Demonic Devourer's Development

Chapter 194 - Scythes Only Look Cool

Chapter 194 - Scythes Only Look Cool

The swish of the spinning chain was the only thing that could be heard in the hall. Enforcers slowly spread out, surrounding me, each with his own weapon. In their minds, I could read the tactics they used most often and planned to use now.

First, the chain demon would use his chain to bind me and slow down my movements. Then, the spear demon and the scythe demon will pin me with scissor movement. They already stood on the opposite sides of me, to make it harder for me to block. Finally, the sword demon will jump in for the finishing strike, by which time the chain demon will use his chain again to bind my soul before I can escape.

Question was—were they good enough to overcome my defences? Were they strong enough to even compare? Were they strong enough that it would be worth the trouble to leave them alive?

The Master of Sin just watched. He was powerful, too, but not as used to working in a team as Enforcers. They were weaker than him, even as a team, but joining into the fray now would only interfere with them. For now, he let them risk their skins to test me.

The chain demon threw his weapon at me, aiming at my legs. A great throw, fast and precise. At that distance, I would've had trouble dodging if I chose to dodge at all. But I let the attack hit, though kept myself rooted to the floor instead of letting the yank of the chain trip me. For now, that was inconsequential.

The chain didn't yet fully curled around my legs and the spear and the scythe demon were already attacking. The spear demon from my right, the scythe demon from my left. If I didn't have three hundred sixty degrees vision and four hands… but I did.

I grabbed the attackers' weapons and tensed my muscles. My feet turned liquid, flowing out of the chains that bind them, but not down—up. My wings beat, lifting me in the air and spinning me as I spun the two demons by their weapons, throwing them at their comrades.

All four fell to the ground in two heaps, still not letting go of their weapons. I knew by their thoughts how vital they were for them, as demons and warriors, and how much it cost to get them. I also knew how, despite being thwarted in their initial assault, they already thought about the next attack.

Before they could execute it, I spit out a glob of web and threw it, hitting the chain demon right where he was pushing away and up the spear demon. While they dealt with that, I dodged a combined attack of the scythe and sword demons, who already stood up, and spat web at the scythe demon's feet.

After that, the rest was routine. Dodge, spit, tie down. That my webs were invisible only added general confusion. A minute later, Enforcers were all immobilised, and still didn't know what the fuck I did to them. Neither did the Master of Sin, but he sure was impressed.josei

"Interesting. You didn't kill them. Why?" the Master of Sin wondered idly. He still sat on his throne, seemingly in no hurry to attack. Inwardly, he was afraid—and not showing it. He didn't want to be kicked out, but was afraid that this is where this would go, at best.

The Master of Sin was stalling for time and probing for my intentions. I was happy to oblige.

"I will need powerful demons to help me take down the Twelve. Gods, I mean. They won't kill a god, but they are good enough to slow one down, at least. If they will have that team training with five more buddies." I came up to the scythe demon, who was well-glued to the floor, and nudged him with my toes. "Say, this one. Scythe isn't good as a weapon at all. It's a fucking farming tool! Just make another spear out of it. Do you care so much about not looking the same way? Chain is neat, though." I gave the chain demon a nod of approval.

The Master of Sin scratched his cheek. "So this is why I always thought that the scythe seemed a little impractical as a weapon." He clicked his tongue and lifted his eyes to me. "My, my! Devourer, I'd think that after being beaten once you'd stay low."

I bared my teeth at him in annoyance. "Fuck gods and fuck staying low. My point—they will come here, after me, sooner or later. The only reason they didn't yet, is because they don't know I'm here. They fear me, the Master of Sin…" I chuckled. "So I have to give them a reason. Now, you. You have to be strong, to have your position. If you work for me, you can keep it, and your slaves, and whatnot."

"Or you will take it all for yourself?" The Master of Sin arched his brows. "Between a great risk to my skin and an option to just carve myself a new domain somewhere near, say, Phlegethon." That was the name of the boiling river of blood that flowed through the Seventh Circle of Hell. Since anything you could drink was scarce, it was a lively place at all times.

"You guessed right. But I have a reward, too. Help me take out gods… And I will bring you to the mortal realm. Hell, I might bring you to Heaven—doesn't make much difference. The point is, both places are infinitely better than this stinky hole."

The Master of Sin slowly blinked, weighting the offer in my head. And like any demon in his right mind… He smiled, stood up from his throne and gracefully lowered to his knees. "If anyone else offered, I wouldn't have believed, but you, Devourer, have always been special. You have bought me. What do you need?"

I grinned. And the guy was even honest. I already liked him.. "Alright, then listen here. First…"

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