Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 62 In Angel's Clothing

Chapter 62 In Angel's Clothing

Harker took the metal box containing little Skitters. The chameleon still had its wings, though it couldn't really fly as fast as a housefly because of its heavy weight. It made a grunting sound as they approached the steps of BITMAC.

"I know, buddy. I don't like it here either." Harker told it. "We'll try to be quick, though I can't promise they won't run several tests on you that may last for days."

The Institute's headquarters looked more like the Greek Parthenon than a science laboratory. Tall, Ionic columns surrounded it, the walls made of marble and white stone. A symbol of vulture marked it, with a piece of flesh on its beak. Its wings were pitch black and its eyes shined red.

This macabre symbol was explained to be based on the myth of Prometheus, the one who had given humans fire. It was through fire that technology and development existed. But Prometheus was punished by Zeus to have his flesh and liver eaten by a vulture for eternity, as Prometheus can regenerate it and the process could repeat over and over again.

And so, this symbol showed how often scientists were made to be martyrs. They do not exist for fame, or money, but for the sake of the advancement of mankind. Even to their own demise.

Or at least that's what the large plaque on the entrance said, written on a stone with a vulture perching.

Harker thinks it was just a load of sentimental bullshit.

Scientists were not all the same 'thirsting for knowledge and human advancement type'. Nowadays, many do want to be paid with money, or to win the Noobel Prize. They look up to the other famous scientists before them and want to gain the same legacy. And so being a scientist could not be called martyrdom anymore, but rather just another white collar job.

"Would have been better if they used a cute chameleon like you as a symbol. At least that shows adaptability, right?" Harker placed a small eucalyptus leaf past the bars of Skitters' tiny prison to make him relaxed.

The chameleon just gnawed on the leaf happily.

They went inside, but then Harker saw a black feather flying around. Immediately, he knew who was about to go out of the exit.

Black feathers were a favorite of a certain supermodel/ rich heir to a biological research institute. Along with the clacking of Prouda heels came that distinct giggle and the clinking sound of chains.

"...And did you know that those nerds had to wipe their mouths after that shitshow of a photography session, Daddy? Ugh, it still gives me hives when I think about it. " Angela talked on the phone with someone, possibly her father.

She was wearing sunglasses even in the dead of the night. "Hahaha, but it was funny to see them stumble around trying to give me fresh water from the Alps or a bright neon hot pink hairdryer! Ah, what a bunch of simpletons."

Angela suddenly stopped in her tracks when she spotted Harker coming over and wore a purple scowl.

Yes, her lipstick was bright purple for tonight, matching her purple jacket with black feathers. Underneath she wore nothing but a white sports bra and a pair of black booty shorts. Her 6 inch heels that looked sharp enough to stab someone were also black adorned with a purple ribbon.

"Well, well, well. Harker Jones." She wore a sneer.

"Angela." Harker couldn't believe his bad luck for seeing her here.

The devilish woman put her hands to her hips and said. "I'd have to call you back, Daddy. There's a large rat in front of me right now."

She closed her flip phone with a Snap! Then, she raised her eyebrow at this man in front of her.

"I thought you wouldn't show your face to me ever again after I have given you that fair warning. Actually, I thought you wouldn't go near my Roland ever again or even show a sliver of your shadow to him."

She giggled again. "You already talked to Derringer, but I guess it did not work. Should I have you talk to my dear friend Tommy instead? "

Harker gritted his teeth. "You fucking bitch—"

"Hello, Miss Angela!" A bunch of scientists had left the building to get some coffee, and passed her by.

Angela's aura completely changed and she waved back to them. "Hello, everyone! How's it going? Any interesting discoveries?"

"Yes, Miss Angela! We're doing some test on artificial bicarbonate ionization for treating gastrointestinal hemmo—"

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Angela interrupted their explanation of their project. "Have a good night!"

She waved back at them like some pure angel that had graced the Earth. Harker's eye twitched as the people continued to believe her behavior was something 'nice'.

When Angela turned to him her scowl had returned, and she pointed her long manicured fingernails to the small metal cage. "What the hell is that creature?"

"It's a male C.c calyptratus veiled chameleon." Harker answered dryly. "But I'm not surprised you have no idea what are 5 kingdoms of living organisms either."

"The only kingdom I'm interested in is the United Kingdom. I'll be invited to London's fashion week just a few days from now. Too bad my Roland can't come or else we'll be the talk of the town as a couple." She giggled again. "Ah, and the only C.C I'm interested in is the Crimson Cross, which will also be my domain once I become the Crimson Cross Prince's wife."

"Whatever." Harker walked past her, since he wasn't here to chit chat with a bitch like Angela.

He was here to deliver Skitters and gain that RH null blood. Roland was in danger, and that's his top priority.

However, Angela grabbed his shoulder with her claw-like fingers, sinking her nails painted royal purple into his shirt.

"You never know your place do you? Little rat. Just like that ratty mother of yours, always butting into people's business and acting tough. Your kind disgusts me. I don't know why the Fausts insist on being associated with the help."

Harker's blood boiled not because of being called a rat, but the remarks towards his mother. Still, he was used to this bitch taunting him. He just shoved Angela's hand away...

And yet she fell to the ground!

He didn't even shove her that hard. Angela's fingernails broke, and it started to bleed. Harker was dumbfounded for a while by this sudden turn of events, when Angela started calling out.

"OUCH! This man suddenly pushed me! Somebody help!" She exclaimed, showing off her bleeding fingers for the world to see. "Help me!"

The guards of BITMAC quickly rushed to her aid and grabbed Harker. Harker did not struggle as that would just make him look more guilty. Instead, he said with a straight face:

"I didn't push you that hard, Miss Angela MacBheatha. You must have tripped due to your high heels. You can check the footage of the camera over there—"

"This man is even making excuses! Look at my poor nails! Owww…. I twisted my foot!" She exclaimed. "How dare you!?"

She raised her hand and slapped Harker!

But as she did, the metal box tumbled down and opened. Out came Skitters, who flew out of the tiny cage—josei

And went directly towards Angela's face!

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