Demonic Devourer's Development

Chapter 83 - RISHA. Epic Fail

Chapter 83 - RISHA. Epic Fail

The more time passed, the more and more mysterious I found Voren. There was just so much strange about him. The way his hair inexplicably changed colour after he returned from his trip in the mountains, his new habit of wearing a mask and clothes that covered every inch of his skin… And that without mentioning the things I've overheard from him and my sister in the house.

Despite all this, though, I knew in my heart that with all his crassness and a seeming lack of care, he was a good person in his heart. Dangerous, yes, but good. He saved us, and he brought happiness in Rosha's life, one that I could see in her eyes and her smiles.

If you ask her, it was just because of money, but I knew. I knew it wasn't. It felt like such a long time since I last seen Rosha as happy as she was the day Voren returned from his monster hunt. And I was so excited to travel with him and Rosha to another city for the first time in my life.

Today, I was only disappointed and disgruntled. He told me that he found someone else to get information and rewards (not that he remembered to bring proof of kills from the griffins he killed the last time) from the Guild! That meant I wasn't needed for that anymore.

My usefulness for him and Rosha ended right after it began. Now I was to sit in the inn, safely away from the dangers of the big city, while Rosha was making business deals. Useless burden once again, and bored out of my mind, too.

Which is why I decided that the sight I wanted to see was that of the local Guild. I had to check with the local notices. What if whatever source Voren found wasn't good enough? What if he missed something without me? What if they turned their back on him, and I would be needed again?

I had all these hopeful thoughts in me when I entered the Guild. It was just like the one in Glesk, except all the faces were unfamiliar, and all the eyes studied me with interest. Next moment, most of them returned to their business, but the rest lingered, making my palms sweaty, even though there weren't many people in the hall at all.

I forced my way through it and made a beeline towards the bar. Smiling at the barmaid, I said, "Hello. Can I look at the available quests? I'm Risha from Glesk."

"One moment." The woman pulled a registry book from under the counter. It was another example of the divine magic the Twelve blessed people with. All the books from the same—family, I guess?—were connected, so if you wrote something in one, it would appear in all others. More than that, the pages in the book never ended, and you could even search in by words.

I had asked Helen to let me take a look at it once, but all such books were protected with magic that allowed only people who signed a contract to not share the information inside with unauthorised people. After all, the books held names, ranks and rank points of all adventurers not just in country—in the entire world.

"Risha from Glesk, cleric, Bronze Five, zero points. Didn't want to kill kobolds for your first quest?" The barmaid smiled at me with some sympathy. "They killed plenty of newbies, so that's wise. Let me look if there is something easier around. It's Frost Griffin hunting season, but I think there was one on Demonic Snails."

"No, uh, I want to look at ALL the quests," I stressed.

"All of them? Well, I guess technically you can, but… I don't see a party with you. You don't want to play a hero on your own, don't you?"josei

"Hey, Risha! If you want some serious quests, why won't you just come with us?" A male voice suddenly coming from the hall made me jump on the spot. When I turned, I saw a trio of young men sending me grins that made my skin crawl.

"Yeah, we just don't have a healer. All you will have to do for your share of reward is to stand behind our back and massage them after we finished swinging our swords!" Another one of them added with a laugh.

My mouth turned dry. This tone, these looks… I've seen them so many times during the short time I worked as a barmaid, but right now it was like looking at Teren's face again, that night when I last saw him. "Stop playing an innocent girl, Risha. I know you want it, just like I do. Come on, I will make you feel good."

He stopped pretending to love me then, too. But I was still clinging to hope.

"Stop pestering the girl!" the barmaid shouted, bringing me out of my memories. "Look, how about this? I don't want to send you to your death, so unless you bring a party, I won't show you anything except the snails quest, Risha."


"No buts! You might complain to my manager, but he won't listen even if you actually catch him. Now, where's that snails quest?.."

"But, but…" I clenched my fists at my sides and fought the tears that threatened to appear in my eyes. Gods, I was such a child—to cry because of something like this! And such a useless child to that, since I couldn't even get the information I came for!

"I will just go, thanks," I pushed out of myself and, dejected, walked towards the exit. I didn't know how I could deal with this. Maybe there was a way still, like finding someone who would play roles of my teammates… But they would have to be adventurers too, and who would agree to just play a role of a party?

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice anything until I felt a sharp pinch on my bottom.. Out of pure fright, I shrieked and jumped away, only to stumble and almost fall on someone's lap.

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