Demonic Devourer's Development

Chapter 198 - The Hill Of Responsibilities

Chapter 198 - The Hill Of Responsibilities


I stuffed the magic mirror into my gut pocket and fixed a glare on the wall in front of me. I just found a very unpleasant detail of long-distance communications via the mirror: it didn't work with telepathy.

Obviously. God of Rogues was in Heaven and I was realms away.

Now I wasn't so sure anymore that he won't sic other gods on me. Who's to say he won't change his mind? Reckless, reckless of me. I grew too used to this ability, too quickly.

I shook my head and dismissed these concerns. It was too late now, so I'd better keep on with doing what I could. God of Rogues interrupted me in the middle of a conversation, and I was sure that my sudden desire to leave it planted weird thoughts in the Master of Sin's mind.

I marched back through the hallways of his palace to his throne room. The throne was mine now, but during the course of the day that passed since my arrival here, the Master of Sin found himself a comfy enough chair to sit on.

"I'm done. Where did we stop, Sin?"

The Master of Sin pinched his lips, as he did every time I called him by a shortened version of his chosen name. And yes, he had weird thoughts in his head—he wondered if I even could actually suffer from indigestion. To give him credit, that didn't show on his face.

"I was explaining to you that even though I sent the word, there aren't many powerful demons in Dis, and on the Fifth Circle in general. Which is what makes this place so good for people like me, who simply want a calm, undisturbed life of pleasures… I'm sure you understand." The Master of Sin smiled coyly. "Weren't you punished by Heaven for wishing to reach the calm and pleasures of the mortal realm?"

"I understand all too well, but it's not what I need now. Neither are your attempts at digging for information…" I frowned. "Well, the solution is simple. We just have to call people from other circles. The problem is getting them here… I suppose those from the upper layers can just jump into the Abyss."

"This would be the easiest way. And all those who can't stop in Dis, instead of falling all the way to Cocytus, didn't deserve your attention, anyway. Of course, my harpooners and netters will help to catch them, too. No need to waste meat." The Master of Sin licked his lips.

"They alone can't catch everyone. I will help. Hm…" I mentally recalled the size of the Abyss. It was possible for me to build a web across it all, but it would take time, and at the moment I had more important things to put it into. "Eventually, yes."

"Same with people from below. Strong can climb; you don't need weaklings, you said so yourself," the Master of Sin continued. "And after they all gather, we can find out the strongest yet via a tournament—this is how I found my Enforcers in the past. Promise a great reward to whoever comes… If you can tell them the same you said to me, great many will come to risk their miserable lives for only a glimmer of a chance."

"I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't. Yes. Spread the word far and wide…" I hummed. "And since you don't have wings, nor do any of your demons, it's mostly on me, too."

The Master of Sin smiled innocently and shrugged. "What can I say? Those who are elevated over others often are burdened with more responsibilities as well. I wish I had a pair of wings myself. I even heard about a surgeon who could cut a pair from a bird, stitch it to a demon and they would work—one time out of a dozen—but I'm unsure if this is true or just a legend."

The mention of a surgeon like that brought to my mind dark memories of my imprisonment and the jailer herself. Anger surged in me, making me bare my teeth in a snarl, before I forced it down with a shake of my head. "Sure, there are people like this, and whoever uses their services is an idiot and will end up in their jar. Or dead. Or both."

The Master of Sin watched me with curiosity. He didn't miss my outburst and noted it for himself, the same way he noted anything that might be of use to him in the future. That only irked me more, which made it even harder for me to control myself enough to leave this topic completely.

'Master, speaking of wings and stuff, I think I know how to give a pair to this guy. Metaphorically speaking. If you let me explain,' Pest suddenly spoke out from the depths of my mind.

I sat still and latched onto that distraction. 'Do that, Pest.'

'There are many spells in the book you got. I still sort through them, even now… And I glimpsed one that you can copy onto an item to make it lighter. Lighter than air! I thought little about it at first, but now I get what it was for. For flying. Just enchant something, give it to him, and tell to hold tight. Bam! He'll float to the top of Hell like a piece of cork to the top of a lake.'

I raised my eyebrows and smirked at the confused Master of Sin. This sounded like a great idea. The details… I felt like I could remember some improvements to it I heard somewhere. Like a ballast, or a basket.

"I think you will have that wish fulfilled soon, Sin. Can't give you wings, but this will do the job just as well… And elevate you to the same place on the hill of responsibilities, as you put it."

"Really?.. Oh, what I'm saying. I shouldn't doubt your prowess at this point, Devourer, less you smite me for it." The Master of Sin chuckled.. "But please, share that wisdom of yours with me."

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