D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1007 - 1007 Chapter 1007 In the Carraige, Chillin’

Chapter 1007 - 1007 Chapter 1007 In the Carraige, Chillin’

1007 Chapter 1007 In the Carraige, Chillin’

Kat had seen a few glimpses of Sue before they got into the carriage that was going down the mountain but they hadn’t spoken yet. Apparently the big arena they were using was further down the mountain for more easy access. It was actually a series of arenas so that they could run multiple fights at the same time. Sue slid into the carriage with grace that didn’t hold a single hint of the exhaustion from yesterday, dressed in her demonic attire this time.

Kat wasn’t sure what to say when Sue cracked a cheeky grin. Kat continued to stare at her friend until the carriage started moving. “What’s with the smile?” asked Kat hesitantly, not wanting to give the game away.

Alas, Kat would have to be disappointed because Sue replied with, “Oh I’m just so proud of you. Playing a prank on me like that. The faces Bodeir made when getting up were adorable, and I played along in case you’re wondering. He has no idea at all and was much to flustered to try and think it through properly,”

Kat couldn’t help but pout at that, “How did you figure it out?” asked Kat not quite wanting to admit to the prank if Sue was just bluffing. She probably wasn’t, but Kat didn’t want to give the game away quite so easily if Sue hadn’t worked it out.

“Kat, honey, I have been fucked on Sundays, Saturdays, Monday’s and Tuesday’s. I have been fucked in the morning, I have been fucked in the evening. I have been fucked while I was sleeping, and fucked while awake. If I did not know what it felt like to wake up after a night of sex at this point then my memory would have to be catastrophically bad. I’m sure you hoped I’d make assumptions about doing things before falling asleep but you made a few mistakes.

“Firstly, you tried to keep some of my modesty by leaving my panties on. If I’d actually had sex, the last thing I’d be worrying about was if I was flashing my vagina at the guy in bed with me. The dude would’ve just been buried inside me Kat. The idea of covering up after that is just ludicrous. I wear clothes because they can be more titillating then walking around naked… but I’m not going to care if someone sees me naked. Honestly, most days the clothes are more for other people then me. Plus look at what I’m wearing right now. This is my ‘casual attire'” said Sue as she gestured to herself wearing basically nothing, same as the day Kat met her.

*Ok fair. I do kinda want to ask about that ‘fucked when asleep’ thing. Seems a bit questionable if you ask me… but I’m scared of the answers. I’ll probably still ask…*

Sue continued speaking, likely guessing at Kat’s thoughts but not feeling the need to comment, “The second mistake you made was that I was too clean. I suppose you wouldn’t know it Kat, but sex is messy, and you wake up pretty gross if you pass out during the act. Unless I just assumed the servants cleaned us both up, the fact that I wasn’t covered in all sorts of fluids was a pretty good indicator I’d just fallen asleep… josei

“Finally, the biggest mistake was assuming I just wouldn’t notice. Well, as I said before Kat, I’ve been thoroughly fucked, and not-so-thoroughly fucked a number of times. I know what it feels like the hours after that pretty damn well. I was always going to notice… but good on you for the attempt. I had to try rather hard to prevent myself from laughing at Bodeir’s reactions, and the fact you felt comfortable enough with our friendship to know I’d find it funny as well? It gives me the warm fuzzies, and does more to reassure me of our friendship then that whole conversation we had in the carriage last night,”


Kat winced at that reminder. “Sorry… um… I still don’t think you’re a bad friend? If that helps?”

Sue shrugged, “Nothing you can do about it. I was rather sleepy apparently and not in my best frame of mind. Just because it was true then though, doesn’t mean I still think it’s true now. I mean… sleepy me did have a point, but I can recognise she was being quite stupid. I don’t really know where all these issues of mine are suddenly coming from but if I had to guess I took sexual repression to another level,”

“I don’t follow,” responded Kat.

Sue nodded, “Right well… usually sexual repression is when you’re repressing certain sexual desires. It’s not great and tends to leave a person miserable if kept up for an extended period of time. I, instead, decided to use sex to repress all the other problems in my life. Which… I don’t think I realised I was doing it before. I thought I was happy… and maybe for a time I was. Not to say I’m suddenly super depressed or anything just… hmm… how do I explain this…”

Sue ran her finger along the underside of her chin, then let it rise up to her lips where she pulled at them for a while before continuing. “Ok, so Stone did me a huge favour hooking me up with you two. I had to trust you to keep me alive during that whole thing, and it was pretty intense. What it forced though, was a small friendship forged in battle that might not have lasted long at all.

“From there though… you and Kamiko were sweet and innocent and just nice to be around, so I stuck to you both as a chance just to tease you… and then real friendship. I think… I’ve been saying my old ‘friends’ were just acquaintances but I’m wondering more and more if they even qualify for that role. They enabled me, and probably didn’t help with my ‘just have more sex’ attitude to dealing with my more complex emotions.

“I still love it of course, and I’m not trying to change completely… but I’ve been thinking about things more now and I think a lot of it is hitting me. Perhaps it’ll come in waves, but I at least see where sleepy me was coming from. I think I’m benefiting a lot more from this relationship then you, Kamiko, and I guess Lily are. Which… is silly. As a demon that’s awake and not sleep deprived, I know that friendship isn’t a transaction. I shouldn’t be judging it that way. I’m still not the best friend to any of you three… but that’s fine. We haven’t known each other that long, and we can build on it,”

*That’s good. I had no idea what I was doing.* “That’s good Sue. I… honestly I don’t really know how to deal with that sort of thing but it wasn’t great to see you having a breakdown and not know how to help. Now, unless you want to go over it more… I do feel like I have to ask… having sex while asleep?”

Sue smiled, “Ah, that was a good night. You see, I wanted to know if having sex while I was asleep would affect my dreams at all. Of course, that being said, I couldn’t trust that I’d be able to sleep through the act if I wasn’t exhausted… so there was an orgy first, with the testing later…”

Kat held up a hand, “You know what. I don’t think I want to know. As long as you were on-board with the whole thing from the beginning and nobody forced you to do anything, I think I’m fine with not knowing about the intimate details,”

Sue smiled and nodded, “That’s fine. It’s part of what I like about spending time with you. You CARE. My old ‘friends’ just asked about my results, but your first and only real thought about the matter was making sure it was something I agreed to. Which I did. Also, no it doesn’t really seem to effect my dreams… but that might just be because I dream of sex pretty often anyway,”

Kat rolled her eyes. “Of course you do. Why would I expect anything else? Actually, if you dream of sex so often, why did you think it’d change your dreams?”

Sue shrugged and said, “I mean truth be told I mostly wanted an excuse to see if I enjoyed having sex while I was asleep and found it was basically meaningless from my perspective. I mean, I didn’t enjoy it, but I didn’t not enjoy it? If that makes sense. I slept through the whole thing and felt a bit unfulfilled so I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to try it again, but eh, if someone asked I’d be ok with it,”

Kat shook her head and grumbled, “I don’t think I’ll ever understand how your mind works Sue. It is clearly beyond me,”

“Ah, we have something in common then! I have no idea either!” said Sue with a smile

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