D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

1168 Chapter 1168 Volleyball Rules

1168 Chapter 1168 Volleyball Rules

As everyone made there way outside for the volleyball round, Kat felt the need to ask. "So what's with the outfit Lily? It doesn't look bad… but I know for a fact that you don't own a shirt that looks like that, at all. It isn't really your style either…" 

"Oh, yeah I checked out the closet that apparently has 'auto-sizing clothes' and it's all tropical themed stuff. It's not just flowers, but ocean stuff, trees, beach themed stuff, basically anything to make you think 'tropical holiday'. Sure there were a few flowers that didn't look familiar at all, but it wasn't exactly hard to figure out the theme. Oh, but they're way more then just 'auto-sizing'" explained Lily, as she turned around to show off her tail happily swinging from the back. 

Kat could see that instead of wearing her pants low, or just wrapping her tail around her waist there was actually a spot for it. Though Kat did notice it seemed to shift around slightly as Lily's tail moved. "I see, that is more than just auto-sizing, though… it might be necessary for beastkin," said Kat. 

Lily shrugged, "Maybe? In the end, I just thought wearing something like this was a cool idea so I went with it. Oh and of course I picked purple because there was no silver and with your demonic fire we sort of match!"

Kat gave Lily a quick hug, "That's great," said Kat with a smile. As they made it outside, Kat saw that pretty much everyone was wearing something casual. Most weren't quite as… casual as Gareth was without his shirt, but nobody was wearing any visible armour. Burnice did have a cloak on, but apparently she'd changed since this morning and now it was a light green instead of black. Oh, and March's clothes looked like they fit properly this time. 

*Wait… does that mean yesterday the outfit she was wearing… was one she owned? When was the last time she could fit comfortably into something that tight! Honestly, credit to whoever made it because those stitches held up well… but it wasn't exactly doing March any favours in the looks department.* 

[Eh, maybe the danger was part of it. The whole 'I could bust out of this shirt at any time' idea.]

*Is… is that a thing?*

[I dunno maybe? I wouldn't be surprised if it was.]

*I feel like it's just a nice dress she's had for a while.* 

[Maybe, but it's a bit of a boring answer isn't it?] Kat didn't deign to respond to that question. Instead, she spent more time looking at everyone's outfits. Green was wearing a big sunhat that looked way too big for her frame, a half-shirt, and short pants that barely covered her thighs. Nixilei was wearing a much smaller sunhat, alongside a thin looking set of shirt and pants. 

Kress decided solidarity was for chumps and wore a long flowery t-shirt that went to just above his knees with short sleeves and waves on it. What Kat could see of his shorts, it seemed they had sandcastles printed on them, though that was mostly a guess. Stan was of course wearing nothing but a sinfully short pair of pants that seemed glued on. Kat looked away from that particular sight quite quickly. 

Romilda and Marigold both had sarongs on, but they looked to be about the same size. Not relatively. Literally. Romilda's covered most of her legs and looked a bit like a dress. Marigold's covered her ass and basically nothing else looking positively indecent. Her bikini top wasn't helping matters either as she stood proudly in the sun. Romilda just wore a shirt. 

Vanya was wearing a similar ensemble to Marigold, but she had a small towel wrapped around her top like a cloak and her sarong reached down to her knees. Even then, she was still looking around somewhat nervously as if everyone was looking at her. Perhaps she was only wearing it because Marigold forced her into it? 

Midnight and Mauve wore matching shirts that contained a whole rainbow of colours swirling around the centre and seemed quite pleased with their choice of attire. Blue, on the other hand was wearing an open robe of her own set of swimwear, which were all Blue. Apparently Blue wanted to be on theme or something today. 

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Everyone else was wearing some variety of more standard shirt and pants, with the only notable thing being that Nell was wearing hers tied off to the side to show off her abs, and a few bits of scarring contained on said abs. 

With everyone ready for Thyme to come out in their own fancy dress… everyone was a bit surprised when instead, Thyme showed up in a full suit and tie, a briefcase and a desk that all slowly raised itself up from the ground. "Hello and welcome to the volleyball tournament" droned Thyme. "I'll have everyone submit their list of entrance into the submission basket on my left," Thyme tapped the box that said 'submissions in' "and then we can go over the detailed rules for the volleyball section,"

It didn't take long to fill out the sheet. It was just four lines.  I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Team name. 

Volleyball participant. 

Wood Chopping Participant. 

Mystery Game Participant. 

"Thank you all for handing in your participation sheets. Do know that all information filled out on the participation sheet is considered legally binding," Thyme continued to drone on, making it seem like they were completely uninterested in what was going on right now. "As you have already been informed, it's a doubles match, first to three points, one with every other person here. Some additional clarification though…

"Magic is allowed, both on the ball and on other players… but only on your half of the net. If I see any spells tacking effect on the other side of the net, the first time you'll lose a point, then the second time your team will be disqualified from the round, and the person responsible will be taken out of the tournament. I'll work out how I'm going to deal with the holes that leaves in teams if it happens.josei

"Now. How you score points. If the ball touches in bounds on your opponents side. You get a point. If your opponents touch the ball a second time, that is, once per person on the other side, then you gain a point. If your opponent hits the ball and it lands outside of the marked play area, you gain a point. If the net is hit… nothing special happens, so just refer to the other rules. Oh, I almost forgot. Destroying the ball will also lose you a point. 

"I don't know how you'd destroy it. I made it from durable materials enchanted to be even tougher, so you'd have to really go out of your way to destroy it, but if you are responsible for it breaking then you lose a point. Lose too many balls and I mad get angry at you. Any questions?" 

"How does serving work?" asked Marigold. 

"Someone starts with the ball, and throws it. Holding the ball before the start of the round doesn't count as a touch, so you can throw it up and hit it back down if you want. When serving you have to start behind the back line of the court," answered Thyme in that same boring drone. 

"Anything else?" asked Thyme. Nobody answered so Thyme nodded. "Right, with that done we can go over the contestants and see who gets the first bi. We've got, Marigold, Gareth, Blue, Burgandy and Carl. Also, by entirely random chance I swear, Blue gets the first bi. So the teams for the first round will be, Marigold and Gareth, vs Burgandy and Carl," 

*Huh. Seems like an interesting mix. Blue is the only dedicated caster here, and I'm not sure what the others do really. Gareth of course, is strong and had a bit of earth magic. Marigold is… a masochist and a bit weird bit I'm not entirely sure what her magic is just yet. Though based on the lack of scaring on her… maybe she's a healer like Nixilei? Carl and Burgandy… I really don't have any ideas. Carl was the guy with the Tonfas and Burgandy had a bow on her the other day…*

*Well, I think the first round will go to Gareth. Marigold seems quite strong and capable, and I know Gareth is. The real matches will come down to how useful Blue's magic is, and what Carl and Burgandy can pull out. There is anything obvious that shows off what kind of affinity they have… and I don't know how much magic they can really use without their enchanted stuff either.*

[I wouldn't be surprised if Thyme also put certain spells in everyone's outfits. Probably seems more fun that way.]

*You think?*

[Hmm… let me just…] Lily flexed her power through her outfit and found… a slight connection to shadow. Pulling on it, Lily could sort of feel that the shadows in her pockets were larger then intended. [Oh yup. These outfits definitely have some spells in them.]

*Well… things just got interested then didn't they?*

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