D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

1153 Chapter 1153

1153 Chapter 1153

Nixilei chapter.


*Well… I suppose it could be worse. Kress and Green were still pretty light on the details of the story… especially things like how Titania 'dealt with' marriage issues via use of extreme amounts of aphrodisiacs. I'd be more embarrassed about that fact if it didn't WORK for literally all of them. I don't want to know what that says about society. Then again… it could just be that Titania only picked couples whose problems COULD be solved that way. Such extreme amounts of good fortune from that 'rampage' do seem to lead to the conclusion that Titania at least somewhat knew what she was doing. 

Though I really don't want to think of Green's nickname for the Queen. She's not five anymore! Urgh, how she can get away with calling the Queen 'Titty' to her face is ridiculous. The fact I remembering hearing about that event just makes it worse. At least it hasn't spread. I've only heard Green call her that, so… small mercies I suppose. I guess… in the end things aren't too bad. Kress and Green didn't mention the time Titania burnt down a large section of elven forest for 'looking stupid', or that time she broke into the dwarven ale vault to mix it all together.* 

Nixilei's thoughts were interrupted when Thyme reappeared. Shortly after that, the two groups that had left the area, March's and Nell's, returned through the elevator, ready for the next round. Thyme looked at everyone and said, "Technically we have a few minutes before we start up the final round of the day, but everyone is here once again. If there are no complaints, we can start now." Nobody spoke against Thyme's suggestion. "Right then, everyone playing Twister step forward," 

Thyme finished speaking with a wave, and the mat in question expanded out of nowhere, showing off a colourful mat filled with four rows of dots of the colours, Green, Yellow, Blue and Red respectively. The mat looked a little small for five people… but Nixilei supposed that was part of the point. She stepped forward, just after the other contestants, and she looked them over with a considering gaze. 

*Blue. Acquaintance of Kat's. Likely chosen because Bonas took the chance at the table tennis round. With that robe of hers, it's unclear if she was chosen because she's the best option, or just because she's the least bad for the event. Likely won't try to cause trouble for me specifically due to familiarity with Kat, but not something to count on. No direct or noticeable sabotage. 

Stan. Likely chose this even simply in the hopes that Kress would also be chosen for it. Likely has experience with seduction techniques. Whispering in his ears, or tickling his neck least likely to work here. Additionally, he's likely gay, though possibly bisexual. The chance of it is just lower, based on other comments about Gareth. Kat revealed that his contract has majors loopholes… but he might want to show of his skills to Kress. Due to Kress' win before, he may wish for a win under his belt. A worrisome foe for this round. 

Cyan fellow fae, and likely weak to the standard anti-fae tactics that can be retooled for tickling instead. If I can get a hand near his back, where his wings should be he can likely be taken down easily. The spot is hard to find, but I have plenty of training on the matter. He likely does not. I don't recognise him from anywhere, but that doesn't mean too much. Not all that many fae are as prominently tied to someone like I am to Green. With Marigold on his team, it's even odds that he's a spy, or just a random friend. Take out quickly if possible. 

Marigold. I can already see her licking her lips. Her eyes are alight, and she seems the most genuinely happy to be participating in his event. I suspect she will be the toughest foe to defeat. I have some information on her but not too much. She's a frontline combatant that deals with strikes by regenerating wounds and enjoying pain. Based on the rumours I've heard, Vanya is likely used more for stress relief of a sexual nature then a real bodyguard. 

I likely can't use any sensual tactics to try to distract Marigold. She fights in a heighten state of arousal regularly due to her enjoyment of pain. She's certainly going to be flexible, for it is important for both her combat style, and her bedroom pastimes. Her flexibility is likely the product of stretching her body far past its limits and healing the damage, gaining flexibility every time she does so.  josei

The fact that she enjoys the pain means its likely she performs regular stretching to keep herself limber. Additionally, she is tall enough to reach across the diagonal of the mat if the conditions are correct. She is by far my greatest foe here… but I do not know if I can beat her. It is perhaps something we should have considered when choosing events. Yet, I do not know if anyone else would have better chances.  I think you should take a look at

Kat is the only person on our team with the required flexibility, and her tail might be a great advantage depending on how Thyme ruled its use. The issue is that Kat was best suited to dodgeball, and with Kress on table tennis we didn't have anyone else that could compete in it properly. Green lacks strength to prevent catches, Gareth lacks speed and flexibility to dodge and I lack both strength and speed, though less then Gareth or Green.*

Thyme clapped to grab everyone's attention before bowing down and letting another Thyme jump over the first. They were dressed as a clown. Their outfit was polka dots matching the colours of the twister board set against a white background, with a puffy afro that had a stripe of matching colours as well. Their gloves and boots however, each had a single colour to claim their own. The left glove was green, the right glove was yellow, the left boot was blue and the final colour, red covered Thyme's right boot. It was a very colourful display. 

The Thyme that had bowed out sunk into the floor as two wheels were summoned up. The one on the left of Thyme had a picture each limb, with a convenient label around the edge to remove an ambiguity. The wheel on the right was split into five, with four sections dedicated to each colour, while a smaller, fifth section that was only half the size of the others had a splash of all four colours on it. 

There was also… one final wheel that rose up after the other two. It was situated behind Thyme and stretched upwards so that it could be easily seen over Thyme's head. With the afro taking into consideration, it was situated at quite a height. It was split into five even pieces with a picture of each contestant on it. 

Thyme smiled and said, "Most of the rules are self-explanatory, but just to make it clear. This wheel to my right, your left," Thyme patted the wheel of limbs, "will dictate what limb you're moving this term. The other," Thyme patted the colourful wheel, "will dictate what colour you can place that limb on. If you get lucky enough to hit the rainbow section on the wheel? Then you can pick any spot you want for that limb BUT

"But you must move colours. You cannot lift a limb then put it right back down on the same colours, and especially not on the same square. You'll need to pick somewhere else. This final wheel, behind me?" Thyme jerked their head backwards, "It will only be around for the first turn. It will decide the order you all go in, and then that order will repeat.

"Now. There will be no magic, no attacks, and certainly no taking your limbs off a dot without it being your turn. If there are any questions speak now or be promptly ignored during the match!" Thyme waited for anyone to speak. "I'll admit I was lying about the part where I said I'd ignore you, but I DO want you to speak now with questions if you have them. Much more convenient that way," 

"What do we do with our limbs before they have a dot?" asked Blue. 

Thyme gave a shrug, "Basically whatever you want as long as it doesn't interfere with the other rules. Oh… well I suppose no putting limbs on dots before they have been assigned a dot. The mat will be stuck down so it's not going to move as you do, so no funny business with that. Hmm… I suppose I should also add in a rule that you cannot touch the mat with a limb that isn't assigned a dot, else the game could go on forever if someone got exceptionally lucky," said Thyme. 

Blue nodded in understanding. *Interesting… perhaps I can make use of this somehow? Taking up as many edge dots as possibly to try and make it awkward for those standing to the side? I will have to think on this for a few moments.*

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