kings had someone put their crowns on for them. This was just the same.

Roland kneeled on one knee, and asked for Mr. Xi's hand. "Let us give you a better ring, Mr. Xi."

Mr. Xi did give his hand and let him take away the Shard ring, smiling. "You can have it and give it to someone you value just as I did with my Aixiang."

"Really?" Roland pretended to be surprised. "But I was the one who's supposed to give you a gift, sir. Not the other way around…."

"It's nothing. You are a very good man, Roland. I know for a fact that you will do anything for those you truly care about. You and I love people the same way." Mr. Xi watched as the blond boy put the Tiger's Eye ring on his finger. "We know how important it is to keep the ones we love close to us, to give them everything they ask for but in moderation, and most importantly…."

He grinned. "To keep them tightly in our grasp. Whether it's physically, or figuratively."

Roland gritted his teeth. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hahaha! Every gift comes with strings as I always say, my boy. You give this person everything and use that to keep a close connection. Like how humans keep a dog and feed him, pamper him, and train him to be their loyal pet." Mr. Xi said, sounding amused.

Then, he clicked his tongue. "Ah, but I'm afraid that you are letting your little doggie slip away by pampering him too much. He might be distracted by a stray bitch on the streets and run off before you know it."

Roland controlled his emotions, no matter how much Mr. Xi taunted him. He instead answered dryly:

"I do not love like that, Mr. Xi. That sounds more like slavery, not love."

Mr. Xi shrugged. "Whatever you may call it, my boy. As for now…."

He whistled, signaling his men for something.

"I have to take my leave. You see, a little birdie told me that a dog had gone loose in my factory, and will start destroying everything that I valued and protected. I hate to hurt dogs, but even the cutest one has to be put down when they bite, right?"

Roland looked up in horror, and met those gleaming green eyes. That was how he had passed out for about 5 minutes.

When he woke up, he was luckily close to the table and so he easily hid there and gave the call. But he doesn't know what's happening now to Harker, or if Mr. Xi had reached the factory already. He might have warned too late.

"Please be safe, Hark…." He mumbled, holding the Shard closely in his hand. "I believe in you."

All he could do was to hope that this powerful 'dog' that Mr. Xi wanted to put down would be able to bite and maul the hell out of that snake.

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