Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 58 Of A Feather Or Tail

Chapter 58 Of A Feather Or Tail

Since then, Harker and Roland talked about everything under the sun. They became acquaintances as the sickly blondie visited their small house every now and then after delivering Mr. Jones' birthday gift. That gift was a woodworking kit, which was given to him by Mr. Faust.

Roland was also a smart boy, but his skills were in debate clubs and performing speeches. He was studying at a prestigious children's Academy, but he said he didn't like it that much.

"I'd prefer to study in a school like yours, Hark. So many pretentious people wearing fake smiles and then talking behind your back…. I'm sick of it." He said as they took a stroll on the playground.

Well, Harker was the one taking a stroll as he pushed Roland's wheelchair around. Sometimes he helped him sit on the seesaw or the swing. Everytime he lifted him, he felt like a fragile doll. Harker needed to handle him with care since he was sick, though he still didn't know what his sickness was at that time.

This time, Roland wanted to go on the swing with him. Harker was not really a swing person, since he didn't see the appeal of it. But he enjoyed Roland's company and his stories, so he enjoyed swinging eventually.

"Oh, I betcha, you'll change your mind soon. Our school sucks." Harker said.

Roland pursed his lips. "How so?"

"There's so much dumb stuff everywhere. People doing dumb stuff, saying dumb stuff…. just everything." Harker sighed.

His blond friend smiled. "But at least you're not dumb, right?"

Harker found that he really does talk and act mature for his age. That's why he was still charismatic even with his weak appearance. There was just something about Roland that made him feel at ease.

"I can be at times. People say I'm a genius because I get good grades…. But not really. I can't even figure out the first thing about life."


"Like why are we existing? Why do we die? What's the purpose of it all? There's so many theories and beliefs everywhere, I dunno which one to believe. Most of the time when people sound so sure of their own opinions, they were the ones who were being arrogant and wrong. But then again, those who were unsure could never decide either…."

Harker clasped his head. "Ah, it's makin' my head hurt!"

Roland chuckled. "To be fair, kids our age shouldn't be asking questions like this. Or at least, society tells us not to. We're supposed to just play around and have fun, make stupid decisions leading to stupid mistakes. That's how we learn. We fall and try to stand up over and over again."

"When will the process end? When will we never make a mistake ever again?" Harker asked.

His friend shrugged. "I don't know. I just find the beauty of finding comrades along the way as we travel our paths. Especially when our friends stop for a moment just to help us stand up…."

Roland took something from his pocket. "Do you recognize what this is?"

Harker sniffed about on his palm. "Wait…. Isn't that a rat's tail?"

"That's right. This is from a rat that got caught in a trap at our house. You must think I'm weird for keeping it, right?" Roland asked.

"Nope. I actually think it's cool how a rich guy like you can hold dead rats so easily. I like studying animals and biology. Just from the looks of it, this could be a Rattus norvegicus. The common brown rat seen in the sewers and streets."

Roland nodded. "This brown rat…. It was caught in a glue trap with its friend. Its leg was stuck, while for the friend it was just the tail. However, the brown rat still bit its leg off and then helped chew its friend's tail off for it to escape. The rat bled to death, and now I keep its friend's tail as remembrance for its courage and selflessness."

Harker blinked. "That's….. Is that even possible?"josei

"It is what I have seen." Roland told him.

"But….. His friend won't live long anyway for losing his tail, since it also bleeds. And even if he did survive, it will have a more difficult life since it can't regulate body temperature."

His friend shrugged and pocketed the tail again. "At least it's the thought that counts, even if they both die in the end."

Harker was so distracted by this fascinating rat story that he didn't notice his usual bullies approaching him.

"Look! Jonesy is buddies with a white boy now!" Terrence said. "I knew he ain't black!"

"What the hell is this stick thing? Your boyfriend has cancer or something?" Blake observed the IV drip attached to Roland. "Go back to the hospital, this ain't the place for ya. You might get us infected or somethin'."

"I wasn't from the hospital, and my disease isn't infectious." Roland said calmly. "I was being cured at home because of the symptoms from having RH null blood, a rare blood phenotype. They were also experimenting with it as it could yield to beneficial effects and treatment of other diseases—"

Jared grabbed his shirt and growled. "No one asked you to speak, whitey."

Even Daisy who was a 'good girl' known to sing at the choir often scoffed. "Can you guys fight elsewhere? Also, isn't that white boy rich enough to have his own playground? Some of us want to take our turn."

Harker gritted his teeth. "Just leave him alone, okay!? We'll be going now!"

He pushed Jared away and took Roland. He put him back on the wheelchair with his sweaty hands and shaking arms.

Jared smacked the back of his head. "Hey, you dare push me!? Eh, Four-eyes!?"

"Milk Choco's in trouble now." Blake cracked his knuckles.

Harker just pushed forward, determined to bring back Roland to the limousine.

"We're almost there…. Let's just meet tomorrow, Rol." He said.

Roland frowned. "From your reaction, I could tell that those boys are bringing you trouble often. Why don't you tell the teachers?"

"I did, but there's nothing they can do about it. They'll go light on them since they're 'just kids'. They'll blame it on my Mom since they already recommended that I take a scholarship at a better school or accelerate. I don't like when they blame my Mom." Harker said.

Roland rubbed his chin. "I understand."

The next day, Harker was full of bruises. Roland was not pleased.

He pushed his wheelchair forward to the boys. Harker tried to stop him. "Rol, wait! You have no chance against them—"

"That may be true, but I don't want them to think that I won't at least put up a fight and avenge my friend. From now on, Harker, you won't be bothered by them."

Roland called out Jared. "Hey! You with the red shirt."

Jared scoffed and did his intimidation tactic by grabbing his collar again. "You back again, whitey?"

Roland chuckled. "You sure like extending your vulnerable limb near someone's mouth."

And Roland did not hesitate to bite his wrist until it bleeds, just like a savage rat that bites its tail off!

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