D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1028 - 1028 Chapter 1028 Pure White Princess

Chapter 1028 - 1028 Chapter 1028 Pure White Princess

1028 Chapter 1028 Pure White Princess josei

The new room was pretty much the same as the old one… with a few additional drinks that Sue had yet to consume, if you wanted to be pedantic about it. That might seems strange, considering the main stage was so much larger, thus providing a lot more space… but it also had a lot more VIP boxes, so it all evened out in the end.

“So, you’ve got to tell us the embarrassing deets from when you and Bing were kids,” said Sue as she grabbed some alcohol from the fridge. Not that alcohol did much to demons, but Sue tended to find that people went that extra mile when it came to something alcoholic.

“I dunno…” said Lian from Kat’s arms. “… I’m not sure I should be giving you more ammunition to use against Bing. You’ve already got that ‘lesbian awakening’ joke and that’s going to drive her up the wall for quite a while,”

“Ok… but before I get to my counterpoint, do you think she’s a lesbian? Or that I’m just distracting,” said Sue as she intentionally moved her legs to flash Lian her panties. Not that it did much good, Lian wasn’t looking, and was too tired for the effort. Lily was snuggled against Kat… and so the only person that actually saw this ‘show’ was Kat, the asexual one, who just rolled her eyes.

“I don’t really know,” said Lian with a sigh, “She’s not given me any reason to think she’s a lesbian before now… but it’s not like she’s had a sex demon thrust their tits into her face before either. I wouldn’t be surprised if she just didn’t have the time to find people attractive. She’s pretty friendly, and gets along with people… but she’s also somewhat socially isolated because of her position in the sect. While she has friends… she keeps a distance from all of them except me and her brother… and even then… to call them friends is perhaps…

“Well, Bing treats them like friends, and is willing to go out of her way for them like casual friends… but they treat her like she’s their sect heir, not like her friend a lot of the time. So… yeah, unless she has a thing for goth girls like me, it probably wouldn’t come up, and even then… we grew up together so maybe not…”

Lily wanted to transform to make a point… but she was very comfortable right now and decided to just get Kat to say it for her, “Lily says that her first crush was on her childhood friend. It ended horribly for her, but that does mean it’s quite possible for romance to bloom if you grow up together,”

“Yeah well, clearly Bing is a breast girl, and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but well…” Lian waved her hand across her front, miming a flat surface. Which was a little self-deprecating but well… even if you added up the total boob mass of the room, except Sue, Sue would come out on top by a not insignificant margin. Considering it was three against one, that could be a potent blow to many a girl’s ego. “…I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a bigger set of tits up close. Or… just at all really,”

“Yes I am quite proud of my assets…” said Sue as she placed an arm under her boobs to support the weight a bit and push them out further. “… so I wouldn’t be too surprise if they forced… a new perspective on Bing. Shame you’ve got no further insight for us though. No shy moments in the changing room? Awkward hugs when your boobs were growing in? Long moments of staring vacantly at women while training?”


Lian shook her head, “Nope, nope and nope. Bing has never had any issues with that. Well… she was a little self-conscious this one time when we were changing and she had to reveal this massive gravel rash all up her side… but I’m pretty sure that was because she was trying to hide her injury, not because of any… gayness?”

“Fine fine, I guess Bing wasn’t giving away anything obvious… Lily got any secret tips for spotting a lesbian?” asked Sue.

“Not really,” said ‘Lily’ “It can be a bit of a pain. Especially when other girls talk about practicing kissing with each other. They could just want the practice, and a doing that with someone they trust… or they could be using ‘practice’ as an excuse to get some action with hot girls,”

“Oh? Is there something you’d like to share with the class Lily?” asked Sue as she wiggled her eyebrows at Lily.

Lily rolled her eyes, and knew that unless she personally answered the question this was going to turn into a thing. So with a mental sigh, Lily hopped off Kat and transformed, looked Sue dead in the eyes and said, “The first person I’ve ever kissed, if you don’t count my parents, is Kat. I was too scared to steal a kiss from my first crush, then I was terribly afraid to reveal my sexual orientation at my second school. I certainly wasn’t going to risk a ‘practice’ kiss with a group of girls. I’d be so much more flushed, and for those who could recognise it, turned on. People like YOU Sue, would know immediately, so it was just too risky,”

“Yeah… that’s fair…” grumbled Sue, “What about you Kat?”

Kat just raised an eyebrow and beckoned Lily over with her eyes. She planted a soft kiss on Lily’s cheek and said, “Nope. Never really though about it. I’m not sure I even kissed Gramps when I was a kid… it’s just not something we ever really did at the orphanage. Hugs? Of course, kisses? Not so much.”

“What about you Lian? Practiced kissing at all?” asked Sue.

Lian shook her head heavily, “Everyone is too scared I use it to curse, them, or wear poisonous lipstick or something dumb like that,”

“Is… is that something people do?” asked Sue.

“Yes” said Lian firmly.

“Well… fuck. You guys are boring. I practiced kissing a whole bunch before I started going out with boys… didn’t have go for ‘practice’ lesbian sex though. That was a step too far for a younger Sue. So… in light of how boring you guys are NOW… what about those embarrassing stories Lian?” asked Sue.

“I don’t want to throw Bing completely under the cart…” started Lian.

“She told us about the hair trade story,” added Sue ‘helpfully,’

“… but apparently Bing already decided our childhoods are FREE GAME,” finished Lian.

“Right so… I guess the most embarrassing thing I can think of… is that time Bing wanted to ‘look cool’. She got this cloak, and started using her qi to make it ‘billow awesomely’ as she said at the time. It worked pretty well, at first. Not too hard… but when Bing started to show off her control started slipping… but not the power she was using. So… Bing started running around her house, showing off to all the maids and guards… eventually though it started to lift up her robes as well…

“So she was sprinting around the house, underwear on full display… and then she headed for the training grounds to show off to the acolytes. The servants hadn’t stopped her at the time because they all thought it was funny, and somewhat adorable. I hadn’t stopped her because Bing is MUCH faster than me and had taken off before I could mention it. I finally catch up to her in the courtyard.

“The instructor is looking around, desperately wishing for someone with authority to pass the job off to. The acolytes are all trying to hold in their laughter, and I burst into the yard and scream, not really thinking anymore, ‘BING YOUR PANTIES ARE SHOWING’. Bing looked down, saw her outfit, and panicked. She started desperately trying to push the billowing robes down instead of just shutting off her qi and letting them fall.

“So there she was, turning on the spot, showing everyone her underwear, as she desperately tried to prevent her dress from riding up. Eventually the instructor managed to interrupt the technique and remove the wind… but Bing was mortified. Now, Bing didn’t have anything embarrassing on her underwear, they were just plain white pairs… but most people don’t buy white underwear because it’s too hard to keep clean so it was memorable for it’s uniqueness just on that alone…”

“Things didn’t die down for over a year afterwards. Whenever Bing came up in more casual conversation, they addressed her as the ‘Pure White Princess’, and because nobody was game enough to explain to her parents what happened… they didn’t know to squash the nickname. It came out at a public dinner… and her parents looked so confused, and were like ‘But Bing isn’t an ice cultivator, why are you calling her the pure white princess?’ The poor guy who used the nickname clammed up faster than an avalanche will ruin your day. Ruined his day too,”

Sue snickered, “Yeah, I’m going to congratulate the ‘Pure White Princess’ on her win when she gets back.

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