D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1034 - 1034 Chapter 1034 Feng and Bing Show off

Chapter 1034 - 1034 Chapter 1034 Feng and Bing Show off

1034 Chapter 1034 Feng and Bing Show off

Bing’s perspective



*Bah, it’s not like I actually care about the so called ‘rivalry’ between the two of us. Feng says he doesn’t care either… but that’s only so long as he’s actually ahead in whatever inane thing they’re comparing us with. I don’t think he ever got over the time he found out he has the slower cultivation speed. Still, if he wants the win, he can take it. If he wants to take over the sect by himself when our parents either ascend, die or just go into closed-door cultivation? He can have it.*

Bing smiled at her friends, new and old, as she walked over to the edge of the box. She started to shuffle her feet and build up air qi on the soles of her shows. Just because she was going to mess with Feng a bit, didn’t mean she was going to completely trash the opening performance. That was a one way ticket to getting a beating disguised as ‘extra training’.

*Really, it amazes me that our parents think we haven’t noticed the difference between ‘training’ and training. Especially not when they still punish us normally as well. We’ve had plenty of time to work out the difference. Ugh whatever. I guess it’s time to put on a show. The question is… how much of one?*

Bing noticed Feng starting to run out towards the arena and launched herself into the air, letting the arrays in her clothing work their magic, causing her winds to glow a mixture of gold and green as she flew through the air down to the arena, spinning slowly along the way to leave a noticeable spiral trail behind her. She smirked down at Feng when he grimaced at her surprise entrance.

Not willing to let his sister get the upper hand, even in this sort of display, he stomped on the ground and launched himself up to meet her using a pillar of ice that sprung forth from the floor. She caught him by locking elbows allowing them to spin around in circles as the drifted downwards. Bing kept up her winds, while Feng released a dusting of snowflakes.

Now that Feng was more visible, she could see that he was wearing a matching outfit with the colours reversed. It looked good on him, even if she thought the boots looked a lot sillier with the blue and green flipped. The snowflake designs on them were nice at least. “This is not what we practiced sister,” hissed Feng, knowing that the announcer should’ve turned off sound across the arena for this performance.


“Bah, you managed to adapt, didn’t you?” returned Bing with a grin as they hit the ground. In sync, they threw a weak attack at each other. A gust of snowflakes from Feng, and green wind from Bing. Bing grit her teeth; this was actually one of the harder parts of the performance. She had to make sure her wind didn’t just throw the snow back into Feng’s face… no matter how tempting it might be. josei

“Are you going to mess with me further? I’d like this performance to go off without a hitch,” hissed Feng, letting his raised arms mask the movements of his mouth.

*Good question. Should I keep him on his toes? It would be amusing… but any more would probably get me in trouble even if it works out. Better not. Plus, Feng wasn’t the only one who had to spend hours on this stupid display, so I might as well pull it off with style.* “Nope, it’ll be as we planned from here,” said Bing honestly.

Feng glared at her as they started to circle each other again with Feng building up ice under his shoes, and Bing sliding across the ground and up the newly forming ramps of ice. “What were you even doing in the V.I.P boxes?” asked Feng with a sneer.

“I was hanging out with my friends, something you wouldn’t know anything about,” snipped Bing.

“You have friends other than Lian? And they were in the Mountain Shaker Sect box? Have you turned traitor little sis?” asked Feng, with a touch of seriousness in his voice.

“I DO in fact have friends other than Lian, and at least she’s willing to speak her mind when she’s around me. All the little toadies that follow you around can barely manage an intelligent thought between them all. I can’t decide if it’s because they only have a few braincells they need to share carefully, or if their too busy… SUCKING YOUR DICK!” retorted Bing.

“That’s some hostility there little sis,” said Feng, trying not to let his anger show, “Even if it was a valid attack, which it isn’t, I’d really rather you didn’t air those sorts of thoughts where our parents could lip-read the recording afterwards. Even though it’s made up, they might still give me shit for it. You as well for spreading rumours,”

“Bah, I’ve been hanging out with a Succubus,” not going to mention it’s more than one, “so apparently I have sex on the mind. I stand by it though, those little followers couldn’t even make it into the tournament, and I don’t know why you put up with them,” answered Bing.

“Not all of us can be prodigies with a rare and unique energy type,” grumbled Feng, “And what’s this about a Succubus? Lian… our parents are NOT going to happy if they find out about that. Surely you know better then to cavort with demons?”

“Is it really ‘cavorting’ if they’re just friends,” Bing said as she tried really hard not to think about Sue’s tits. The mental discipline from cultivating was really good in this instance… and the fact that the ice had already caused her cheeks to redden a bit meant that if there was a little more? It was easily ignored.

“Yessss…” hissed Feng, “You can’t trust them for anything other than what is specified in the Contract, and even then, they can get around it if they really want. And of all the demons, it had to be a Succubus? Do you even know what you’re doing?”

*Well I know quite a bit more about them both, and potential weak-points of Bodeir the Mountain Shaker Sect heir. Probably more info then all of our spies have managed. Not that I plan to share that information… but I do HAVE it. Plus, it’s not like I’m going to have sex with them… probably… I mean, Kat has a girlfriend, is asexual, and Sue is straight. So it’s not happening.* Bing ignored that tiny voice in her mind reminding her Sue was more than down to experiment regardless of how much she might prefer dick.

The twins reached the top of the ramp and flew off to the side. Feng launched a large ball of ice, supplied by his gauntlets, and Bing hit it with a large chunk of wind qi, sending it up into the sky. For this demonstration they were abusing the fact that while the shield extended upwards quite a ways, it didn’t have a roof. Bing’s wind carried the ice chunk upwards into the sky, where it destabilised, exploding into countless snowflakes that rained down over the audience.

Feng landed hard, letting ice explode from his boots to cover his half of the arena. Bing landed slowly a few moments later, a cloud of green wind covering her boots and whipping her hair about. She even let the ice explosion encroach on her side a fair bit. Bing found herself low on energy, and using her control over the wind to keep her cool. She was moments away from breaking out into a sweat.

*I get this was meant to be impressive, and it was for Rank 2’s sure, but I’m nearly out of qi at this point. Powering all the arrays in this armour is a massive pain. If the announcer wasn’t so skilled a qi transference, we’d never be able to get away with doing this. Only the fact that we allow other contestants this chance allows us to cheat so blatantly on the displays.*

Bing was abusing her wind affinity to suck in more air with her shallow seeming breaths, filling her lungs with sweet oxygen as she held back the fatigue. *Just gotta avoid passing out until the announcer tops us both up. Then I have to decide how much of a fight I want to put up against Feng. Anywhere between ‘real match’ to ‘performance art’ is possible. I’d just need to make sure it was obvious to Feng what I’m going for. Urgh… how hard do I want to make it for Bodeir and Feng?*

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