Demon's Diary

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056: Thousand Condense Water Code

Chapter 1056: Thousand Condense Water Code

“Brother Yin Han, here it is!”

After they circled a few bare gray tree trunks, they stopped beside a boulder on the mountainside.

Liu Ming was surprised. With his powerful Divine Thought, he couldn’t find any enchantment after careful inspection.

Just when Liu Ming was a little confused, You Lan had appeared beside the boulder and tapped on the boulder several times in a rhythmic manner.

With a rumble, the boulder slowly moved away, revealing a huge black cave.

“Brother Yin Han, let’s go.”

You Lan took a few steps forward and glanced into the cave. After making sure that nothing was unusual, she turned around and called Liu Ming loudly.

Hearing this, Liu Ming nodded to her and walked in side by side with her.

As they stepped into the cave, a dark corridor appeared in front of them.

Steep gray stone stairs meandered forward, leading to the belly of the entire mountain. On both sides of the corridor, pieces of black crystal stones flickered with a faint light, adding a hint of mystery to this corridor.

Maybe due to the atmosphere here, Liu Ming and You Lan just walked forward without talking.

As Liu Ming walked, he touched the black thumb ring, weighing his current net worth repeatedly in his mind.

The deepest underworld only used hell stone instead of spirit stone.

During his time on Evil Ghost Way, he killed a lot of ghost creatures. Although most of them were devoured by 2 spiritual pets, some materials of the Crystallization Period and Real Pellet State ghost creatures were kept. Most of these could be used as materials for refining hell weapons and elixirs here.

Over the past few days, he had been in and out of Cold Moon City’s market to sell some of the Crystallization Period ghost creature materials for about 8,000 hell stones in batches.

Don’t underestimate this amount of hell stones. In the deepest underworld, this was already quite a fortune.

The missions posted by the City Lord Mansion were based on their difficulty. There were only a dozen to a few hundred hell stones rewards at a time. Missions with reward of thousands of hell stones took a long time or had extremely high difficulty. Such as capturing or recruiting ghost creatures, a Condensation State ghost Creatures could only be exchanged for 10-20 hell stones.

However, if one could recruit or capture a certain number of newborn Serene Clan member can, then he could at least get 5 intermediate grade as additional rewards. If there were high qualification, he would even get more rewards.

No wonder Serene Clan members like You Han would work so hard for this.

In addition to these hell stones, Liu Ming’s thumb ring also had 3 rare materials of the Real Pellet State ghost creatures just in case.

They were a pair of wings of the ghost owl, a skeleton of a corpse flame wolf, and a spiritual eye of the one-eyed ghost kings.

According to his inquiry in the market, the materials of these Real Pellet State ghost creatures were still very valuable. Each piece was worth at least 50 intermediate grade hell stones, especially that corpse flame wolf that had reached the Real Pellet State intermediate stage. If the skeleton was complete, it was an excellent main material for forging a skeleton puppet.

This kind of skeleton puppet was made with a special puppet forge method in the deepest underworld. Although its strength would be much lower than before, the advantage was that it would not turn away like ghost creatures, which made it very popular.

While thinking, they came to the end of the corridor. A small stone door came into their views.

A thin young man dressed in a gray sackcloth was waiting at the stone door with a blank face. Seeing their arrival, he immediately stretched out an arm to stop them.

You Lan took a few steps forward, took out 2 dull gray invitations and handed them to him. josei

The thin young man took the invitations and glanced at them, then he chanted softly. 2 gray runes flew up from the invitations and turned into 2 clusters of mist that shrouded Liu Ming and You Lan.

Liu Ming found that the gray mist did not affect his vision. He released Divine Thought and scanned You Lan beside him. He found that Divine Thought was easily blocked by the gray mist.

As a result, he was also slightly relieved. His previous worries were unnecessary.

The next moment, the skinny young man pushed open the stone door with one hand and gestured them to walk in one by one.

“Brother Yin Han, I will go first.” After You Lan said to Liu Ming, she entered the room with a flick.

Liu Ming smiled slightly. After entering the stone door, he saw 90 meters huge big hall in front.

The hall was a little dark. There were 30 gray stone chairs. Half of which were already seated. These Serene Clan people were also wrapped in gray mist, so their true faces couldn’t be seen.

At the very front, there was a long low stone table with a length of 9 meters. It was empty at the moment.

Liu Ming just found a corner chair to sit down and waited quietly.

As time went by, there were more and more people in the square hall, and the original chairs were full. The rest were just waiting patiently.

Liu Ming glanced at it, and there were already forty or fifty people in the entire hall.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the stone table in a flash. An old Serene Clan old man with a long beard appeared. A faint spiritual pressure spread out.

“Real Pellet State later stage!” Liu Ming thought to himself.

Speaking of which, this was the Serene Clan member with the highest cultivation that he had seen after entering the deepest underworld. At first glance, except for the fact that his gray bloodless skin, he was no different from an old man of the human race.

“I don’t think there is a need to introduce who am I, so I won’t waste the time. Today’s exchange meeting is as usual, which is goods exchange. According to the previous rules, once the trade is established, we will take a commission of 5% hell stones. Does anything have any problem with it?” The long-bearded old man stood up and said immediately.

This statement immediately attracted the eyes of everyone in the hall. No one had any objection.

Seeing this, the long-bearded old man nodded slightly. After clearing his throat, he continued,

“It’s almost time, let’s get started.” The old man only paused for a second between the sentences. This seemed to be a routine courtesy.

After speaking, the old man stepped back slightly to the left, leaving the middle position.

The next moment, the hall fell silent.

Liu Ming squinted slightly, but he didn’t do anything.

However, this situation did not last long. A figure wrapped in gray mist appeared on the stage with a flash.

He put a shriveled silver bag on the table and a dark purple spiritual herb with black air.

Liu Ming didn’t know the spiritual herb, so he set his eyes on the silver bag. This looked somewhat similar to the ghost control bag he had obtained before. However, it was a lot more refined. There were dense unknown spirit patterns on it.

“A ghost control bag that can hold Real Pellet State ghost creature; a yin grass with a maturity of 1,000 years. I only want hell stones. Ghost control bag is 2,000 hell stones; yin grass is 3,000 hell stones.”

“Upper grade ghost control bag?” Liu Ming was startled.

While he was still thinking about it, someone made a bid.

“I will get the ghost bag!”


“3,500 hell stones for yin grass!”

In a blink of an eye. The prices of the 2 items were rising steadily. In the end, the upper grade ghost control bag was sold for 3,800 hell stones and the yin grass was sold for a high price of 4,800 hell stones.

The man seemed to be satisfied with the price. After the trade, he took out a small bag of hell stones and threw it to the long-bearded old man beside, then he returned to his own seat.

“A dual head hell dog, Pseudo Pellet State. If it’s cultivated well, it can break through to the Real Pellet State. The base price is 5,000 hell stones.” Just after the person left, another Serene Clan member flashed out. He summoned a dual head ghost dog about the size of 3 meters.

In the following time, one after another items were taken out continuously, and they were sold at a high price.

However, those items seemed decent, but they were useless for Liu Ming.

Just when Liu Ming thought he might return empty-handed this time, a voice lifted his spirits.

“Thousand Condense Water Codex, it is a unique technique that can refine hell river into heavy water. The base price is 10,000 hell stones!”

A tall figure wrapped in gray mist took out a tattered book and said so.

However, the situation after this thing appeared was very different from the previous one. The whole hall was silent. No one seemed to be excited about it.

It was normal. According to the market price, 10,000 hell stones was not a small amount. It was enough to exchange for a superb hell weapon, but for a mere codex, it was a little pricey.

Liu Ming took a long breath and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He already had the common codex for condensing heavy water, but hell river was not the water of ordinary lakes and seas. It could only be refined with a unique codex of the Serene Clan.

This was also the main purpose of his participation in this exchange meeting.

After all, although he had never seen the heavy water extracted from the hell river, he had heard from some shop owners in the city a few days ago that whether it is used for cultivation or as a forging material, the value was very great. It was not comparable to the heavy water extracted from ordinary rivers.

This made him want to extract some heavy water from the hell river by himself.

It could be used to practice the Hell Bone Secret. After all, the hell river heavy water was a compressed hell river. If it was used for cultivation, the effect would only be better.

Second, if he used it on the 12 twelve Mountain River Pearls, maybe the magic weapon could be even more powerful. The only drawback was that refining hell river heavy water would probably take a lot of time.

However, Liu Ming did not rush to bid. He chose to observe for a while first.

Although he didn’t have so many hell stones on his body, if he took out the few Real Pellet State ghost creature materials, it was more than enough to exchange for this codex.

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